微软 开源项目放在哪儿_把自己放在那里,并在今天发布该开源项目

微软 开源项目放在哪儿_把自己放在那里,并在今天发布该开源项目

微软 开源项目放在哪儿

微软 开源项目放在哪儿_把自己放在那里,并在今天发布该开源项目

It's a leap of faith to put your code out there. You have to have tough skin sometimes. Mean people will say it's crap. Many years ago (93-94?) I worked on a piece of software called FoolProof Desktop Security. I was just a few years in the industry full time and working on this cool new project that would keep kids in schools from breaking into Windows machines. I was pretty proud of the work. I did the 16 bit Windows, 32-bit Windows, and DOS Clients (in Turbovision!).

将您的代码放在那里是一种信念的飞跃。 有时您必须有坚韧的皮肤。 意思是人们会说这是胡扯。 许多年前(93-94年?),我开发了一款名为FoolProof Desktop Security的软件。 我在该行业从事全职工作只有几年时间,并且致力于这个很酷的新项目,该项目可以防止学校的孩子闯入Windows计算机。 我为这项工作感到骄傲。 我做了16位Windows,32位Windows和DOS客户端(在Turbovision中!)。

A new employee arrived on the project and a week later, perhaps as a way to prove themselves, they sent email to the whole team with the subject "Top 10 FOOLISH Code Mistakes in FoolProof."

一名新员工参加了该项目,一周后,也许为了证明自己,他们向整个团队发送了电子邮件,主题为“ FoolProof中十大FOOLISH代码错误”。

And 7 of the 10 mistakes were in my code.


It's gonna happen, and while it's not OK when folks are cruel, I am accountable for how I take the feedback. I decided to double my efforts and take the valid technical feedback (a lot of my code was poor, I was new) and ignore the tackiness of the message itself.

这会发生,虽然当人们残酷时这还不行,但我对如何获得反馈负责。 我决定加倍努力,并获得有效的技术反馈(我的许多代码很糟糕,我是新手),而忽略了消息本身的粘性。

When you write code you're putting yourself out there, even if no one sees your code, they see the result. It's hard to be a creative, to write, to sing, to act, to code. Coding and producing is a declarative statement and as they say:

当您编写代码时,即使没有人看到您的代码,他们也会把自己放在那里,他们会看到结果。 很难有创造力,不能写作,唱歌,表演,编码。 编码和产生是声明性声明,正如他们所说:

He or she who is most likely to make declarative statements is most likely to be called a fool in retrospect.


The code I wrote today was AWESOME. The code I wrote yesterday was CRAP! ;) If it wasn't, I wouldn't be growing.

我今天编写的代码真棒。 我昨天写的代码是CRAP! ;)如果不是,我就不会成长。

You likely have some code on your machine you're holding off to publish. Perhaps a private or hidden repository somewhere. I hear several times a week things like "I'm not ready for people to see my code." But let me tell you, while it may be painful, it will make you better.

您可能要等待发布的计算机上有一些代码。 也许是某个地方的私有或隐藏存储库。 我每周听到几次类似“我还没有准备好让人们看到我的代码”之类的信息。 但是,让我告诉您,虽然可能会很痛苦,但它会使您变得更好。

Books are made better by editors. Coders are made better by pair programming and code reviews. If you love it, let it go.

编辑使书籍更好。 通过配对编程和代码审查使编码员变得更好。 如果您喜欢它,请放手。

Yes, some people will be unkind, but not the people that matter. Publish your project!

是的,有些人会不友善,但重要的人却不会。 发布您的项目!

If you're a more senior person, be kind and coach. Share your wisdom.

如果您是高级人士,请保持友善并担任教练。 分享你的智慧。

相关链接 (Related Links)

Sponsor: Thanks for my friends at Octopus Deploy for sponsoring the feed this week. Their product is fantastic. Using NuGet and powerful conventions, Octopus Deploy makes it easy to automate releases ofASP.NET applications and Windows Services. Say goodbye to remote desktop and start automating today!

赞助商:感谢我在Octopus Deploy上为我的朋友提供赞助。 他们的产品很棒。 使用NuGet和强大的约定,Octopus Deploy可以轻松实现ASP.NET应用程序和Windows Services版本的自动化。 告别远程桌面,立即开始自动化!

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

微软 开源项目放在哪儿_把自己放在那里,并在今天发布该开源项目
微软 开源项目放在哪儿_把自己放在那里,并在今天发布该开源项目
微软 开源项目放在哪儿_把自己放在那里,并在今天发布该开源项目
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微软 开源项目放在哪儿_把自己放在那里,并在今天发布该开源项目

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/put-yourself-out-there-and-publish-that-open-source-project-today

微软 开源项目放在哪儿