

Your old iPad might be still going strong, but if all your apps need newer versions of iOS to run, it feels like you can’t do anything with it. Don’t worry, we’re here with a clever trick that will help you load up your old device with older versions of of your favorite apps.

您的旧iPad可能仍会很强大,但是如果您所有的应用都需要运行较新版本的iOS,则感觉您无能为力。 不用担心,我们在这里提供了一个巧妙的技巧,可以帮助您使用旧版本的您喜欢的应用程序加载旧设备。

iOS的旧版本和新应用程序有什么关系? (What’s the Deal With Old Versions of iOS and New Apps?)

As of the publication of this article, we’re currently on iOS 9 and, in a short few months, iOS 10 will roll out to the public. Although Apple does a pretty admirable job dragging old hardware along for each iOS update, every train has a final stop. The iPhone 4 is stuck at iOS 7.1.2, for example, and  the first-gen iPad is stuck all the way back at iOS 5.1.1. With every new wave of iOS hardware, a little bit of the legacy hardware is left behind.

截至本文发布时,我们目前正在使用iOS 9,并且在短短的几个月内,iOS 10将向公众推出。 尽管Apple在每次iOS更新中都将旧硬件拖到一起做得非常出色,但每列火车都有最后的一站。 例如,iPhone 4卡在iOS 7.1.2上,第一代iPad卡在iOS 5.1.1上。 随着每一波新的iOS硬件浪潮,一小部分旧硬件都被抛在后面。

While getting stuck on older software is par for the course, it can be frustrating. Many people abandon these old-but-still-functioning devices not because they’re upset about missing out on the new iOS features, but because it’s such a pain to download apps to them.

虽然固守旧软件固然可以解决问题,但令人沮丧。 许多人放弃了这些旧的但仍能正常运行的设备,并不是因为他们对错过iOS的新功能而感到沮丧,而是因为将应用程序下载到其中很痛苦。

The way Apple has the App Store configured, you are always directed towards the newest version of an application. On the surface, this is a perfectly sensible thing for Apple to do: why would they ever want you to download older, buggier, and potentially less secure software when there’s an updated version available? When you’re on an older device, however, this means an app may not be compatible with your old version of iOS. Search for an application in the App Store on your iPad 1, for example, and the App Store app will tell you that the app can’t be downloaded because it requires a device running iOS 7 (or 8, or 9), and therefore can’t be installed on your iPad…even if there was an iOS 5 version of the app at some point in the past.

苹果公司配置App Store的方式始终将您引导到应用程序的最新版本。 从表面上看,这对Apple来说是一件非常明智的事情:为什么他们会希望您在更新版本可用的情况下下载较旧的,错误的,安全性可能较低的软件? 但是,当您使用较旧的设备时,这意味着某个应用程序可能与您的旧版iOS不兼容。 例如,在iPad 1上的App Store中搜索一个应用程序,该App Store应用程序会告诉您该应用程序需要运行iOS 7(或8或9)的设备,因此无法下载。无法安装在iPad上……即使过去某个时候有该应用程序的iOS 5版本。


What they don’t tell you, though, is that you can easily (no jailbreak required) and legally (no piracy required) download old versions of applications to your older iOS devices with a pretty simple trick.


Before we walk you through that trick there is one minor and obvious caveat: the trick only works on apps that once had versions compatible with your OS. You can’t download an iOS 5 version of a six month old app that never had a version compatible with iOS 5.

在向您介绍该技巧之前,有一个小而明显的警告:该技巧仅适用于曾经与您的操作系统兼容的应用程序。 您无法下载六个月之久的应用程序的iOS 5版本,该版本从未与iOS 5兼容。

With that in mind, let’s take a look at how to stock up your aging iPad 1 with apps, frustration free.

考虑到这一点,让我们看一下如何使用无忧无虑的应用程序来存储老化的iPad 1。

如何将旧应用程序版本下载到旧设备 (How to Download Old App Versions to Your Older Device)

As we noted above, if you fire up an old iPad using iOS 5 and try to download darn near anything from the App Store, iOS 5 is so ancient that installation will almost certainly fail for 99% of apps (even if that app is old enough to have an ancient iOS 5-era version).

如上所述,如果您使用iOS 5启动旧版iPad,并尝试从App Store下载任何内容,那么iOS 5的版本是如此之旧,几乎可以肯定99%的应用程序安装都会失败(即使该应用程序是旧的)足以拥有一个古老的iOS 5时代版本)。

However, if you purchase/download the current version of the application–on either a newer iOS device (like your iPhone 6) or using the iTunes desktop software on your Windows or Mac–then the older version of the application will be accessible to your older device. Why? Because Apple’s policy is that if you purchased an app (this applies even to free “purchases”), that the app should be available to any device in your personal collection that requests to download it. When an old iOS 5 device requests a new app from your library (rather than from the iTunes Store), it’ll search for an old, compatible version and–if one exists–grab it.

但是,如果您购买/下载该应用程序的当前版本(在较新的iOS设备(例如iPhone 6)上或在Windows或Mac上使用iTunes桌面软件),则您可以访问较旧版本的应用程序较旧的设备。 为什么? 因为Apple的政策是,如果您购买了某个应用程序(甚至适用于免费的“购买”),则该应用程序应可用于您个人收藏中要求下载该应用程序的任何设备。 当旧的iOS 5设备从您的媒体库(而不是从iTunes Store)中请求一个新应用时,它将搜索一个旧的兼容版本,如果有,请抓住它。

We’ll demonstrate the trick with the popular comic book reading app Comic Zeal. If you attempt to download Comic Zeal an an old device (which is presently listed in the App Store as requiring iOS 8.2 or above), you’ll get an installation error like the one we highlighted above.

我们将通过流行的漫画阅读应用程序Comic Zeal演示这一技巧。 如果您尝试将旧版的Comic Zeal下载到旧设备(目前在App Store中列为需要iOS 8.2或更高版本),则会收到类似于我们上面突出显示的安装错误。

To get Comic Zeal on our iPad, we need to make a quick stop at either our computer or another, newer, iOS device. Does it matter which you use? Only if you’re downloading an application that is iPad only–if you search for an iPad only app on your iPhone you won’t see it in the search results.

要在iPad上使用Comic Zeal,我们需要在我们的计算机或另一台更新的iOS设备上快速停止。 使用哪个有关系吗? 仅当您下载仅iPad的应用程序时-如果您在iPhone上搜索仅iPad的应用程序,则不会在搜索结果中看到它。

For our example, we’ll use iTunes. Fire up the app and search in the search box for the name of your application. Select the app in the search results. Click the “Buy” or “Get” button, depending on whether the app is paid or free.

对于我们的示例,我们将使用iTunes。 启动应用程序,然后在搜索框中搜索应用程序的名称。 在搜索结果中选择应用。 单击“购买”或“获取”按钮,具体取决于该应用程序是付费还是免费。


Once you click the Get or Buy button, you don’t have to wait for the app to actually download to your computer (and we recommend you don’t, actually, as it will be a new version you can’t use anyway).

单击“获取”或“购买”按钮后,您不必等待应用程序实际下载到计算机上(我们建议您实际上不要这样做,因为它将是您永远无法使用的新版本) 。

Having purchased the app, head over to your older iOS device and search for the exact app in the App Store or click on the “Purchased” icon in the lower navigation bar. When you locate the app, click the “Install” button.

购买了应用程序后,转到旧的iOS设备并在App Store中搜索确切的应用程序,或单击下部导航栏中的“已购买”图标。 找到应用程序后,单击“安装”按钮。


After you click “Install”, you’ll see a popup like the one below indicating that there is an older version of the app available for download. Click “Download” the last compatible version.

单击“安装”后,您将看到类似以下的弹出窗口,表明有较旧版本的应用程序可供下载。 单击“下载”最新的兼容版本。


At this point, the app will install as expected and you can use it, albeit without the features present in the newer updates.


It might not be the most convenient way to go about doing things, but this little workaround is a great way to breath life into old hardware.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/263568/how-to-install-older-versions-of-ios-apps-on-an-old-iphone-or-ipad/