


In August, we had our first webinar for automotive, allowing audiences to see how PiXYZ’s best-in-class CAD-import solution and Unity’s real-time rendering platform can quickly bring great ideas and products to life. It was hosted by several industry experts, including Unity’s own Ed Martin and Adam Myhill, along with our partner from PiXYZ, Axel Jacquet.

8月,我们举办了首届汽车网络研讨会,让观众看到PiXYZ一流的CAD导入解决方案和Unity的实时渲染平台如何快速将创意和产品带入生活。 它由Unity自己的Ed Martin和Adam Myhill等几位行业专家以及来自PiXYZ的合作伙伴Axel Jacquet主持。

This post recaps the webinar. In a nutshell, attendees learned:

这篇文章回顾了网络研讨会。 简而言之,与会者了解到:

  • How to seamlessly import, prep, and optimize vehicle CAD data

  • How Unity can be used to collaborate in real-time with remote colleagues on product designs at 100% scale in immersive, interactive 3D experiences

  • Ways to easily reduce project cycle time, improve 3D design models, and save time and money in development and CAD processes.


To see the whole webinar, including in-depth demos, watch the on-demand recording, and if you’re interested in a FREE extended PiXYZ trial, please reach out here.

要观看整个网络研讨会,包括深入的演示,观看点播录制,如果您对免费的扩展PiXYZ试用版感兴趣, 请访问此处

为什么选择Unity for Automotive? (Why Unity for Automotive?)

Ed kicked off the webinar describing how people working in design, engineering, marketing or another discipline need to create 3D experiences from CAD data. For example, you might need to create high-end visuals, VR training apps, or even AR apps for smartphones. Regardless of the use case, you face the same challenge – how to prepare CAD data for real-time 3D. In the webinar, we shared real examples of how PiXYZ together with Unity can solve this problem.

Ed举行了网络研讨会,介绍了从事设计,工程,市场营销或其他学科工作的人们如何从CAD数据创建3D体验。 例如,您可能需要为智能手机创建高端视觉效果,VR培训应用程序甚至AR应用程序。 无论用例如何,您都面临着相同的挑战–如何为实时3D准备CAD数据。 在网络研讨会中,我们分享了PiXYZ与Unity一起如何解决此问题的真实示例。

He then explained the four key trends that are transforming the automotive industry in ways that drive a need for Unity:


  • Consumer expectations for convenient digital experiences

  • Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS)

  • Autonomous transportation

  • The connected vehicle


Taken together, these four trends are changing the nature of competition. We believe that by solving problems to help automotive customers be more competitive, we can help all of you be more competitive, regardless of your industry.

综上所述,这四个趋势正在改变竞争的性质。 我们相信,通过解决问题来帮助汽车客户提高竞争力,无论您身处何行业,我们都可以帮助所有人提高竞争力。

Ed continued by explaining that at Unity we’re focused on five main areas where our customers need to design and build immersive and interactive experiences:


  • Automobile Design

  • Sales and Marketing

  • Training and Guidance

  • Human-Machine Interface (HMI)

  • Simulation and Visualization


使用PiXYZ为实时3D准备CAD数据 (Preparing CAD data for real-time 3D with PiXYZ)

Next, Axel did a live demo on how to use PiXYZ Studio to prepare CAD data for Unity, which is based on a combination of ease of use and a full range of powerful data-prep algorithms. Now with the 2018.2 release, PiXYZ Studio includes Python script editing so that you can also automate your data-prep needs. Other PiXYZ products of interest include the PiXYZ Plugin for Unity, which not only supports easy-to-use in-Editor import, but can also import CAD data into a Windows runtime. If you need to update a non-Windows runtime, you can use PiXYZ Connect to create Asset Bundles to directly import into your runtime on any platform.

接下来,Axel演示了如何使用PiXYZ Studio为Unity准备CAD数据,该演示基于易用性和各种强大的数据准备算法的结合。 从2018.2版本开始,PiXYZ Studio包含Python脚本编辑功能,因此您还可以自动执行数据准备需求。 其他感兴趣的PiXYZ产品包括用于Unity的PiXYZ插件,该插件不仅支持易于使用的编辑器内导入,而且还可以将CAD数据导入Windows运行时。 如果您需要更新非Windows运行时,则可以使用PiXYZ Connect创建资产捆绑包,以直接导入任何平台上的运行时。

Ed then showed the new Automotive Material Library (beta 1.5) that comprises over 120 high-quality, photo-plausible materials. You’ll have everything you need to prepare a full car visualization, including plastic, leather, glass and car paint. He then demonstrated manual assignment of these materials on a Lexus LC 500. For the lit and stack lit shaders, you’ll be able to edit and adjust the materials within the Inspector window. These will be available for free in the Asset Store in 2018.3.

然后,Ed展示了新的汽车材料库(测试版1.5),其中包含120多种高质量的,有光敏性的材料。 您将拥有准备完整的汽车可视化所需的一切,包括塑料,皮革,玻璃和汽车油漆。 然后,他演示了如何在Lexus LC 500上手动分配这些材质。对于照明和堆叠照明着色器,您将能够在Inspector窗口中编辑和调整材质。 这些将在2018年3月的Asset Store中免费提供。

用于材料和照明的实时艺术工具 (Real-time artistic tools for materials and lighting)

Finally, it was turned over to Adam to show the kind of impressive creative work that can be done, as showcased in our Lexus trailer. He was part of a small team that created a car “commercial” using the Lexus LC 500 in under a week. They prepared all the cinematics and lighting in a few days, featuring packages from the Asset Store to get the necessary content. Meanwhile, he demonstrated how to use Timeline in order to sequence the shots, along with ways to adjust lighting, colors and visual placements, all rendered in real-time.

最后,如我们的雷克萨斯预告片所展示的那样,它被移交给亚当以展示可以完成的令人印象深刻的创造性工作。 他是一个小型团队的成员,该团队在不到一周的时间内使用雷克萨斯LC 500创造了“商业”汽车。 他们用几天的时间准备了所有的电影和灯光,并从Asset Store获得了包装,以获取必要的内容。 同时,他演示了如何使用时间轴对镜头进行排序,以及调整照明,颜色和视觉位置的方法,所有这些都是实时渲染的。

回顾一下,下一步是什么 (Recap and what’s next)

We wrapped up the webinar with these main takeaways:


  • Unity is delivering the pipeline you need to create interactive real-time content from your design data

  • PiXYZ and Unity offer tools ranging from the Plugin and Unity Pro for smaller agencies, all the way to the Unity Industry Bundle and PiXYZ Studio and Connect for larger customers

    PiXYZ和Unity提供的工具范围广泛,从适用于小型代理商的Plugin和Unity Pro一直到适用于较大客户的Unity Industry Bundle和PiXYZ Studio and Connect。
  • The High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is changing what’s possible with real-time 3D on “normal” machines

  • These tools are available today – if you’re interested in an extended trial of PiXYZ, contact us.


Also, be sure to tune in to our next events:


  • Car Design News webinar  – On Wednesday, September 26 at 0800 PST, Car Design News will be hosting the next webinar that will showcase how Gravity Sketch used Unity in order to create VR visualizations. James Robbins, a designer at Honda Motors, will be a special guest. Spaces are limited, so register now.

    汽车设计新闻网络研讨会 – 9月26日星期三,太平洋标准时间0800,汽车设计新闻将主持下一次网络研讨会,该研讨会将展示Gravity Sketch如何使用Unity来创建VR可视化。 本田汽车公司的设计师詹姆斯·罗宾斯(James Robbins)将成为特邀嘉宾。 空间有限,请立即注册


Design by James Robbins

詹姆斯·罗宾斯(James Robbins)设计

  • AutoTech Summit at Unite Los Angeles – On October 23-25, we’re hosting our AutoTech Summit at Unite. Some of you may have attended our Berlin summit back in June (over 300 attendees), and we’re expecting even more people in LA, so register now.

    在洛杉矶Unite举行的AutoTech峰会 – 10月23日至25日,我们将在Unite举办AutoTech峰会。 你们中的一些人可能已经参加了6月的柏林峰会(有300多名与会者),并且我们希望在洛杉矶有更多的人,所以现在注册。

观看点播网络研讨会 (Watch the on-demand webinar)

In the meantime, be sure to watch the webinar on-demand, so you can witness the full power of Unity for Automotive. Please share any comments below – we read them all! In particular, we’d love to hear your ideas for making the combined power of PiXYZ and Unity even more relevant for your business. Learn more about our partnership with PiXYZ here.

同时,请务必观看点播的网络研讨会,以便您可以看到Unity for Automotive的全部功能。 请在下面分享任何评论-我们阅读了所有评论! 特别是,我们很想听听您的想法,以使PiXYZ和Unity的综合功能与您的业务更加相关。 在此处了解有关我们与PiXYZ合作伙伴关系的更多信息。

