WebGoat——Bypass a Path Based Access Control Scheme

The ‘guest’ user has access to all the files in the lesson_plans directory. Try to break the access control mechanism and access a resource that is not in the listed directory. After selecting a file to view, WebGoat will report if access to the file was granted. An interesting file to try and obtain might be a file like tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml

This lesson can be solved by intercepting the filename in Burpsuite and replacing it with …/tomcat-users.xml which is a file located in a folder below the current directory.

1.选择任意文件,并点击View File按钮进行查看,同时打开Burpsuite进行数据包的监听。我这里选择的是HttPSplitting.html文件
WebGoat——Bypass a Path Based Access Control Scheme
WebGoat——Bypass a Path Based Access Control Scheme
WebGoat——Bypass a Path Based Access Control Scheme