在VS2010环境下配置TerraExplorerPro 5.1.3和TerraBuilder.1.7.6

安装了TerraExplorerPro 5.1.3和TerraBuilder.1.7.6,出新了如此信息,证明安装成功:

在VS2010环境下配置TerraExplorerPro 5.1.3和TerraBuilder.1.7.6


 问题事件名称: BEX
  应用程序名: devenv.exe  //dev的环境问题
  应用程序版本: XXX

  应用程序时间戳: XXXX

  故障模块名称: unknown


binary was not built with debug information 

百度了一下原因, 在林丝弦的博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9e636a610102uzbb.html有讲解,虽然是VS2013,但是也可用于VS2010

To do this:
1) Goto Project->Properties
2) Make sure "Configuration" at the top is "Debug"
3) On the left, select "C/C++", then "General"
4) On the right, change "Debug information format" to "Program Database for edit and continue (/ZI)"
5) On the left, Select "Optimization"
6) On the right, Change "Optimization" to "Disabled (/Od)"
7) On the left, select "Code Generation"
8) On the right, change "Runtime library" to "Multi-Threaded Debug (/MTd)"//只需改这行,其他都是默认
9) On the left, expand "Linker" and select "Debugging"
10) On the right, change "Generate Debug info" to "Yes (/DEBUG)"
11) Rebuild your project. 
