Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle学习笔记

Stephanie Bayer和Jens Groth 2012年论文《Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle》。
该论文中主要针对e-voting mix-net构建中用到的shuffle homomorphic encryption场景,提出了an honest verifier zero-knowledge argument for the correctness of a shuffle of homomorphic encryptions 算法,该算法在prove和verify the correctness of a shuffle of 100,000 ElGamal ciphertexts用时均在2分钟左右。

  • 本论文的argument具有sublinear communication complexity,当shuffle N(=m×n)N(=m\times n) ciphertexts时,需要传送O(m+n)O(m+n) group elements 且若m=nm=n则最小的communication complexity 为 O(N)O(\sqrt{N})
  • prover的computational complexity为O(Nlogm)O(N\log{m}) exponentiations for constant round arguments或者 若允许logarithmic number of rounds的话, prover的computational complexity可为O(N)O(N) exponentiations。
  • verifier的计算比较轻量。
  • 构建full shuffle argument的基础为:Neff’s approach [Nef01] is based on the invariance of polynomials under permutation of the roots,即Nef01的shuffle算法基于的是:多项式的根permutation的话,其最终形成的多项式是不变的——f(x)=(xr1)(xr2)...(xrn)f(x)=(x-r_1)(x-r_2)...(x-r_n)
  • 引入了multi-exponentiation argument,用于hide committed values。
  • 基于hidden committed values的shuffle argument。与[Gro09]类似,做了些微改进。
  • 主要是利用了EIGamal encryption的乘法同态性和Pedersen commitment的加法同态性。所以需要构建相应的common reference string σ=(pk,ck)\sigma =(pk,ck)pkpk为EIGamal encryption的public keys,ckck为Pedersen commitment的commitment key,两者可以基于不同的group实现,但是要求具有相同的prime order qq

其中EIGamal的知识详见:博客 EIGamal encryption VS Pairing encryption

  1. EIGamal具有乘法同态性:
    Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle学习笔记
  2. Pedersen commitment具有加法同态性:
    Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle学习笔记
    Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle学习笔记
    Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle学习笔记

[1] 2012年论文《Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle
[2] PPT 《Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle
[3] 博客 向量的Hadamard product VS Inner product
[4] 博客 EIGamal encryption VS Pairing encryption