How to Deploy a OAF Files

a) Copy all files except page definition from local machine to appropriate directories.

The files such as
Controllers *CO.class
Application modules *AM.class
View Objects *VOImpl.class, *VORowImpl.class, *VO.xml
Entity objects *EO.xml, *
should be deployed in the $JAVA_TOP/<path of your file>.

b) Copy page definition(*PG.xml/*RG.xml) to $PROD_TOP/mds

c) Call java importer

The Page xml files(*PG.xml) and region xml(*RN.xml) files resides in the database. So you have to import the file into the database to make it work in the instance. Oracle application provides XMLExporter/XMLImporter to export and import page files from and to the database.

Deploy the files to the Instance
java /home/prasanna/pages/SetupPG.xml -username <data base user name> -password <data base password> -dbconnection "(description = (address_list = (address = (community = = tcp)(host =<hostname> ) (port = <port id>)))(connect_data = (sid = <sid>)))"

This command will import the SetupPG.xml file into the database.

d) Create form function with property "SSWA jsp function" and webhtml "OA.jsp?page=fullpath/XMLfilename".

Function Type:SSWA jsp function

(SSWA stands for Self Service Web Applications.)

How to Deploy a OAF Files

HTML Call:OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/fnd/framework/toolbox/tutorial/webui/HelloWorldPG

(Note:No xml end with *PG File)

How to Deploy a OAF Files

e) Add function to menu

f) Add menu to responsibility(Optional)

g) Bounce the OC4J or Apache server

see :

(without bounce server, system will prompt error like:The XXX function is not available under the XXX responsibility)

How to Deploy a OAF Files