

1.查询方法:find| read| get开头 + By

 关键字: 涉及查询条件时,条件属性用关键字连接,要注意的是条件属性首字母大写

 And,Or,Between,LessThan,GreaterThan,After ,Before,IsNull,IsNotNUll,NotNull

Like, NotLike,StartingWith,EndWith,Containing,OrderBy,Not ,In,NotInt,True,False

  eg:Select * from user where id=? -> getById(Integer id)

  eg: Select * from user where username=? and pws=? -> findByUsernameAndPws(String name , String pws)

  eg :select * from  user  -> findUser()

  eg:select count(*) from user  ->count()

  eg:select* from user where between age ? and? -> getByAgeBetween(int a,int b)

  eg:select* from user where age >? and age<=? -> getByAgeGreaterThanAndAgeLessThan(int a,int b)

  eg:select * from user where age is null and pws=?   ->getByAgeIsNullAndPws

  eg: select * from user where username like 'hu%'   ->getByUserNameLike(String nameLike)

                                                                                    ->getgetByUserStartingwith(String nameLike)

  eg:select * from user order by id desc     ->getByOrderByIdDesc()

  eg:  select * from user where age in (1,3,4)   ->getByAgeIn(Collection age );


2.LessThan,GreaterThan,After ,Before 没有等号

   Like,NotLike :前后都不加% 传值时自己加










eg:  select *from user u left join  info i on u.id=i.uid where i.telphone=?      ->getByInfoTelphone(String number)

  当级联查询条件与主表属性冲突用_分隔 getByInfo_Telphone(String number)

[email protected]注解


   @Query(value="From User where age in (Select max(age) from user)")

   @Query(value="Select * From User where age in (Select max(age) from user)",nativeQuery=true)

   nativeQuery=true 本地sql方法查询


   @Query(value="From user where username=?1 And pwd=?2")

    public  List<User> login(String username,String pwd)

              2.:name 命名方式 通过@Param("")指定参数

   @Query(value="From user where username=:username  And pwd=: pwd")

    public  List<User> login(@Param("username")String username,@Param("pwd")String pwd)

[email protected]注解

@[email protected]可以定义个性化更新操作,调用的地方必须加事务,没有事务不能正常进行


    @Query(value="update user set username=:user where  id =:id")



    public int updateById(@Param("username")String username , @Param("id") int id)


    save(T t)  不需要加事务---->insert 单个

    save(Entities  e)   ------->insert批量添加

    区别:save(Entities  e)  批量添加时一旦失败都会回滚

    findOne(Integer id)  根据主键查出  

    exists(Integer id) 查询是否存在