
Ubuntu has a cool feature that lets you click and drag a window by clicking anywhere in the window as long as you are holding down either the Control, Alt, or “Win” key while you are dragging.

Ubuntu具有很酷的功能,只要您在拖动时按住Control,Alt或“ Win”键,就可以通过单击窗口中的任意位置来单击和拖动窗口。

It’s difficult to show a screenshot of dragging the window, and we haven’t quite gotten to the point of doing videos on here yet, but we’ll give it a shot.


First, you can configure the settings by going to System \ Preferences \ Window.



In the “Movement Key” section, you can select which key you want to use for the dragging. Now that you are on this window, hold down the Alt key and then click in the window anywhere, and move your mouse.

在“移动键”部分中,您可以选择要用于拖动的键。 现在您已经在此窗口中,按住Alt键,然后在窗口中的任意位置单击,然后移动鼠标。

You will see that the window drags easily. Once you get used to this, it’s a great technique for moving a window easily without having to aim for the title bar.

您会看到窗口很容易拖动。 一旦习惯了,这是一种轻松移动窗口而无需瞄准标题栏的好技术。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/move-a-window-without-clicking-the-titlebar-in-ubuntu/