oculus unity_通过Unity和Oculus的免费,新课程来提升您的VR技能

oculus unity_通过Unity和Oculus的免费,新课程来提升您的VR技能

oculus unity

We’ve partnered with Oculus to create a free intermediate level course, “Design, develop and deploy for VR.” You’ll learn VR best practices and how to build and launch your own vertical slice of a game from Unity and Oculus experts.

我们已经与Oculus合作创建了一个免费的中级课程“为VR设计,开发和部署”。 您将从Unity和Oculus专家那里学习VR最佳实践以及如何构建和启动自己的游戏垂直片段。

We’ve partnered with Oculus, to launch an extensive intermediate level course guiding you through all aspects of building a virtual reality (VR) game. As the VR industry continues to grow and mature, developers are asking more questions about making the switch to VR, and developers who already work in VR want to improve their skills. That’s why we teamed up with the experts at Oculus to build this comprehensive VR course, “Design, Develop, and Deploy for VR.

我们与Oculus合作,推出了广泛的中级课程,指导您完成构建虚拟现实(VR)游戏的各个方面。 随着VR行业的不断发展和成熟,开发人员正在问有关转用VR的更多问题,已经从事VR工作的开发人员希望提高自己的技能。 这就是为什么我们与Oculus的专家合作来构建此全面的VR课程“ 为VR设计,开发和部署 ”的原因

In more than 20 hours of hands-on course content, you’ll learn about programming, user experience (UX) considerations for VR, optimization, launching your game and more. Twelve experts from Oculus and Unity give you in-depth lessons to help you build your own vertical slice (think, level of a game) of an escape room game. Plus, after you complete the course, you can submit your vertical slice for feedback from Oculus.

在20多个小时的动手课程内容中,您将学习编程,关于VR的用户体验(UX)注意事项,优化,启动游戏等等。 来自Oculus和Unity的十二位专家为您提供了深入的课程,以帮助您构建自己的逃生室游戏的垂直片段(例如游戏的层次)。 另外,完成课程后,您可以提交垂直切片以获取Oculus的反馈。

Even though this course is centered around creating a game, the principles and learnings apply to almost any type of VR content, whether you’re building practical business applications or immersive experiences as art or entertainment. You’ll find this course useful even if your interests go beyond making a game.  

尽管本课程以创建游戏为中心,但原理和学习内容几乎适用于任何类型的VR内容,无论您是构建实际的业务应用还是沉浸式体验(如艺术或娱乐)。 即使您的兴趣不仅限于制作游戏,您也会发现本课程很有用。

This course is designed to give you a complete picture of creating a VR experience. To help learners get comfortable with all aspects of VR creation, we’re also covering topics such as how to prototype and plan a VR experience, VR ergonomics, spatial audio for VR, and how to market your project. 

本课程旨在为您提供创建VR体验的完整图片。 为了帮助学习者熟悉VR创作的各个方面,我们还涵盖了诸如如何原型化和规划VR体验,VR人机工程学,用于VR的空间音频以及如何推销项目的主题。

We believe that to get the most out of the content, the lessons should be completed in the given order. But feel free to pick and choose units based on what you’re working on or where your interests lie. When you finish, you have the option to submit your vertical slice for review by the team at Oculus. This course is created with the Rift S in mind.

我们认为,要充分利用内容,课程应按给定顺序完成。 但您可以根据自己的工作或兴趣所在随意选择单位。 完成后,您可以选择 垂直切片 提交 给Oculus团队进行审核。 创建此课程时要牢记RiftS。

这是课程内容一目了然: (Here’s the course content at a glance:)

Unit 1: Introduction – Chris Pruett from Oculus

第1单元:简介–来自Oculus的Chris Pruett

Chris gives you an overview of the VR industry, best practices for a successful VR game and an overview of what you’ll be learning.


Unit 2: VR game development and prototyping – Ruth Bram and Mari Kyle from Oculus

第2单元:VR游戏开发和原型制作-Oculus的Ruth Bram和Mari Kyle

Planning sets you up for success, and in this unit, you’ll learn to create a game design document, a player profile report and a press kit.


Unit 3: Using Unity to develop VR experiences – Joy Horvath from Unity

第3单元:使用Unity开发VR体验– Unity的Joy Horvath

You’ll learn how to set up the Oculus and Virtual Reality Toolkit (VRTK integrations) in Unity as well as how to set up a basic VR scene.

您将学习如何在Unity中设置Oculus和Virtual Reality Toolkit(VRTK集成),以及如何设置基本的VR场景。

Unit 4: Locomotion and ergonomics – Eric Cosky from Oculus

单元4:运动和人体工程学–来自Oculus的Eric Cosky

Get best practices for making your VR experience comfortable and learn how to implement a teleportation system.


Unit 5: Hand presence and interaction – Matt Franklin from Oculus

单元5:手的存在和互动–来自Oculus的Matt Franklin

Learn how hand interactions work in VR, how to design interactions to manipulate objects and how to overcome challenges with item placement.


Unit 6: Best UI practices for VR – Gabor Szauer from Oculus

单元6:VR的最佳UI做法– Oculus的Gabor Szauer

Transition from 2D to VR, review well-established VR interaction paradigms (think laser pointers) and find out how to design a user friendly interface for VR.


Unit 7: Sound in VR – Robert Heitkamp from Oculus

单元7:VR中的声音– Oculus的Robert Heitkamp

Implement spatial audio for VR with the Oculus Spatializer Plugin. Plus, dive into reverb and mixer settings and learn how to test your audio. 

使用Oculus Spatializer插件为VR实现空间音频。 此外,深入研究混响和混音器设置,并学习如何测试音频。

Unit 8: Performance requirements – Matt Conte from Oculus

单元8:性能要求–来自Oculus的Matt Conte

Be efficient with assets, implement lighting and configure your settings to get better performance from your VR game.


Unit 9: Optimization – Cristiano Ferreira from Oculus

第9单元:优化–来自Oculus的Cristiano Ferreira

Get to the bottom of bottlenecks with Unity Profiler, Frame Debugger and Unity Profile Analyzer. You’ll also learn about the technical requirements to pass Oculus Virtual Reality Checks (VRCs).

使用Unity Profiler,Frame Debugger和Unity Profile Analyzer来解决瓶颈。 您还将了解通过Oculus虚拟现实检查(VRC)的技术要求。

Unit 10: Testing – Lisa Brewster and Bruce Wooden from Oculus

单元10:测试-Oculus的Lisa Brewster和Bruce Wooden

Successfully run tests on your VR application. By the end of this unit, you’ll be ready to implement quality VR playtests to your development cycles.

在您的VR应用程序上成功运行测试。 在本单元结束之前,您将准备好在开发周期中实施高质量的VR游戏测试。

Unit 11: Submission and go-to-market strategy – Mari Kyle from Oculus

第11单元:提交和上市策略– Oculus的Mari Kyle

In this final unit, you’ll get a crash course on marketing to drive awareness of your VR experience and pricing strategy. We’ll also talk about best practices for submitting to the Oculus Store.

在最后一个单元中,您将获得市场营销速成班,以提高对VR体验和定价策略的认识。 我们还将讨论提交给Oculus Store的最佳做法。


You can get started learning with this course today. All you need is Unity, the Oculus SDK and VRTK , and Oculus hardware. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to get started. 

您可以立即开始学习本课程。 您只需要Unity,Oculus SDK和VRTK以及Oculus硬件。 不用担心,我们将向您展示入门方法。

If you’re new to both Unity and VR, you may want to explore some introductory courses before you jump into this one. We recommend an intro to Unity course and an intro to VR tutorial.

如果您是Unity和VR的新手,则可能需要先学习一些入门课程。 我们建议的 介绍,以统一课程介绍到VR教程

Don’t forget that at the end of this course you’ll be able to submit your vertical slice for feedback from Oculus, giving you feedback to avoid common pitfalls developers make when submitting their games to the Oculus Store. Between the course content and feedback, you’ll have everything you need to take your next step in VR development.

不要忘记,在本课程结束时,您将能够提交垂直切片以获取Oculus的反馈,从而为您提供反馈,以避免开发人员将游戏提交到Oculus Store时遇到的常见陷阱。 在课程内容和反馈之间,您将拥有进行VR开发下一步所需的一切。

What are you waiting for? Up level your VR skills with our new course.

你在等什么? 通过我们的新课程提升您的VR技能。

Take the course


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/11/13/level-up-your-vr-skills-with-a-free-new-course-from-unity-and-oculus/

oculus unity