java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

java 合并和拆分单元格

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

You can easily merge and split cells in Microsoft Word to make your tables more interesting and more suited to the data you are trying to share. When you merge two or more cells, you are bringing them together in one cell. When you split a cell, you are dividing it from one cell into multiple cells.

您可以轻松地在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分单元格,以使表更有趣并且更适合您尝试共享的数据。 合并两个或更多单元格时,就是将它们合并到一个单元格中。 拆分一个单元格时,就是将其从一个单元格分为多个单元格。

You can merge and split tables on the individual cell level, as well as on the larger, table-wide level. In this article, I’ll show you how to merge and split table cells and tables in Word.

您可以在单个单元格级别以及更大的表范围级别上合并和拆分表。 在本文中,我将向您展示如何在Word中合并和拆分表格单元格和表格。

如何合并单词表中的单元格 (How to Merge Cells in a Word Table)

Merging cells in a table combines two or more adjacent cells of the same size into one larger cell.


First, select the cells you want to merge. They can be adjacent cells in a row or column.

首先,选择要合并的单元格。 它们可以是行或列中的相邻单元格。

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

Or they can be adjacent cells that span multiple rows and columns.


java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

When you have your cells selected, right-click any of the selected cells, and then choose the “Merge Cells” command on the context menu.


java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

If you prefer using Word’s menus, you can also head to the Table Tools “Layout” tab, and then click the “Merge Cells” button there.


java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

Either way, your cells are now merged.


java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

如何在单词表中拆分单元格 (How to Split Cells In A Word Table)

Splitting table cells in Word is only slightly more complicated than merging them. You can use the split command to one or more cells into a set number of rows and columns. Here’s how it works.

在Word中拆分表单元格仅比合并它们稍微复杂些。 您可以使用split命令将一个或多个单元格划分为一定数量的行和列。 运作方式如下。

Let’s first say that we just one to split a single cell into two cells. First select the cell you want to split.

首先说一下,我们只是将一个单元格拆分为两个单元格。 首先选择要拆分的单元格。

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

Then, right-click the selected cell and choose the “Split Cells” command from the context menu. (You can also head to Table Tools > Layout > Split Cells on the Word Ribbon if you prefer.)

然后,右键单击选定的单元格,然后从上下文菜单中选择“拆分单元格”命令。 (如果愿意,也可以转到Word功能区上的“表格工具”>“布局”>“拆分单元格”。)

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

This opens the Split Cells window. By default, it’s set up to split the selected cell(s) into two columns, which is exactly what we want. You can just go ahead and click the “OK” button to make the split. Input the number of rows and columns you would like to split your cell into.

这将打开“拆分单元格”窗口。 默认情况下,它设置为将选定的单元格分为两列,这正是我们想要的。 您可以继续并单击“确定”按钮进行拆分。 输入您要拆分单元格的行数和列数。

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

And that cell we selected is now two cells.


java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

As you probably guessed from the options in that Split Cells window, you can also get a little more complex with cell splitting. Let’s say we had a table like the one shown below. And we want to take those selected cells (the ones in gray under the second column header) and turn them into two big rows of three columns each.

正如您可能从“拆分单元格”窗口中的选项中猜到的那样,单元格拆分也会使您变得更加复杂。 假设我们有一个如下表所示的表。 然后,我们要选择那些选定的单元格(第二列标题下的灰色单元格),并将它们变成两行,每行三列。

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

We’d head to Table Tools > Layout > Split Cells (a lot of times the Split Cells command doesn’t show up on the context menu when you have multiple cells selected, so it’s easier to use the Ribbon button). In the Split Cells window, we’d select three columns and two rows. We also want those cells merged before being split, so make sure that option is selected.

我们将转到“表工具”>“布局”>“拆分单元格”(很多情况下,当您选择多个单元格时,“拆分单元格”命令通常不会显示在上下文菜单上,因此使用“功能区”按钮更容易)。 在“拆分单元格”窗口中,我们将选择三列和两行。 我们还希望在拆分之前合并这些单元格,因此请确保已选择该选项。

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

When we hit “OK” the table turns out just like you’d expect.

当我们单击“ OK”(确定)时,表格的显示与您期望的一样。

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

And obviously, this is just a quick look. You can get just about as complicated with your table layout as you’d want.

显然,这只是快速浏览。 您可以根据需要使表格布局变得几乎复杂。

如何在Word中拆分表 (How to Split a Table in Word)

You can split an entire table in Word. This can be useful for splitting long tables into two separate tables—mostly in hopes of dealing with formatting issues that multi-page tables can sometimes cause.

您可以在Word中拆分整个表。 这对于将长表分成两个单独的表很有用-主要是希望解决有时可能导致多页表的格式问题。

First, click to place your insertion point in the cell where you would like your table split to begin. The cell that contains the insertion point will become the top row of the second table.

首先,单击以将插入点放置在您希望表拆分开始的单元格中。 包含插入点的单元格将成为第二个表的第一行。

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

Head to Table Tools > Layout, and then click the “Split Table” button.


java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

Your table is now split into two tables.


java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

如何在Word中合并表格 (How to Merge a Table in Word)

And as you might expect, you can also merge tables together. There’s no button on the menu for this one, though. You have to do it by dragging and dropping.

如您所料,您还可以将表合并在一起。 但是,菜单上没有该按钮。 您必须通过拖放来完成。

Hover your pointer over the table you would like to merge until the table’s handle (the plus sign) appears at its top left corner. You can click and drag the table using that handle.

将指针悬停在要合并的表格上,直到表格的句柄(加号)出现在表格的左上角。 您可以使用该手柄单击并拖动表格。

java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

Drag the table until its top row aligns with the bottom row of the table you’re merging into.


java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

When you release your mouse button, Word merges the two tables.


java 合并和拆分单元格_如何在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和单元格

Now you know how to easily merge and split tables and table cells in Microsoft Word. Of course, like with any other Word feature, this one takes some playing with. Especially if you’re doing complex merges and splits (or merging together long tables), formatting can sometimes get a little weird.

现在您知道了如何轻松地在Microsoft Word中合并和拆分表和表格单元格。 当然,与任何其他Word功能一样,该功能也需要一些使用。 特别是如果您要进行复杂的合并和拆分(或合并长表),格式化有时会变得有些奇怪。


java 合并和拆分单元格