

Have you ever wished you could download Wikipedia in its entirety, and have a copy of it on your personal computer or Android tablet? There’s actually an easy way to do this, though you will need some extra disk space and a little time.

您是否曾经希望可以完整下载Wikipedia,并在您的个人计算机或Android平板电脑上拥有它的副本? 尽管您将需要一些额外的磁盘空间和一些时间,但实际上这是一种简单的方法。

There are any number of possible reasons where you might want your own personal copy of Wikipedia on your computer. Maybe you want to let your kids do research without letting them on the Internet. Maybe you just like the challenge and want to say you did it.

有多种可能的原因,您可能希望在计算机上拥有自己的Wikipedia个人副本。 也许您想让您的孩子进行研究而不让他们上网。 也许您只是喜欢挑战,并想说您做到了。

Whatever the reason, you can do it—and best of all, there’s an app that makes it easy and takes the work out of the process.


If you want to download and install your own local version of Wikipedia, however, you should know that you will need some extra disk space. A lot of extra disk space. Especially if you want to have images as well. All told, you will need about 50 GB just for a text only version, and another 100 GB if you want images. With large hard drive in excess of a terabyte being available for cheap, gobs of drive space shouldn’t be a problem. You’ll just want to be prepared.

但是,如果要下载并安装自己的本地Wikipedia版本,则应该知道您将需要一些额外的磁盘空间。 大量额外的磁盘空间。 尤其是如果您也要有图像。 总而言之,仅文本版本将需要大约50 GB,如果需要图像,则需要另外100 GB。 由于可以以便宜的价格获得超过TB的大容量硬盘,因此硬盘空间的小问题就不成问题了。 您只需要做好准备。

If you visit Wikipedia’s database download page, you get an idea of just how difficult it can be. Where does one even start? Our suggestion is to use a free, open-source app called XOWA, which does all the work for you.

如果访问Wikipedia的数据库下载页面,您将了解它的难度。 一个人从哪里开始? 我们的建议是使用一个名为XOWA的免费开放源代码应用程序,它可以为您完成所有工作。

XOWA should work on any system you have running—Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, and even Android. The one caveat with using XOWA is that you have to install and run Java, but if you’re willing to overlook this, then it’s time to get started.

XOWA应该可以在您运行的任何系统上运行-Windows,Mac,Linux,Raspberry Pi甚至Android。 使用XOWA的一个警告是您必须安装并运行Java ,但是如果您愿意忽略这一点,那么该开始了。

To begin, go to XOWA’s download page and install the binary that suits your Java installation—32-bit or 64-bit. You’re probably asking why you shouldn’t download the XOWA binary that matches your machine. You could, but if you’ve got the 32-bit version of Java installed on your 64-bit Windows installation, and you try to run the 64-bit XOWA, then you’ll receive an error telling you they don’t match.

首先,请转到XOWA的下载页面,然后安装适合Java安装的二进制文件(32位或64位)。 您可能会问为什么不下载与您的计算机匹配的XOWA二进制文件。 您可以,但是如果您在64位Windows安装中安装了32位Java版本,并且尝试运行64位XOWA,则会收到一条错误消息,提示您它们不匹配。

The surest way around this then is to make sure your Java installation matches your OS version and then download the appropriate XOWA version. If you use macOS, then this doesn’t matter.

最好的解决方法是确保Java安装与您的OS版本匹配,然后下载适当的XOWA版本。 如果您使用macOS,则无所谓。

For the purposes of our demonstration, we’re going to show you how to perform this procedure on a Windows machine. Extraction of the binary files will be different on each operating system, but once XOWA is up and running, it will be the same.

为了进行演示,我们将向您展示如何在Windows计算机上执行此过程。 在每个操作系统上,二进制文件的提取将有所不同,但是一旦XOWA启动并运行,它将是相同的。

Double-click on the XOWA ZIP file and extract the files somewhere on your hard drive. Then, double-click “xowa.exe” to get started.

双击XOWA ZIP文件,然后将文件提取到硬盘驱动器上的某个位置。 然后,双击“ xowa.exe”开始。


If your OS employs any kind of executable protection, such as Windows does with SmartScreen, you won’t be able to run XOWA until you grant it permission to do so. So, on Windows, you would need to click “More Info” on the following message.

如果您的操作系统采用了任何类型的可执行保护,例如Windows对SmartScreen进行的保护,您将无法运行XOWA,除非您授予它这样做的权限。 因此,在Windows上,您需要在以下消息上单击“更多信息”。


Next, click “Run anyway”.



When XOWA is installed and running, it will open in it’s own special offline wiki application, resembling any browser you might normally use.



As of version 9.6.3, XOWA features a simple, streamlined download page, which takes the guesswork out of downloading wikis. To access this page called “Download Central”, click the “Tools” menu and select it.

从9.6.3版开始,XOWA的功能是简化了下载页面,简化了下载Wiki的过程。 要访问名为“ Download Central”的页面,请单击“工具”菜单并将其选中。


The Download Central page is a cinch to manipulate. Let’s discuss the basics and you’ll be downloading your own wikis in no time.

“下载中心”页面很容易操作。 让我们讨论基础知识,您将立即下载自己的Wiki。


Various Wikis can be downloaded from the Download Central page, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, and so on. In addition to the English versions of these wikis, other languages are available as well.

可以从“下载中心”页面下载各种Wiki,包括Wikipedia,Wiktionary,Wikiquote等。 除了这些Wiki的英文版之外,还提供其他语言。


If you just want to download the simple version of Wikipedia, which consists of a little under 122,000 articles, then it will occupy just over 420 MB of drive space. If you add in images, that’s another 2 GB. The full English version of Wikipedia will set you back a whopping 45 GB while adding images will account for another 99 GB, so that’s almost 150 GB of drive space when all is downloaded and installed.

如果您只想下载Wikipedia的简单版本,其中包含不到122,000篇文章,那么它将占用420 MB以上的驱动器空间。 如果添加图像,则又是2 GB。 完整的英文版的Wikipedia将为您提供多达45 GB的存储空间,而添加图像将再占到99 GB,因此在下载并安装所有驱动器后,将近有150 GB的驱动器空间。

To queue a wiki, click the “+” sign and to begin downloading, click the play symbol.

要排队维基,请单击“ +”号,然后单击播放符号开始下载。


Once you queue something up, you have further options you can employ. You can select a custom folder location, remove the item from the queue, pause the queue, and restart any failed task from the last step.

一旦排队,就可以使用其他选择。 您可以选择一个自定义文件夹位置,从队列中删除项目,暂停队列,然后从最后一步重新启动任何失败的任务。


Once you’ve downloaded your wikis, they can be accessed in the upper-left corner of the browser window.



In addition to versions for various computing platforms, you can also install Wikipedia on your Android smartphone or tablet, though you will need to sideload the XOWA app to do this.


Once you’ve done that, however, using XOWA works just like it does on the desktop version.



Obviously, you may not have 150 GB of space on your old tablet or phone, but you should be able to at least download and install the simple version of Wikipedia.

显然,您的旧平板电脑或手机上可能没有150 GB的空间,但是您应该至少能够下载并安装简单版的Wikipedia。

Using XOWA is the easiest way to download Wikipedia for offline use, by far. It requires zero configuration and aside from download time, you can have it up and running in a matter of minutes. There are other ways obviously, but they’re not for the faint of heart.

到目前为止,使用XOWA是下载Wikipedia以便离线使用的最简单方法。 它需要零配置,除了下载时间外,您还可以在几分钟内启动并运行它。 显然还有其他方法,但是它们不是为胆小者准备的。

Furthermore, while it does require Java, which is known to have some issues from one time to another, it at least guarantees a universal experience. In other words, what you see on Windows or Mac will be the same on Linux or Android.

此外,尽管它确实需要Java,Java有时会遇到一些问题,但它至少保证了通用的体验。 换句话说,您在Windows或Mac上看到的内容将与Linux或Android上的内容相同。

Unfortunately, there’s no way to use XOWA on an iOS device, but for the vast majority of folks out there looking to download Wikipedia for offline use, this is the most pain-free way to go about it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/260023/how-to-download-wikipedia-for-offline-at-your-fingertips-reading/