tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体


One of the cool new features in Windows 7 is the ability to stream digital media to different computers throughout your house. Here we will show you how to set up Windows Media Player in Windows 7 to share and stream videos, music, and other digital media to Windows 7 machines.

Windows 7中很酷的新功能之一是能够将数字媒体流传输到整个房屋中的不同计算机。 在这里,我们将向您展示如何在Windows 7中设置Windows Media Player,以将视频,音乐和其他数字媒体共享和流式传输到Windows 7计算机。

To stream video to another computer on your home network they will all need to be running Windows 7 with Windows Media Player 12. In our example we will stream video from a computer running Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) to another machine running Windows 7 Home Premium (32-bit) which are part of the same Homegroup.

要将视频流传输到家庭网络上的另一台计算机,它们都需要在Windows Media Player 12上运行Windows7。在我们的示例中,我们将视频从运行Windows 7 Ultimate(64位)的计算机传输到另一台运行Windows 7的计算机。属于同一家庭组的家庭高级版(32位)。

Setup Streaming


The first thing you’ll want to do is turn on media streaming. Type media streaming into the search box in the Start menu and select Media streaming options.

您要做的第一件事是打开媒体流。 在“开始”菜单的搜索框中键入媒体流,然后选择“媒体流选项”

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Now select your media streaming options. Choose a name for the media library, and make sure all the computers on your network you want to have access are allowed. If both computers are part of a Homegroup, everything is shared by default anyway, but you might want to double check. Or you might want to block certain computers from the streaming options.

现在,选择您的媒体流选项。 选择媒体库的名称,并确保允许您要访问的网络上的所有计算机。 如果两台计算机都是家庭组的一部分,则默认情况下所有内容都是共享的,但是您可能需要仔细检查。 或者,您可能想阻止某些计算机使用流选项。

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

You can also choose some custom settings if you want. For instance, maybe you want certain computers to only have access to music or certain files with a particular rating. For this demonstration we are opening everything up, but if you want to control what other users access, keep these settings in mind.

如果需要,还可以选择一些自定义设置。 例如,也许您希望某些计算机只能访问音乐或具有特定等级的某些文件。 对于此演示,我们将打开所有内容,但是如果您想控制其他用户访问的内容,请记住这些设置。

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Now open up Windows Media Player and in Library view click on Stream and check Automatically allow devices to play my media.

现在打开Windows Media Player,在“库”视图中单击“流”,然后选中“自动允许设备播放我的媒体”

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

To be able to play content on one machine over to another we need to enable Allow remote control of my Player. This makes it so your computer is a remote control of sorts.

为了能够在一台机器上播放内容到另一台机器,我们需要启用允许对我的播放器进行远程控制。 这样可以使您的计算机成为各种远程控制。

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Then click Allow remote control on this network when the dialog box comes up.


tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Because we are making everything wide open to all computers, we need to enable the above settings on both computers. If you have multiple computers on your network you can set them all up to share their libraries too. Now when you go into Windows Media Player under the Library view you’ll see Other Libraries and will see the other computers on your network.

因为我们正在向所有计算机开放所有内容,所以我们需要在两台计算机上启用上述设置。 如果网络上有多台计算机,则可以将它们全部设置为共享它们的库。 现在,当您在“库”视图下进入Windows Media Player时,您将看到“其他库” ,并将看到网络上的其他计算机。

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Stream To a Machine


Now comes the cool part…playing video or music from the library of one machine to another machine. Make sure the machine you want to play the media to has WMP up and running. Right-click a media file and select Play to from the context menu and select the machine to play it to. In this example we only have one other machine to choose from, and playing an X-files episode from the library in WMP.

现在是最酷的部分……将视频或音乐从一台计算机的库播放到另一台计算机。 确保要播放媒体的机器已启动并运行WMP。 右键单击媒体文件,然后从上下文菜单中选择“播放至” ,然后选择要播放其的机器。 在此示例中,我们只有一台其他计算机可供选择,并且可以从WMP中的库中播放X文件集。

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Then you’ll see the Play To controller with the media listed. From here you can control the playback and volume.

然后,您将看到列出媒体的“播放到”控制器。 在这里,您可以控制播放和音量。

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Then the video starts playing through WMP on the other machine.


tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

You aren’t just limited to playing digital media from WMP either. Here we’re in a video directory where we have season 2 of Star Trek DS9. Select the episodes to play, right-click and Play To…

您也不仅限于从WMP播放数字媒体。 这里是一个视频目录,其中有《星际迷航》 DS9的第2季。 选择要播放的剧集,右键单击并播放到…

tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Playing music files to another machine…


tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Pictures too…


tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

Again from the Play To control you can switch the order of the files and skip to others.


tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体

You can simply drag and drop other files that you want to add into it as well.


tcp流式传输_在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间共享和流式传输数字媒体



This is a great way to play your digital files from one location to another. You might have a bunch of movies or music on a laptop in your bedroom, and want to play them to your media center in the living room. The combinations are essentially limitless. Playback on other machines is generally smooth provided you have a decent home network with Gigabit speed,which most new routers and machines are capable of. You can definitely stream video over a wireless connection, but make sure it’s a fast connection. If wireless speeds are too slow…setup computers on the network wired with CAT5e cable wherever possible.

这是从一个位置到另一个位置播放数字文件的好方法。 您可能在卧室的笔记本电脑上有一堆电影或音乐,并想在客厅的媒体中心播放它们。 组合基本上是无限的。 只要您有一个像千兆一样速度的像样的家庭网络,大多数新路由器和机器都具备这种能力,其他机器上的播放通常就可以顺利进行。 您绝对可以通过无线连接流式传输视频,但是请确保它是快速连接。 如果无线速度太慢,请在可能的情况下在网络上设置用CAT5e电缆连接的计算机。

