如何为Windows安装64位版本的Office 365

如何为Windows安装64位版本的Office 365

Microsoft’s Office 365 is actually pretty great — for $10 a month you can install Office on up to five computers, share with your family, use the official tablet / phone versions of MS Office, and you get 1 Terabyte of OneDrive storage. But all of a sudden the 64-bit version of Office went missing. What gives?

微软的Office 365实际上非常棒-每月10美元,您就可以在最多五台计算机上安装Office,与家人共享,使用MS Office的官方平板电脑/手机版本,并获得1 TB的OneDrive存储。 但是突然间,Office的64位版本丢失了。 是什么赋予了?

It turns out there are many compatibility issues with plugins and other applications that integrate with Office, because most of them are only available in 32-bit versions, and aren’t compatible with 64-bit. This is especially true in the workplace, where corporate applications have been hacked together by low-paid programmers in Visual Basic and made to integrate with Office in some way.

事实证明,与Office集成的插件和其他应用程序存在许多兼容性问题,因为它们大多数仅在32位版本中可用,并且与64位版本不兼容。 在工作场所中,尤其是这样,在工作场所中,Visual Basic中的低薪程序员将公司应用程序黑客在一起,并使其以某种方式与Office集成。

So they’ve hidden away the 64-bit install and made it difficult to find. But you can still find it. Not that you really should.

因此,他们隐藏了64位安装并使其很难查找。 但是您仍然可以找到它。 不是你真的应该。

Note: we recommend that you just install the regular 32-bit version of Office, unless you have a need for really large spreadsheets that don’t work in the 32-bit version of Excel.


安装Office 365的64位版本 (Install the 64-Bit Version of Office 365)

If you are determined to install the 64-bit version of Office 365 for some reason, you’ll need to login to your account at office.microsoft.com and choose the Install Office button that is located everywhere. Then look at the Install Information section and click the “Language and install options” link.

如果出于某种原因确定要安装64位版本的Office 365,则需要登录office.microsoft.com上的帐户,然后选择随处可见的“安装Office”按钮。 然后查看“安装信息”部分,然后单击“语言和安装选项”链接。

如何为Windows安装64位版本的Office 365

Then you’ll want to ignore the big fat Install button and instead choose the “Additional install options”  link that sits below it.


如何为Windows安装64位版本的Office 365

Finally, you are at the screen that allows you to install the 64-bit version of Office. You’ll need to select it and choose the Install button.

最后,您将看到一个允许您安装64位版本的Office的屏幕。 您需要选择它,然后选择“安装”按钮。

如何为Windows安装64位版本的Office 365

And again, just to be clear, you should probably stick with the 32-bit version of Office, but at least now you know how to install the other version. Thanks to reader ron007 on the forum for pointing this out.

再次提醒您,您可能应该坚持使用32位版本的Office,但至少现在您知道如何安装其他版本。 感谢论坛上的读者ron007指出这一点。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/194526/how-to-install-the-64-bit-version-of-office-365-for-windows/