

Note: this may not be working anymore with latest WordPress and Google Webmasters. Considering this as a historical reference.

注意:此功能可能不适用于最新的WordPress和Google网站管理员。 将此视为历史参考。

Google Webmasters gives two methods for verification: Meta tag and HTML file. The meta tag method can not be used for ones that do not have the permission to upload plugins. And usually theses users such as me on ericzqma.blogs.mu do not have the permission to upload files to the root directory either. But we can use some tricks. The answer is: using WordPress’s Pages.

Google网站站长提供了两种验证方法:元标记和HTML文件。 对于没有权限上传插件的插件,不能使用meta标记方法。 通常,这些用户(例如ericzqma.blogs.mu上的我)也没有权限将文件上传到根目录。 但是我们可以使用一些技巧。 答案是:使用WordPress的页面。

First, choose the HMTL file method and get the verification HTML file name from Google Webmasters. For example the name is google11e5844324b7354e.html.

首先,选择HMTL文件方法,然后从Google网站管理员那里获取验证HTML文件名。 例如,名称为google11e5844324b7354e.html。

Second, add a new page in WordPress Blog named as the verification HMTL file name.


Third, click the verify button in Google Webmasters. It succeed!

第三,点击Google网站管理员中的验证按钮 。 成功了!

Finally, delete the page created or make it private. Then this pages disappear from the pages tab on the blog.
Google Webmasters just verify one time if we do not manually ask for it to reverify.
Then, enjoy it!

最后,删除创建的页面或将其设为私有。 然后,这些页面将从博客的“页面”选项卡中消失。


翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/verifying-wordpress-blogs-with-google-webmasters/
