如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

Google Authenticator protects your Google account from keyloggers and password theft. With two-factor authentication, you’ll need both your password and an authentication code to log in. The Google Authenticator app runs on Android, iPhone, iPod, iPad and BlackBerry devices.

Google Authenticator保护您的Google帐户免受键盘记录程序和密码盗窃的侵害。 使用双重身份验证,您既需要密码也需要身份验证代码才能登录。Google Authenticator应用程序可在Android,iPhone,iPod,iPad和BlackBerry设备上运行。

We’ve mentioned using two-factor authentication with a text or voice message in the past, but the Google Authenticator app can be more convenient. It displays a code that changes every thirty seconds. The code is generated on your device, so you can use the app even if your device is offline.

过去我们曾提到对文本或语音消息使用两要素身份验证,但是Google Authenticator应用程序可以更方便。 它显示每三十秒更改一次的代码。 该代码是在设备上生成的,因此即使设备处于离线状态,您也可以使用该应用。

**两步认证 (Activating Two-Step Authentication)

Go to the account settings page and log in to your Google account. Under Sign-in & security, click the “Signing in to Google” link.

转到帐户设置页面,然后登录到您的Google帐户。 在“登录和安全”下,单击“登录Google”链接。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

In the Password & sign-in method section, click “2-Step Verification”.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

An introductory screen displays telling us about 2-Step Verification. Click “Get Started” to continue.

将显示一个介绍性屏幕,告诉我们有关两步验证的信息。 单击“入门”继续。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

Enter your password for your Google account and press Enter or click “Sign in”.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

Google makes us set up phone-based verification, even though we’ll be using the app. The phone number we enter now will become our backup phone number later. You can receive the code via a text message or voice phone call. Click “Try It” to send a code to your phone.

Google将使我们设置基于电话的验证,即使我们将使用该应用也是如此。 我们现在输入的电话号码稍后将成为我们的备用电话号码。 您可以通过短信或语音电话接收代码。 点击“尝试”以向您的手机发送验证码。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

If you have notifications set up for text messages on your phone, you’ll see a notification pop up with the verification code.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

If you don’t have notifications enabled for text messages, you can go into your text messaging app and view the verification code there.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

After receiving the verification code, enter it on the Confirm that it works screen and click “Next”.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

You should see a screen telling you that it worked. Click “Turn On” to finish turning on 2-step verification.

您应该看到一个屏幕,告诉您它起作用了。 单击“打开”以完成打开两步验证。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

So far, the Voice or text message is the default second step. We’ll change that in the next section.

到目前为止,语音或短信是默认的第二步。 我们将在下一部分中对其进行更改。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

Now, log out of your Google account and then log back in. You’ll be asked to enter your password…


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

…and then you will receive a text message with a 6-digit code just like before. Enter that code on the 2-Step Verification screen that displays.

…然后您将像以前一样收到一条包含6位数代码的短信。 在显示的两步验证屏幕上输入该代码。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

启用Google Authenticator (Enabling Google Authenticator)

Now that we’ve turned on 2-Step Verification and connected your phone to your Google account, we’ll set up Google Authenticator. On the 2-Step Verification page in your browser, click “Setup” under Authenticator app.

现在,我们已经启用了两步验证并将您的手机连接到您的Google帐户,我们将设置Google身份验证器。 在浏览器的“两步验证”页面上,单击Authenticator应用程序下的“设置”。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

On the dialog box that displays, select the type of phone you have and click “Next”.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

The “Set up Authenticator” screen displays with a QR code, or bar code. We need to scan this with the Google Authenticator app…

将显示“设置身份验证器”屏幕,其中带有QR码或条形码。 我们需要使用Google Authenticator应用程序进行扫描...

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

…so, now install the Google Authenticator app on your phone and then open the app.

…因此,现在在您的手机上安装Google Authenticator应用,然后打开该应用。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

On the main Authenticator screen, tap the plus sign at the top.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

Then, tap “Scan barcode” on the popup at the bottom of the screen.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

You camera is activated and you’ll see a green box. Aim that green box at the QR code on your computer screen. The QR code is automatically read.

相机已**,您将看到一个绿色框。 将绿色框对准计算机屏幕上的QR码。 QR码将自动读取。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

You’ll see your newly added Google account in the Authenticator app. Note the code for the account you just added.

您将在Authenticator应用程序中看到新添加的Google帐户。 请注意您刚刚添加的帐户的代码。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

After adding the account to Google Authenticator, you’ll have to type in the generated code. If the code is about to expire, wait for it to change so you have enough time to type it.

将帐户添加到Google Authenticator后,您必须输入生成的代码。 如果代码即将到期,请等待其更改,以便您有足够的时间来键入它。

Now, go back to your computer and click “Next” on the Set up Authenticator dialog box.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

Enter the code from the Authenticator app on the Set up Authenticator dialog box and click “Verify”.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

The Done dialog box displays. Click “Done” to close it.

显示“完成”对话框。 单击“完成”将其关闭。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

The Authenticator app is added to the list of second verification steps and becomes the default.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

The phone number you entered earlier becomes your backup phone number. You can use this number to receive an authentication code if you ever lose access to the Google Authenticator app or reformat your device.

您之前输入的电话号码将成为您的备用电话号码。 如果您无法访问Google Authenticator应用或重新格式化设备,则可以使用该号码接收验证码。

在登录 (Logging In)

The next time you sign in, you’ll have to provide the current code from your Google Authenticator app, in the same way you provided the code you received in a text message earlier in this article.

下次登录时,您必须提供Google Authenticator应用中的当前代码,方法与提供本文前面的短信中收到的代码相同。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

生成和打印备份代码 (Generating and Printing Backup Codes)

Google offers printable backup codes you can log in with, even if you lose access to both your mobile application and backup phone number. To set up these codes, click “Setup” under Backup codes in the Set up alternative second step section.

Google提供了可打印的备用验证码,即使您无法同时访问移动应用程序和备用电话号码,也可以登录使用。 要设置这些代码,请在“设置备用第二步”部分的“备用代码”下单击“设置”。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

The Save your backup codes dialog box displays with a list of 10 backup codes. Print them out and keep them safe–you’ll be locked out of your Google account if you lose all three authentication methods (your password, verification codes on your phone, and backup codes). Each backup code can only be used once.

将显示“保存备份代码”对话框,其中包含10个备份代码的列表。 打印出来并确保它们安全-如果您丢失所有三种身份验证方法(您的密码,手机上的验证码和备用验证码),则会被锁定在Google帐户之外。 每个备份代码只能使用一次。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

If you backup codes have been compromised in any way, click “Get New Codes” to generate a new list of codes.


Now, you’ll see Backup codes in the list under Your second step on the 2-Step Verification screen.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

创建特定于应用程序的密码 (Creating Application-Specific Passwords)

Two-step authentication breaks email clients, chat programs and anything else that uses your Google account’s password. You’ll have to create an application-specific password for each application that doesn’t support two-step authentication.

两步身份验证可破坏电子邮件客户端,聊天程序以及使用您Google帐户密码的其他任何功能。 您必须为每个不支持两步身份验证的应用程序创建一个特定于应用程序的密码。

Back on the Sign-in & security screen, click “App passwords” under Password & sign-in method.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

On the App passwords screen, click the “Select app” drop-down list.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

Select an option from the Select app drop-down list. We selected “Other” so we can customize the name of the app password.

从“选择应用程序”下拉列表中选择一个选项。 我们选择了“其他”,以便我们可以自定义应用密码的名称。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

If you chose Mail, Calendar, Contacts, or YouTube, select the device from the “Select device” drop-down list.


如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

If you chose “Other” from the Select app drop-down list, the Select device drop-down list is skipped. Enter a name for the app for which you want to generate a password and then click “Generate”.

如果从“选择应用程序”下拉列表中选择“其他”,则将跳过“选择设备”下拉列表。 输入您要为其生成密码的应用程序的名称,然后单击“生成”。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

The Generated app password dialog box displays with an app password you can use to set up your Google account apps and programs, such as email, calendar, and contacts. Enter the provided password into the application rather than your standard password for this Google account. When you’re finished entering the password, click “Done” to close the dialog box. You don’t need to remember this password; you can always create a new one later.

将显示“已生成的应用程序密码”对话框,其中包含应用程序密码,可用于设置您的Google帐户应用程序和程序,例如电子邮件,日历和联系人。 在应用程序中输入提供的密码,而不是此Google帐户的标准密码。 输入密码后,单击“完成”以关闭对话框。 您无需记住该密码。 您以后可以随时创建一个新的。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

All the names of the app passwords you have generated are listed on the App passwords screen. If an app password gets compromised, you can revoke it on this page, by clicking “Revoke” next to the app name in the list.

您生成的所有应用程序密码名称都在“应用程序密码”屏幕上列出。 如果某个应用密码被泄露,您可以在该页面上通过单击列表中应用名称旁边的“撤消”来将其撤消。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

On the Sign-in & security screen, under Password & sign-in method, the number of App passwords you’ve created is listed. You can click on App passwords again to create new passwords or revoke existing ones.

在“登录和安全性”屏幕上的“密码和登录方法”下,列出您已创建的App密码的数量。 您可以再次单击“应用程序密码”以创建新密码或撤消现有密码。

如何使用Google Authenticator为您的Google帐户启用两因素身份验证

These passwords grant access to your entire Google account and skip the two-factor authentication, so keep them safe.


The Google Authenticator app is open source and based on open standards. Other software projects, such as LastPass, have even started using Google Authenticator to implement their own two-factor authentication.

Google Authenticator应用程序是开源的,并且基于开放标准。 其他软件项目(例如LastPass )甚至已经开始使用Google Authenticator实施自己的两因素身份验证。

You can also set up Google’s new code-less two-factory authentication for your account, if you would rather not enter a code.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/105041/how-to-secure-your-google-account-with-google-authenticator/