2018年4月13日_Windows 10的2018年4月更新几乎没有压缩到4月的星期一

2018年4月13日_Windows 10的2018年4月更新几乎没有压缩到4月的星期一


2018年4月13日_Windows 10的2018年4月更新几乎没有压缩到4月的星期一

The April 2018 update of Windows 10 will just barely come out in April, Microsoft announced today. You’ll be able to download it Monday.

微软今天宣布,Windows 10的2018年4月更新几乎不会在4月发布。 您可以在星期一下载它。

We’ve got a complete list of everything new in the April 2018 update, and you should check that out if you’re curious. Highlights include the new Timeline feature, which shows activities on all of your Windows devices; nearby sharing, which is a sort of Airdrop for Windows; and quick pairing for Bluetooth devices.

我们在2018年4月的更新中提供了所有新增功能完整列表,如果您好奇的话应该检查一下。 重点包括新的时间轴功能,该功能可显示所有Windows设备上的活动; 附近共享,这是Windows的一种Airdrop; 和蓝牙设备的快速配对。

This particular update was supposed to come out earlier this month but was delayed because of a bug. The release date was announced in a blog post today by Microsoft VP Yusuf Mehdi, which includes videos outlining the new features. Here’s Timeline, for example:

该特定更新原定于本月初发布,但由于存在错误而被推迟。 Microsoft副总裁Yusuf Mehdi 今天的博客中宣布发布日期,其中包括概述新功能的视频。 例如,以下是时间轴:

And here’s a look at Focus Assist:

以下是Focus Assist:

Check out the full Microsoft post if you’d like to see more videos like that.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/windows-10s-april-2018-update-barely-squeezes-into-april-on-monday/
