


Firefox has a ton of shortcut keys, but this is one of the most useful. I had written before about how to select a specific tab with a keyboard hotkey, which I use to easily switch back to my RSS reader of choice (Google Reader).

Firefox有大量的快捷键,但这是最有用的快捷键之一。 我之前写过关于如何使用键盘热键选择特定选项卡的信息,通过它可以轻松地切换回我选择的RSS阅读器(Google阅读器)。

Today I was wondering how I could quickly close a tab that I had opened. When using Google Reader, using the “v” hotkey will open up the currently selected item in a new tab. I wanted a simpler way to close the tab than having to hit Ctrl+F4, which is a little more difficult to use.

今天,我想知道如何快速关闭已打开的标签页。 使用Google阅读器时,使用“ v”热键将在新标签中打开当前选定的项目。 与单击Ctrl + F4相比,我想要一种更简单的关闭选项卡的方法,使用起来有点困难。

Here’s the shortcut key to quickly close a tab in Firefox:


Ctrl + W

Ctrl + W

This key combination is much easier to use.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/close-tab-quickly-with-a-shortcut-key-in-firefox/
