
cvsnt installation settings


CVSNT setup

Download and install CVSNT # downcvsnt.


1. Start "CVSNT Control Panel", enter "Repository configuration" option, click the "Add"


2. In the pop-up window, Location Select the path to the warehouse to be built, such as E: / cvsrepository, Name Lane will automatically enter the name of a Repository, it is generally not good enough to change a "/" at the beginning of the be. Others may not write on the lines points ok


Above, on the establishment of a warehouse, and now go to add users:

3. Open the DOS window (at this time must be an administrator to log into the system), enter the set cvsroot =: pserver: administrator @ localhost: / cvsrepository


4. Enter cvs login enter the administrator password and then make

5. Use the command net user cvsuser pass123 / add the establishment of an operating system for cvs users (how to use the net user command

6. Use the command cvs-d E: \ cvsrepository passwd-r cvsuser-a admin to establish a name for the cvsadmin users, pointing to cvsuser operating system users, and specify the Repository

This created a admin user, and the following test to see if they can log on

7. Following the above steps, use the cvs logout logout

8. Set cvsroot =: pserver: admin: admin @ localhost: / cvsrepository

9.cvs login and enter the admin password (twice that above the set).

Normal, then should be able to enter, use the cvs ls can look at the success of
