

You might be taking a look at Python. Maybe you’re drawn because of its popularity. Maybe you’re drawn to its flexibility. With Python you can create solutions of all shapes and sizes. You can dig into web development. Simplify your life through automation. Or maybe begin building the future with machine learning.
您可能正在研究Python。 也许是因为它的受欢迎程度而被吸引。 也许您被它的灵活性所吸引。 使用Python,您可以创建各种形状和尺寸的解决方案。 您可以深入研究Web开发。 通过自动化简化您的生活。 或者也许通过机器学习开始构建未来。
Picking up a new language is a common situation for modern-day developers. The days of going your entire career focused on one language are long since gone.
对于现代开发人员来说,选择一种新语言是一种常见的情况。 整个职业生涯都专注于一种语言的日子早已一去不复返了。
Fortunately, concepts typically don’t change as you move from one programming language to the next. Sure, the syntax might be different, but an 
幸运的是,当您从一种编程语言转移到另一种编程语言时,概念通常不会改变。 当然,语法可能有所不同,但是即使使用if statement is still an {}if statement even when it’s written using End If编写, { } or if语句仍然是End If. So, we don’t need to learn if语句。 因此,我们不需要学习how to program, but rather how to program 如何编程,而是需要学习in a new language.使用新语言进行编程
This is why Susan and I created this 
这就是为什么Susan和我制作了这一series of videos! You might know how to write code, for example in JavaScript, Java or C# (or COBOL, or Bash, or… it doesn’t matter, really). Maybe you learned in a college course, online, or reading a book. So, you don’t need to be taught what an if statement is, but rather what an if statement looks like in Python.系列视频的原因 ! 您可能会知道如何编写代码,例如使用JavaScript,Java或C#(或COBOL或Bash,或者……没关系,实际上)。 也许您在大学课程,在线学习或读书中学习了。 因此,您不需要了解if语句是什么,而是需要了解if语句在Python中的外观。

This post
这篇文章in our blog.在我们的博客中
Susan and I thought back to our first learnings with Python, and what we wish someone would have sat down and told us. We looked at various quick starts, such as one on 
Susan和我回想起我们最初使用Python进行的学习,我们希望有人坐下来对我们说。 我们研究了各种快速入门,例如Face API, and asked what someone would need to know to successfully walk through such a tutorial. And then we built a course.Face API入门 ,并询问了成功完成本教程需要有人知道什么。 然后我们建立了一门课程。
While we won’t cover everything there is to know about Python in the course, we want to make sure we give you the foundation on programming in Python, starting from common everyday code and scenarios. At the end of the course, you’ll be able to go and learn on your own, following along docs, tutorials, books, etc. We promise we’re keeping things quick and to the point, so you can dive straight into the areas that you’re most interest in (or confused by!).
虽然我们不会在课程中涵盖所有有关Python的知识,但我们还是要确保从常规的日常代码和场景开始,为您提供Python编程的基础。 在课程结束时,您将可以按照文档,教程,书籍等自学,并按照自己的意愿进行学习。我们保证我们会保持快速和切题,因此您可以直接进入您最感兴趣(或困惑!)的领域。
We hope you’ll join us! And you can always find Susan and me on Twitter at 
我们希望您能加入我们! 您可以在Twitter上的@hockeygeekgirl and @hockeygeekgirl@geektrainer.@geektrainer上找到Susan和我。

