

Alternative text (alt text) allows screen readers to capture the description and read it aloud, providing aid for those with visual impairments. Here’s how to add alt text to an object in PowerPoint.

替代文本(替代文本)使屏幕阅读器可以捕获描述并大声阅读,从而为视力障碍者提供帮助。 这是在PowerPoint中向对象添加替代文本的方法。

在PowerPoint中的对象中添加替代文本 (Adding Alt Text to Objects in PowerPoint)

As sophisticated as screen readers are, they still aren’t sophisticated enough to comprehend what an object is or what an image represents without the help of alt text.


To add alt text in PowerPoint, open your presentation and select the object to which you want to add alt text.



In the “Format” tab, select “Alt Text” in the “Accessibility” group.



Alternatively, you can right-click the object itself and select “Edit Alt Text” from the drop-down menu.



Regardless of which method you choose, you will see the “Alt Text” pane appear on the right-hand side of the window. There are a few things you can do here. You can manually type the alt text into the content box (1), have PowerPoint generate a description for you (2), or mark the object as decorative (3).

无论选择哪种方法,您都将看到“ Alt Text”窗格出现在窗口的右侧。 您可以在这里做几件事。 您可以在内容框中手动键入替代文本(1),让PowerPoint为您生成描述(2)或将对象标记为装饰性(3)。


If you mark something as decorative, then that’s what it should be—an object that is aesthetically pleasing but adds no value to the actual content. Office uses a stylistic border as something you might want to mark as decorative, which is a good example.

如果您将某件商品标记为装饰性的,那它应该是这样—一个美观的物体,但对实际内容没有任何价值。 Office使用样式边框作为您可能要标记为装饰性的东西,这是一个很好的例子。

To mark something as decorative, check the box next to “Mark as decorative.” Once you do, you’ll notice the box in which you would manually type the alt text is grayed out and displays a message letting you know that screen readers will not pick up the description.

要将某物标记为装饰性,请选中“标记为装饰性”旁边的框。 完成后,您会注意到您将在其中手动键入替代文本的框显示为灰色,并显示一条消息,告知您屏幕阅读器不会提取描述。


You also have the options of letting PowerPoint generate a description of the selected object for you. Select the “Generate a description for me” option to do so.

您还可以选择让PowerPoint为您生成所选对象的描述。 选择“为我生成描述”选项。


As you can see, PowerPoint offered “A close up of a logo” as the alt text for our object, and lets the user know the description was automatically generated. While Office’s description isn’t wrong, it also isn’t very helpful.

如您所见,PowerPoint提供了“徽标的特写”作为对象的替代文本,并使用户知道描述是自动生成的。 尽管Office的描述没有错,但它也不是很有帮助。

If you’d rather input the alt text yourself, select the text box and type the description. The general rule for alt text is to keep it brief and descriptive. You also don’t need to add the words “image of” or “photo of” before your description, since screen readers announce an object as an image already.

如果您想自己输入替代文本,请选择文本框并输入描述。 替代文字的一般规则是保持简短和描述性。 您也不需要在描述前添加“图像的图像”或“图像的图像”,因为屏幕阅读器已经将对象宣布为图像。


That’s all there is to adding alt text to your images. If you’d like to prevent PowerPoint from automatically generating alt text for your newly added images, you can disable that feature. To do so, select the “File” tab, then select “Options” from the bottom of the left-hand pane.

这就是在图像中添加替代文本的全部。 如果要阻止PowerPoint为新添加的图像自动生成替代文本,则可以禁用该功能。 为此,选择“文件”选项卡,然后从左侧窗格的底部选择“选项”。


The “PowerPoint Options” window will appear. In the left-hand pane, select “Ease of Access.”

将出现“ PowerPoint选项”窗口。 在左侧窗格中,选择“轻松访问”。


Next, find the “Automatic Alt Text” section and uncheck the box next to “Automatically generate alt text for me,” which is enabled by default. Once unchecked, select “OK.”

接下来,找到“自动替换文字”部分,然后取消选中“自动为我自动生成替换文字”旁边的框,该框默认情况下处于启用状态。 取消选中后,选择“确定”。


PowerPoint will now no longer automatically generate alt text for newly inserted images.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/414962/how-to-add-alternative-text-to-an-object-in-powerpoint/