

Last year, about this time, a bunch of us sat down in a studio to give a full day of tutorials and discussion on "Building Web Apps with ASP.NET." All those videos are online and have lots of good content like:

去年大约这个时候,我们中的许多人坐在一个工作室里,就“用ASP.NET构建Web应用程序”进行了一整天的教程和讨论。 所有这些视频都是在线播放的,并且有很多很好的内容,例如:

We headed over to the Microsoft Virtual Academy Studios again just this last week for another full day of discussion, training, as well as a glimpse into the possible future of .NET. Between these two days of videos you'll get a real sense of what's possible and real advice on how to build your next web application.

上周,我们再次前往Microsoft Virtual Academy Studios,进行了整整一天的讨论,培训以及对.NET未来的了解。 在这两天的视频之间,您将真正了解可能的情况以及有关如何构建下一个Web应用程序的真正建议。

Today we've got 7 all-new segments for you, each recorded live at the MS Studios.

今天,我们为您提供了7个全新的细分市场,每个细分市场均在MS Studios现场录制。

These videos are featuring folks like Scott Hunter, Levi Broderick, Rowan Miller, Pranav Rastogi, Mads Kristensen, and Louis DeJardin. No marketing folks, just actual developers that work on ASP.NET every day.

这些视频的特色是Scott Hunter,Levi Broderick,Rowan Miller,Pranav Rastogi,Mads Kristensen和Louis DeJardin等人。 没有行销人员,只有每天在ASP.NET上工作的实际开发人员。

What's New in Visual Studio 2013 for Web Developers - Learn about the latest features in Visual Studio 2013, including dozens of tips and tricks. Visual Studio 2013中针对Web开发人员的新增功能-了解Visual Studio 2013中的最新功能,包括许多技巧和窍门。
Upgrading Applications - Get a deep dive on how to upgrade your older applications to ASP.NET 4.5 and later. 升级应用程序-深入研究如何将较旧的应用程序升级到ASP.NET 4.5及更高版本。
ASP.NET Identity - Explore the new ASP.NET Identity system. Learn how to migrate your existing membership data to the new Identity system and how to integrate with other membership systems. ASP.NET Identity-探索新的ASP.NET Identity系统。 了解如何将现有的成员资格数据迁移到新的Identity系统以及如何与其他成员资格系统集成。
Web Essentials and the Client Side - Discover how to build modern client-side applications, more simply and quickly, with a host of new features, tips, and tricks in Web Essentials for Visual Studio. Web Essentials和客户端-通过Web Essentials for Visual Studio中的许多新功能,技巧和窍门,探索如何更简单,快速地构建现代客户端应用程序。
Entity Framework - Have you been using Entity Framework for data access in your web app? In this advanced demo-heavy session, learn the latest features of Entity Framework 6 and get sneak previews of what's coming in version 6.1. 实体框架-您是否一直在使用实体框架在Web应用程序中进行数据访问? 在这个繁重的高级演示会话中,学习Entity Framework 6的最新功能,并预览6.1版中的功能。
6: The "Katana" Project - Hear the latest on "Project Katana," the Microsoft implementation of Open Web Interface for .NET. It's a glimpse of the future for cloud-optimizing your ASP.NET applications.
6: “ Katana”项目-收听有关 “ .Katana”的最新信息,“ Katana项目”是Microsoft .NET开放Web界面的实现。 这是对ASP.NET应用程序进行云优化的未来的一瞥。
ASP.NET "Project Helios" - Discover "Project Helios," a prototype representing the re-thinking of the core of ASP.NET. Take a look at the future of web development, with a modular, lightweight OWIN host that runs on Internet Information Services (IIS). ASP.NET“ Project Helios” -发现“ Project Helios”,该原型代表对ASP.NET核心的重新思考。 借助可在Internet Information Services(IIS)上运行的模块化轻型OWIN主机,了解Web开发的未来。

Also be sure to explore the new series "Get Started with Windows Azure today" featuring content from ScottGu himself for a full 90 minutes!

另外,一定要探索新系列“今天开始使用Windows Azure ”,其中包含来自ScottGu本人的内容长达90分钟!


I hope you have as much fun watching them as we did filming them.


Sponsor: Big Thanks to Aspose for sponsoring the blog this week! Aspose.Total for .NET has all the APIs you need to create, manipulate and convert Microsoft Office documents and a host of other file formats in your applications. Curious? Start a free trial today.

赞助商:非常感谢Aspose本周赞助了该博客! .NET的Aspose.Total具有您在应用程序中创建,处理和转换Microsoft Office文档所需的所有API以及许多其他文件格式。 好奇? 立即开始免费试用

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/building-modern-web-apps-with-aspnet-a-new-day-of-free-aspnet-training-for-2014