使用Internet Explorer在线赚更多钱

Please raise your hand if you like working in Internet Explorer (IE).

如果您喜欢在Internet Explorer(IE)中工作,请举手。

That’s what I thought – nobody.


Forget that it sucks for a minute, and consider the fact that it’s very likely there are technical issues relating to IE that are stunting your e-commerce site’s revenue.


In this post, you’ll learn how to spot these issues and calculate if they’re worth the investment in fixing.


使用Internet Explorer在线赚更多钱

We’ll begin by diving into Google Analytics.

我们将从深入研究Google Analytics(分析)开始。

No need to worry. You don’t have to be an Analytics’ expert to find the issues you’re searching for because below, I’ve shared links to custom reports you can copy, which highlight these revenue stoppers.

不用担心。 您不必是Analytics(分析)的专家即可找到您要寻找的问题,因为在下面,我共享了您可以复制的自定义报告的链接,这些链接突出显示了这些收入来源。

Let's get started.


下载此自定义报告 (Download This Custom Report)

I’ve created a custom report for us to easily get a list of desktop browsers. You can use this link to copy it to your account.

我为我们创建了一个自定义报告 ,以轻松获取桌面浏览器列表。 您可以使用此链接将其复制到您的帐户。

Note: If you have a responsive site you’ll need to repeat the steps below with this custom report for mobile.


Now that we have the custom report loaded we can find the issues that are preventing the site from generating more revenue.


查找哪些浏览器损失最多 (Find Which Browsers Are Leaking the Most Money)

When looking at this custom report we need to keep in mind the sample size we’re viewing. Depending on the number of sessions, you’ll want to only look at browsers with more than 100 transactions.

查看此自定义报告时,我们需要记住我们正在查看的样本数量。 根据会话数,您只想查看具有100多个事务的浏览器。

Anything lower and the results are skewed by not a high enough sample. If yours’ are too low you can always increase the date range at top right to three months or a year to create the sample size you need.

任何较低的样本都会导致结果偏高。 如果您的样本量太低,则可以始终将右上方的日期范围增加到三个月或一年,以创建所需的样本量。

Let’s look at our browser report.


使用Internet Explorer在线赚更多钱

我们看到了什么? (What do we see?)

  • Our average conversion rate is 0.79 percent.

  • IE is converting above average.

  • Firefox is a bit below average. I’d dig deeper to find out why.

    Firefox略低于平均水平。 我会更深入地找出原因。
  • Opera doesn’t have enough sessions or transactions to gather any insights from.


Can we trust these numbers?


Looking through this list, IE appears to be converting higher than average, but averages lie so let’s look at each version of IE by clicking on “Internet Explorer.”

浏览此列表,IE似乎比平均水平要高,但是平均水平很低,因此让我们单击“ Internet Explorer”来查看IE的每个版本。

这是它带来的收入。 (Here’s how much revenue it’s bringing in.)

使用Internet Explorer在线赚更多钱

IE 8 and 9 send a lot of visitors to our site, who don’t convert well.

IE 8和IE 9将大量访问者吸引到我们的网站,他们的转换效果不佳。

These results lead me to check for site functionality problems or UX issues on IE 8 and 9.

这些结果使我检查了IE 8和9上的站点功能问题或UX问题。

If the conversion rate for IE 8 was 0.8 percent instead of 0.55 percent, then that would be an extra $3,000 per month and more than $34,000 per year. That’s not bad considering it’s not including any other browser issues we might still find.

如果IE 8的转换率是0.8%,而不是0.55%,则每月将多增加3,000美元,每年多34,000美元。 考虑到它不包括我们可能仍然发现的任何其他浏览器问题,这还不错。

34,000美元值得花时间和精力来修复IE吗? (Is $34,000 Worth the Time and Effort to Fix IE?)

The cost of finding and fixing issues shouldn't cost more than its projected revenue, postfix.


In this instance, I presented my findings to my client. They instructed their developer to fix the issues and profited the next month.

在这种情况下,我向客户介绍了我的发现。 他们指示开发人员解决问题,并在下个月获利。

如何在不同的浏览器中测试我的网站? (How Do I Test My Site in Different Browsers? )

You don’t need to install IE 8 to test your site.

您无需安装IE 8即可测试您的网站。

Use tools, such as:


to load up the browsers you need and test your pages on all platforms and devices.


There’s also a review comparing the listed tools here.


轮到您了:一次通过一个浏览器赚更多的钱 (Your Turn: Make More Money One Browser At A Time)

We only tested one browser, but now, you can go and do the same for the other top browsers in your Analytics’ report. Gathering insights about your site helps build a solid path to increasing your conversions, and ultimately, your site’s revenue.

我们仅测试了一个浏览器,但是现在,您可以在Google Analytics(分析)报告中对其他*浏览器执行相同的操作。 收集有关您的网站的见解可帮助您建立稳固的途径,以增加转化次数,并最终增加网站的收入。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/make-more-money-online-internet-explorer/