火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮

火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮

火狐 菜单栏 高度

Do you wish there was a way to reduce the user interface in Firefox to get some precious screen real-estate back? Now you can with the Compact Menu 2 extension.

您是否希望有一种方法可以减少Firefox中的用户界面以获取一些宝贵的屏幕房地产? 现在,您可以使用Compact Menu 2扩展程序。

Note: This extension can be especially nice to have for those using Netbook Computers.




Here is our example browser before installing the extension with the “Menu, Address, Bookmarks, & Tab Toolbars” showing.


火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮

After installing the extension and restarting Firefox, you will see the following message window. Select “Yes” to start enjoying that extra screen real-estate.

安装扩展程序并重新启动Firefox后,您将看到以下消息窗口。 选择“是”开始享受额外的屏幕空间。

火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮

Once we selected “Yes” on the message window, here is how our example browser looked. The UI is already looking less cluttered!

在消息窗口中选择“是”后,示例浏览器将显示如下。 用户界面看起来已经不那么混乱了!

火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮

A closer look at the new “Compact Menu & Icon”…


火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮

Curious about the mention of the “Customize Toolbar Window” in the message window? Here is how things look after selecting to display the “Compact Menu Icon”.

对消息窗口中提到“自定义工具栏窗口”感到好奇吗? 这是选择显示“紧凑菜单图标”后的外观。

You can make additional changes to what displays in the “Compact Menu” using the check boxes. Notice the additional toolbar buttons that were also mentioned in the message window.

您可以使用复选框对“紧凑菜单”中的显示内容进行其他更改。 请注意在消息窗口中还提到了其他工具栏按钮。

火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮



The only option for the extension is for those who would like to use a different icon for their compact menus… This can be great for anyone who may have a favorite image of their children, pets, etc. that they would love to use.


火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮

Just for fun we decided to choose a custom icon for our example browser.


Note: Icon size in your toolbar may vary based on the image selected…so you may need to experiment with a few icons/images to find the one that best suites your personal needs and style. Smaller = better…

注意:工具栏中的图标大小可能会根据所选的图像而有所不同……因此,您可能需要尝试一些图标/图像才能找到最适合您的个人需求和风格的图标/图像。 较小=较好…

火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮

Here is our example browser after hiding the “Bookmarks Toolbar” and adding our custom button icon. Nice and compact!

这是隐藏“书签工具栏”并添加自定义按钮图标后的示例浏览器。 美观小巧!

火狐 菜单栏 高度_在Firefox中将菜单工具栏压缩为单个按钮



The Compact Menu 2 extension can be a great addition to Firefox for anyone who is wanting additional screen real-estate or simply does not want to have the Menu Toolbar displayed.

对于任何想要更多屏幕空间或根本不想显示菜单工具栏的人来说,Compact Menu 2扩展都是Firefox的绝佳补充。



Download the Compact Menu 2 extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

下载Compact Menu 2扩展程序(Mozilla附加组件)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/4479/compact-your-menu-toolbar-into-a-single-button-in-firefox/

火狐 菜单栏 高度