free释放指针内存报错:CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer


free释放指针内存报错:CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer

这里,在调用malloc分配完内存后, pstr的首地址为 0x00c5abb0, 将这个地址复制到内存窗口中,跟踪内存,结果如下:

free释放指针内存报错:CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer

pstr分配的字节大小是32个字节, 所以这里有32个未初始化的字节被置为0xcd, 后面的4个0xfd是微软C++ debugging 堆用该值标记"no man's land"哨兵位,这里我理解为是用来标识内存边界的,相关信息参考了这篇文章:


free释放指针内存报错:CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer

这里,红色的代表内存改变了,0xfd也被改为0xfe,也就是说内存越界了; 仔细查看 将设置格式的数据写入字符串 的_stprintf_s函数,在Unicode版本的原型是_swprintf_s,在MSDN上,其第二个参数的单位是 字符数 而非 字节数:

free释放指针内存报错:CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer


free释放指针内存报错:CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer