raspberry pi_如何使用Raspberry Pi和RetroPie构建自己的NES或SNES Classic

raspberry pi_如何使用Raspberry Pi和RetroPie构建自己的NES或SNES Classic

raspberry pi

raspberry pi_如何使用Raspberry Pi和RetroPie构建自己的NES或SNES Classic

The NES Classic Edition is an official clone of the original Nintendo Entertainment System, and one of the best ways to play your favorite retro games. The SNES Classic is its successor. Unfortunately, it’s so popular that it’s nearly impossible to get your hands on either. Don’t pay $300 on eBay when you can use the modestly-priced Raspberry Pi to build your own—with even more games.

NES Classic Edition是原始Nintendo Entertainment System的官方克隆,并且是玩自己喜欢的怀旧游戏的最佳方法之一。 SNES Classic是其继任者。 不幸的是,它是如此流行,以至于几乎都不可能使用它。 当您可以使用价格适中的Raspberry Pi来构建自己的游戏-甚至拥有更多游戏时,不要在eBay上支付300美元。

什么是NES和SNES Classic,为什么Raspberry Pi更好? (What Are the NES and SNES Classic, and Why Is the Raspberry Pi Better?)

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In the fall of 2016, Nintendo released the NES Classic Edition, a miniature replica of the old 1980s-era Nintendo Entertainment System. It ships with 30 classic games including Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Castlevania and an old-school NES controller (albeit with a very short cable and different connector to accommodate for the smaller size of the NES Classic).

2016年秋天,任天堂发布了NES经典版,它是1980年代旧任天堂娱乐系统的微型复制品。 它附带了30款经典游戏,包括《 超级马里奥兄弟》《塞尔达传说 》和《 恶魔城》,以及老式的NES控制器(尽管电缆很短,并且连接器不同,可以容纳较小的NES Classic)。

It retails for $60 and ships with one controller—you can purchase a second player controller for an additional $10, bringing your total investment up to $70. Unfortunately, the console has proven so popular and Nintendo has produced so few that they’re nearly impossible to find for their original list price, only appearing on sites like eBay for a 200-500% markup.

它的零售价为60美元,并带有一个控制器,您可以额外花10美元购买第二个播放器控制器,从而使总投资达到70美元。 不幸的是,该游戏机已被证明非常受欢迎,任天堂的游戏机数量很少,以其原始的标价几乎找不到,只出现在eBay等网站上,标价为200-500%。

In 2017, Nintendo followed up with the SNES Classic Edition, which retails for $70 and comes with two controllers. Pre-orders have begun, and it’s already proving very difficult to get one.

2017年,任天堂紧随其后的是SNES经典版,零售价为70美元,带有两个控制器。 预订已经开始,而且已经很难获得预订。

Don’t despair, though: even if they’re so rare that you’ve never even seen one in person (let alone had a chance to buy one), you can easily roll your own robust Classic Edition console at home—with more games and more features. In today’s tutorial, we’re going to combine the economical Raspberry Pi, some free software that emulates the NES, SNES, and other consoles, along with some inexpensive USB NES controllers to create a DIY version that’s even better than the originals.

不过,请不要失望:即使它们如此稀有,甚至您甚至从未亲眼见过(更不用说有机会购买一个了),您也可以轻松地在家中安装自己强大的Classic Edition控制台,而且还有更多功能游戏和更多功能。 在今天的教程中,我们将结合经济的Raspberry Pi (一些可模拟NES,SNES和其他控制台的免费软件)以及一些廉价的USB NES控制器,以创建一个比原始版本更好的DIY版本。

Better how? Not only will your DIY version include all the features of the actual NES Classic—like save states, CRT shaders for retro-looking games, and great looking organization with cover art—but it will allow you to play any game (not just the 30 included with the Classics), use any USB controller you want (not just the simple 2-button NES controller), and includes better save states and organization.

更好吗? 您的DIY版本不仅会包含实际NES Classic的所有功能(例如保存状态,用于具有复古外观的游戏的CRT着色器,以及具有精美封面的美观组织),而且还使您可以玩任何游戏(不仅仅是30种游戏经典产品随附的USB控制器(不只是简单的2键NES控制器),还可以使用更好的保存状态和组织方式。

Not only that, but your system will be able to play games from other systems too—like Atari, Game Boy, Sega Genesis, and even later systems like PlayStation Portable or Nintendo 64. You can see a full list of supported systems here.

不仅如此,您的系统还可以玩其他系统的游戏,例如Atari,Game Boy,Sega Genesis,甚至是后来的系统(例如PlayStation Portable或Nintendo 64)。您都可以在此处查看支持的系统完整列表

你需要什么 (What You Need)

To follow along with our tutorial, you’ll need a handful of things and a bit of free time to weave them all together.


Raspberry Pi及其配件 (A Raspberry Pi and Its Accessories)

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First and foremost, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi microcomputer and some basic accessories for it. The computing power required to run a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator is very low, so if you already have an older Raspberry Pi model 1 or 2 laying around, you can (and should!) use it. If you need to purchase a new Pi, by all means buy the most current Raspberry Pi 3 ($40).

首先,您需要一台Raspberry Pi微型计算机及其一些基本附件。 运行Nintendo Entertainment System模拟器所需的计算能力非常低,因此,如果您已经放置了较旧的1或2型Raspberry Pi模型,则可以(并且应该!)使用它。 如果您需要购买新的Pi,一定要购买最新的Raspberry Pi 3 (40美元)。

In addition to the Pi, you’ll need an appropriately sized SD card or microSD card (based on your Pi model), an HDMI cable to connect it to your TV, a USB keyboard (only temporarily for setting it up), and a good power supply. You’ll also probably want internet access on the Pi to download updates and transfer games—you can do this with an Ethernet cable or with Wi-Fi. The Raspberry Pi 3 has Wi-Fi built in, while older models will require a USB Wi-Fi adapter.

除了Pi,您还需要适当大小的SD卡microSD卡 (基于Pi型号),用于将其连接到电视的HDMI电缆 ,一个USB键盘(仅用于临时设置)和一个良好的电源 。 您可能还希望在Pi*问Internet以下载更新并传输游戏-您可以使用以太网电缆或Wi-Fi进行此操作。 Raspberry Pi 3内置了Wi-Fi,而较旧的型号则需要USB Wi-Fi适配器

If you’re new to the Raspberry Pi, don’t worry: we’ve written a detailed guide to all the parts you’ll need, so check out that article for more info.

如果您是Raspberry Pi的新手,请不要担心:我们已经为您需要的所有部件编写了详细的指南 ,因此请查看该文章以获取更多信息。

案例造就项目 (The Case Makes the Project)

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available on Etsy. Etsy上有NES风格的Raspberry Pi保护壳。

To round out your Pi setup, you’ll also want a case. If you’ve already done a bunch of Pi projects, then you already have a case, which is fine. But if you’re starting from scratch or really want the full experience, you might consider getting a custom NES or SNES-themed case for your Raspberry Pi.

要完善Pi设置,您还需要一个保护套。 如果您已经完成了许多Pi项目,那么您已经有了一个案例,这很好。 但是,如果您是从头开始或真的想要完整的体验,则可以考虑为Raspberry Pi获取自定义NES或SNES主题的保护套。

There are a couple NES- and SNES-themed cases on Amazon, including the Old Skool NES case and the Super Tinytendo case. However, if you don’t like the look of those for any reason, you can always 3D print your own one of these or these, or find others on sites like Etsy.

亚马逊上有几个以NES和SNES为主题的案例,包括Old Skool NES案例Super Tinytendo案例 。 但是,如果你不喜欢那些以任何理由的样子,你可以随时三维打印自己需要的这些这些或其他找对像Etsy的网站

负责人:守旧派或现代舒适派 (Controllers: Old School or Modern Comfort)

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Next, you’ll need at least one USB controller (two if you want to play games with a friend). You can approach the controller situation one of two ways: First, you can go pure classic and get a pair of USB NES controllers.

接下来,您至少需要一个USB控制器(如果您想与朋友一起玩游戏,则需要两个)。 您可以通过以下两种方法之一来处理控制器的情况:首先,可以采用经典的方法,并获得一对USB NES控制器。

This approach, we’ll be the first to admit, was far more difficult than we originally anticipated. It seems like it would be incredibly simple to just buy some cheap and well made NES controllers, but in reality there is such a run on the market right now that listings are often inaccurate, controllers are difficult to get, and the best practice we can recommend at the moment is to buy multiple controllers at once, return the one you don’t want, and keep the good ones (that have good heft, good button responsiveness, and play well).

我们将是第一个承认这种方法,它比我们最初预期的要困难得多。 购买一些便宜且制作精良的NES控制器似乎非常简单,但实际上,现在市场上如此火爆,以至于清单往往不准确,控制器很难获得,并且我们可以按照最佳实践进行操作。目前的建议是立即购买多个控制器,退还您不想要的控制器,并保留好控制器(具有良好的手感,良好的按钮响应能力和良好的演奏性)。

We tested the two most popular USB NES controllers on Amazon: the Retro-Link controller, and a generic but well-reviewed Classic USB NES Controller (that, when actually arrived, was branded iNext). While we liked the heft of the Retro-Link better, but button responsiveness of the iNext controller was better. Practically speaking, this is a trial and error experience. (If you want something classic but more comfortable than NES controllers, we have nothing but good things to say about this Buffalo SNES controller, too.)

我们在亚马逊上测试了两个最受欢迎的USB NES控制器: Retro-Link控制器和一个通用但经过严格审查的Classic USB NES控制器 (在实际到货时,其商标为iNext)。 尽管我们更喜欢Retro-Link的外观,但iNext控制器的按钮响应能力更好。 实际上,这是一个反复试验的经验。 (如果您想要经典但比NES控制器更舒适的东西,那么关于此Buffalo SNES控制器 ,我们也只能说些好话。)

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The other approach you can take, which is less authentic feeling but a bit more versatile, is to purchase a more modern controller, like a wired Xbox 360 controller. Not only is the build quality and availability more consistent, but the emulation platform we’re about to set up, RetroPie, supports more than just the NES—so if you want to play games from other systems, a newer controller with more buttons is nice.

您可以采用的另一种方法是购买更现代的控制器(例如有线Xbox 360控制器) ,这种方法不太真实,但是用途更多。 不仅构建质量和可用性更加一致,而且我们将要建立的仿真平台RetroPie不仅仅支持NES,因此,如果您想从其他系统玩游戏,可以使用带有更多按钮的更新控制器很好

Either way, you’ll need at least one USB controller for the project, so pick your favorite.


该软件:适用于所有喜爱游戏的RetroPie和ROM (The Software: RetroPie and ROMs for All Your Favorite Games)

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In addition to the hardware, you’ll also need some software to play your games. You’ll need to download a copy of RetroPie, a fantastic bundle of software that combines a number of emulation tools and software into one very user-friendly interface.

除了硬件之外,您还需要一些软件来玩游戏。 您需要下载RetroPie的副本, RetroPie是一套出色的软件,将许多仿真工具和软件组合到一个非常用户友好的界面中。

For our purpose, we’ll be using the premade images for the Raspberry Pi (as opposed to installing it over an existing operating system). Download the right image for your Pi model number here. Additionally, you’ll need some sort of tool to burn that image to your SD card—our tool of choice is the cross-platform Etcher image burner.

为了我们的目的,我们将使用Raspberry Pi的预制映像(而不是在现有操作系统上安装映像)。 在此处为您的Pi型号下载正确的图像 。 此外,您将需要某种工具来将该图像刻录到SD卡上-我们选择的工具是跨平台的Etcher图像刻录机。

Finally, and thematically the most important, you’ll need some games! These come in the form of ROM files which you can either rip yourself (with the appropriate hardware) or download from the net. Acquiring ROMs is an exercise, because of fuzzy legal issues, best left to the reader—we won’t directly link to ROMs or ROM sites here. That said, however, a simple Google search will take you far.

最后,主题上最重要的是,您需要一些游戏! 这些以ROM文件的形式出现,您可以(使用适当的硬件 )翻录自己或从网上下载。 由于模糊的法律问题 ,最好由读者自己决定,这是获得ROM的一种练习,在这里我们不会直接链接到ROM或ROM站点。 就是说,不过,简单的Google搜索将带您进一步。

第一步:准备您的Pi (Step One: Prepare Your Pi)

With all the aforementioned materials gathered, it’s time to dive into preparing the Pi. First, we’ll set up the SD card. Pop your SD card in your computer and fire up Etcher. The process is as easy as 1-2-3: select the RetroPie image you downloaded, confirm the SD card is the selected disk, and then click “Flash!”

收集了上述所有材料后,就该开始准备Pi了。 首先,我们将设置SD卡。 在计算机中弹出SD卡,然后启动Etcher 。 该过程就像1-2-3一样简单:选择您下载的RetroPie映像,确认SD卡是所选磁盘,然后单击“ Flash!”。

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Wait for the image to finish burning, eject the SD card safely from your computer, and grab your Pi and accessories. Hook the Pi up to your TV with your HDMI cable, plug in your USB keyboard and controller(s), insert the SD card, and plug in the power cable to power the system up.

等待图像完成刻录,从计算机安全弹出SD卡,然后抓住Pi和配件。 使用HDMI电缆将Pi挂接到电视上,插入USB键盘和控制器,插入SD卡,然后插入电源线为系统供电。

If you ever get stuck during the installation process, feel free to refer to our Raspberry Pi beginner’s guide, which has a bunch of useful info on the initial setup.

如果您在安装过程中遇到麻烦,请随时参考我们的Raspberry Pi初学者指南 ,该指南包含有关初始设置的大量有用信息。

第二步:配置RetroPie (Step Two: Configure RetroPie)

Once you’ve powered up the Pi for the first time with the RetroPie SD card installed, it will run through some one-time setup steps automatically (like expanding the partition, unpacking files, and so on). Then it will reboot bringing you to the controller configuration screen as seen below.

首次在安装了RetroPie SD卡的情况下打开Pi的电源后,它将自动执行一些一次性的设置步骤(如扩展分区,解压缩文件等)。 然后它将重新启动,将您带到控制器配置屏幕,如下所示。

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Just as the screen suggests, you should press and hold any button on your USB controller to start the configuration process. In the configuration menu, briefly press the corresponding button for each listed entry (e.g. up on the directional pad to start).

就像屏幕上显示的一样,您应该按住USB控制器上的任何按钮以开始配置过程。 在配置菜单中,为每个列出的条目短暂按下相应的按钮(例如,在方向盘上向上启动)。

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Eventually, you’ll get to button entries that may not have corresponding buttons on your controller (for example, if you’re using a traditional NES controller and it starts asking you about X and Y buttons). When you reach the entries for the buttons you don’t have, simply press and hold a button you have already programmed for 2 seconds, then release it. This will signal to the configuration wizard that you wish to skip that button. Repeat this process until you have skipped all the unneeded entries and can click “OK” to proceed.

最终,您将获得在控制器上可能没有对应按钮的按钮条目(例如,如果您使用的是传统的NES控制器,并且它开始询问您有关X和Y按钮的信息)。 当您找到没有按钮的条目时,只需按住已编程的按钮2秒钟,然后松开即可。 这将向配置向导发出信号,表示您希望跳过该按钮。 重复此过程,直到您跳过所有不需要的条目,然后单击“确定”继续。

At this point, you’ll see the following screen with the RetroPie logo and “13 Games Available” beneath it.

此时,您将看到下面的屏幕,其中带有RetroPie徽标及其下方的“ 13 Games Available”。

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“Thirteen games? Sweet!” you might be thinking. Not so fast: those aren’t 13 games you can play, those are 13 configuration tools for “RetroPie” (which is recognized as one of your emulators, even though it’s really the underlying system). Don’t worry, in just a moment we’ll get around to the actual games.

“十三场比赛? 甜!” 你可能在想。 并没有那么快:这些不是您可以玩的13款游戏,它们是“ RetroPie”(尽管它确实是基础系统,被公认是您的模拟器之一)的13种配置工具。 不用担心,我们稍后将介绍实际游戏。

If you’re using an Ethernet cable with your Pi for network access instead of Wi-Fi, you can jump right to the next section to get right into putting games into RetroPie. If you’re using Wi-Fi, however, press the A button on your controller to launch the menu. The RetroPie default color scheme makes it a bit hard to see in a smaller screenshot, but the entry for Wi-Fi is the last one on the list, as seen below.

如果您在Pi上使用以太网电缆而不是Wi-Fi进行网络访问,则可以直接跳到下一部分,直接将游戏放入RetroPie。 但是,如果您使用的是Wi-Fi,请按控制器上的A按钮以启动菜单。 RetroPie默认的配色方案在较小的屏幕截图中很难看到,但Wi-Fi的条目是列表中的最后一个,如下所示。

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When you select the “WIFI” entry, it will launch a Wi-Fi configuration tool. Select “Connect to WiFi Network”.

当您选择“ WIFI”条目时,它将启动Wi-Fi配置工具。 选择“连接到WiFi网络”。

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Next select your home network, input the password, click OK, and then click OK again on the main screen to exit the application (you’ll be returned to the screen you selected the Wi-Fi entry from).


Although you can use RetroPie without internet access, it is far easier to transfer your games to the device using the network.


第三步:添加游戏 (Step Three: Add Your Games)

With our Pi set up and connected to our home network, the most important step is upon us: loading it up with sweet, sweet, retro games. The easiest way to transfer games is using network shares. (You can use a USB drive, but the network setup is actually even simpler, so we’ll detail that method here). Let’s get started.

设置好我们的Pi并将其连接到家庭网络后,最重要的一步就在我们身上:为它添加甜美,甜美,复古的游戏。 转移游戏的最简单方法是使用网络共享。 (您可以使用USB驱动器 ,但实际上网络设置甚至更简单,因此我们将在此处详细介绍该方法)。 让我们开始吧。

By default, the RetroPie box is assigned a network share named “retropie”, and you can browse to it by simply opening up Windows Explorer on your PC and typing \\retropie\ in the address box. Then, just open the “roms” folder, navigate to your system of choice (we’ll use “nes” in this example) and copy any ROM files to that folder. We copied one of our favorite RPG games, Crystalis, as our test ROM.

默认情况下,RetroPie框被分配一个名为“ retropie”的网络共享,您可以通过简单地在PC上打开Windows资源管理器并在地址框中键入\\retropie\来浏览到它。 然后,只需打开“ roms”文件夹,导航到您选择的系统(在此示例中,我们将使用“ nes”)并将所有ROM文件复制到该文件夹​​。 我们复制了我们最喜欢的RPG游戏之一Crystalis作为测试ROM。

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Once you’ve added games, you then need to restart RetroPie (or, more specifically, the Emulation Station interface underneath). On your Pi, press the B button on your controller to return to the main menu then press the Start button to open the main menu, as seen below. Select “Quit”.

添加游戏后,您需要重新启动RetroPie(或更具体地说,重新启动其下方的Emulation Station界面)。 在您的Pi上,按控制器上的B按钮返回主菜单,然后按Start(开始)按钮打开主菜单,如下所示。 选择“退出”。

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Select “Restart EmulationStation” and confirm you really wish to restart it.


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When it reboots, suddenly there won’t be just an entry for “RetroPie” in the main GUI, but (because we added the roms to the “nes” directory) you’ll see an entry for the Nintendo Entertainment System. That’s a key step in setting up any emulator on RetroPie. There are tons of emulators for different video game platforms installed by default, but they will not appear in the interface until you add at least one ROM to their “roms” directory.

重新启动后,突然在主GUI中不会仅出现“ RetroPie”的条目,而是(由于我们将roms添加到“ nes”目录中),您将看到Nintendo Entertainment System的条目。 这是在RetroPie上设置任何模拟器的关键步骤。 默认情况下,有许多用于不同视频游戏平台的仿真器,但是只有在您的“ roms”目录中至少添加了一个ROM后,它们才会出现在界面中。

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Press the A button see the available games. Select the game you wish to play (the only game in our case) and press A again.

按下A按钮查看可用的游戏。 选择您要玩的游戏(在本例中是唯一的游戏),然后再次按A。

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After a very brief moment, the NES emulator will finish loading your ROM and you’ll see the game just as if you’d loaded it up on a vintage NES unit.


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At this point, you can play the game just like you were playing the original. If you need to restart the game, simply press SELECT and B at the same time. If you want to exit the game back to the RetroPie menu, press SELECT and START at the same time. Feel free to repeat this step for SNES games, Genesis games, and whatever other systems you want to play.

此时,您可以像玩原始游戏一样玩游戏。 如果您需要重新启动游戏,只需同时按SELECT和B。 如果要退出游戏回到RetroPie菜单,请同时按SELECT和START。 随意对SNES游戏,Genesis游戏以及您想要玩的任何其他系统重复此步骤。

多汁的附加功能:封面,着色器和保存游戏 (The Juicy Extras: Cover Art, Shaders, and Save Games)

That’s all you need to get started playing. But if you want the full “I built my own NES Classic” experience, there a few more extra features we need to tap into: cover art (which make your library pretty and easy to browser), shaders (which make the game look more retro on your modern TV), and save states (which let you save your game, even if the original game didn’t support it. These are all features included in the official NES Classic.

这就是您开始玩的全部。 但是,如果您想获得完整的“我建立了我自己的NES Classic”体验,我们还需要使用其他一些功能:封面(使您的媒体库更漂亮,更易于浏览),着色器(使游戏看起来更美观)。并在现代电视上重新显示)并保存状态(即使原始游戏不支持它也可以保存游戏。这些都是NES Classic附带的功能)。

将封面艺术添加到您的图书馆 (Add Cover Art to Your Library)

Once you have a bunch of games copied over to your “roms” folder, head back to the NES menu (where we just launched our test game), press the Start button to open the menu, then select “Scraper”.

将一堆游戏复制到“ roms”文件夹后,返回NES菜单(我们刚刚启动了测试游戏),按“开始”按钮打开菜单,然后选择“抓取器”。

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In the next screen, you can adjust the settings. Leave the scraper as “THEGAMESDB”. You can toggle ratings off if you want (we left it on). Then select “Scrape Now”.

在下一个屏幕中,您可以调整设置。 将刮板保留为“ THEGAMESDB”。 您可以根据需要关闭评级(我们将其保持打开状态)。 然后选择“立即抓取”。

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Because this is our first scrape, switch the filter to “All Games”. By default, the scraper is set to just use the system it is loaded in (in this case, NES), so no need to change anything. Finally, ensure “User Decides On Conflicts” is turned on. This is important, otherwise the scraper may scrape the wrong data if it isn’t sure if the game is Double Dragon or Double Dragon II.

由于这是我们的第一篇文章,因此请将过滤器切换为“所有游戏”。 默认情况下,刮板设置为仅使用其加载的系统(在本例中为NES),因此无需更改任何内容。 最后,确保打开“用户决定冲突”。 这一点很重要,否则,如果不确定游戏是Double Dragon还是Double Dragon II ,那么刮板可能会刮刮错误的数据。

The only reason you would not want to use that setting is if you had hundreds of games to scrape and did not want to manually confirm each selection (you would, however, have to go back and manually fix any conflicts later, game by game). When you’re ready, select “Start”.

您不希望使用该设置的唯一原因是,如果您要抓取数百个游戏,并且不想手动确认每个选择(但是,以后必须逐个游戏逐个手动修复所有冲突) 。 准备就绪后,选择“开始”。

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As the system works, you will be prompted to confirm each selection (even if there is only one pick). Press A once you have selected the correct game.

随着系统的运行,系统将提示您确认每个选择(即使只有一个选择)。 选择正确的游戏后,按A。

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When it’s finished, you’ll have a nicely organized game collection.


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使用平滑和着色器获得旧式CRT氛围 (Get that Old School CRT Vibe with Smoothing and Shaders)

One thing you might notice immediately after plaing a game is how vibrant and crisp the graphics look. In fact, upon loading up our demo game Crystalis, the first thing I noticed was that the colors were so much brighter and the lines so much sharper than I remembered.

编写完游戏后,您可能会立即注意到的一件事就是图形的外观多么生动鲜明。 实际上,在加载演示游戏Crystalis时 ,我注意到的第一件事是颜色比我记得的要明亮得多,线条也更加清晰。

The primary reason for this disparity is how images are displayed on a digital display versus an analog CRT display. Your computer monitor and HDTV are presenting the game with a perfect 1:1 pixel-to-pixel ratio, whereas your old CRT display was phosphor-based with a softer image and light/color “blooming” around the individual points on the screen.

这种差异的主要原因是如何在数字显示器上显示图像,而不是在模拟CRT显示器上显示图像。 您的计算机显示器和HDTV以完美的1:1像素对像素的比例呈现游戏,而您的旧CRT显示器则基于荧光粉,图像的柔和度和屏幕各个点周围的光/色“泛滥”。

To compensate for that, you can set up your system to apply shaders or smoothing algorithms in order to recreate that CRT effect. Not sure if that’s something you care about? Let’s compare images captured from the same game at the same moment with different effects applied. First, let’s look at how the very first playable moment in Crystalis looks with no shaders or smoothing.

为了弥补这一点,您可以将系统设置为应用着色器或平滑算法,以重新创建该CRT效果。 不确定这是否是您所关心的吗? 让我们比较一下在同一时刻从同一游戏中捕获的图像,这些图像应用了不同的效果。 首先,让我们看一下Crystalis中第一个可播放的时刻在没有着色器或平滑的情况下的外观。

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Notice that the lines are all very crisp, significantly more crisp than you probably remember (if you played the original game on the original hardware). If you like this crisper look with sharp edges, then by all means play the game this way.

请注意,这些线条都很清晰,比您可能记得的要清晰得多(如果您在原始硬件上玩原始游戏)。 如果您喜欢这种带有锋利边缘的鲜明外观,那么一定要这样玩。

Let’s take a look at how the game looks with the graphics smoothed out using the smoothing algorithm. If you’re using an older Pi, this is a great option as the smoothing algorithm (unlike the shaders) puts little to no load on the GPU.

让我们看一下使用平滑算法对图形进行平滑处理后游戏的外观。 如果您使用的是较旧的Pi,则这是一个不错的选择,因为平滑算法(与着色器不同)对GPU几乎没有负载。

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Looking at this on your computer monitor or a mobile device with a sharp high resolution screen, you might be thinking “That looks… blurry.” but when viewed at a distance (like that between your couch and television), the smoothing effect does give games a more CRT-like feel and the blur doesn’t feel so intense. Stand back and look at the rocks on the edge of the picture compared to the first image and you’ll see what I mean.

在计算机显示器或具有清晰高分辨率屏幕的移动设备上查看此内容时,您可能会想“看起来……模糊”。 但是在远处观看时(例如在沙发和电视之间),平滑效果的确会给游戏带来更像CRT的感觉,并且模糊感不会那么强烈。 站起来看看图片边缘与第一张图片相比的岩石,您会明白我的意思。

Finally, you can using shaders to create CRT effects like scanlines and even slight distortion (as the front of CRT displays was slightly curved in most cases). Here’s a simple CRT shader applied.

最后,您可以使用着色器创建CRT效果,例如扫描线,甚至产生轻微的失真(因为在大多数情况下,CRT显示器的正面略微弯曲)。 这是一个简单的CRT着色器。

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Again, when viewed in a close comparison crop like we have here, the effect seems pronounced (just as if you were sitting very close to a CRT screen). But when viewed at a distance, it looks very natural. In fact, even though I didn’t mind how the game looked sans smoothing or shaders, it was when I turned on a CRT shader I went “Oh! That looks like the game I remember!”

再次,当像我们在此处这样比较紧密地观看时,效果似乎很明显(就像您坐在非常靠近CRT屏幕的位置一样)。 但是,从远处看时,它看起来很自然。 实际上,即使我不介意在没有平滑或着色器的情况下游戏看起来如何,也就是当我打开CRT着色器时,我说“哦! 看起来像游戏,我记住了!”

Both the smoothing and shaders settings are located in the same place, but there’s a little tweak we have to perform before we dive into that menu. Although RetroPie is supposed to ship with shaders already preloaded, in our experience you need to manually update the shaders list (which you’ll need an internet connection for, so plug in that Ethernet cable now if it isn’t already). Return to the RetroPie setup menu we originally visited and select “RetroArch” from the menu, as seen below.

平滑和着色器设置都位于同一位置,但是在进入该菜单之前,我们需要进行一些调整。 尽管RetroPie应该附带已经预先加载的着色器,但是根据我们的经验,您需要手动更新着色器列表(需要Internet连接,因此,如果尚未连接,请立即插入该以太网电缆)。 返回我们最初访问的RetroPie设置菜单,然后从菜单中选择“ RetroArch”,如下所示。

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This will launch the very retro-looking RetroArch configuration menu. Select the entry “Online Updater”.

这将启动非常复古的RetroArch配置菜单。 选择条目“在线更新程序”。

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Within the “Online Updater” menu, select “Update GLSL Shaders”.


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Down in the lower left corner, in tiny yellow text, you’ll see a little update indicator, showing that “shaders_gsls.zip” is downloading. Wait for it to finish. Once the process is complete hit the Esc key on your keyboard or the B button on your controller to back out of the menus all the way to the main menu. There, select “Quit RetroArch”. Once back in the RetroPie menu, select “RetroPie Setup”.

在左下角的黄色小文本中,您将看到一个小的更新指示器,显示“ shaders_gsls.zip”正在下载。 等待它完成。 完成此过程后,请按键盘上的Esc键或控制器上的B按钮,以从菜单一直退回到主菜单。 在那里,选择“退出RetroArch”。 回到RetroPie菜单后,选择“ RetroPie设置”。

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Inside the RetroPie setup menu, select “configedit – Edit RetroPie/RetroArch configurations”.

在RetroPie设置菜单中,选择“ configedit –编辑RetroPie / RetroArch配置”。

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Select “Configure basic libretro emulator options”.


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Here you can choose to configure shaders and smoothing on an emulator-by-emulator basis, or apply it universally. Unless you want different shader settings for each system, it’s best to just select “Configure default options for all libretro emulators”.

在这里,您可以选择在逐个仿真器的基础上配置着色器和平滑化,或通用应用它。 除非您希望每个系统使用不同的着色器设置,否则最好仅选择“为所有libretro仿真器配置默认选项”。

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Within this menu, you’ll find all the settings you need for both smoothing and shaders. It’s important to note that smoothing and shaders are an either/or solution—you can’t use both at once. If you’re trying to decide between the two, remember that smoothing is much lighter on the Pi’s resources than shaders.

在此菜单中,您将找到平滑和着色器所需的所有设置。 重要的是要注意,平滑和着色器是一种“或/或”解决方案,您不能同时使用两者。 如果要在两者之间做出选择,请记住,与着色器相比,在Pi资源上进行平滑处理要轻得多。

If you want to use smoothing, select “Video Smoothing” and change the “false” to “true”. You can then return back to the main menu and play with the smoothing enabled.

如果要使用平滑,请选择“视频平滑”,然后将“假”更改为“真”。 然后,您可以返回主菜单并启用平滑功能。

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If you want to use shaders, you have two steps. Ensure that “Video Smoothing” is set to the default of false. Then set “Video Shader Enable” to “true”. Finally, select “Video Shader File” to select the shader you wish to use.

如果要使用着色器,则有两个步骤。 确保将“视频平滑”设置为默认值false。 然后将“ Video Shader Enable”设置为“ true”。 最后,选择“视频着色器文件”以选择要使用的着色器。

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The shaders list might look a little daunting, but there is an easy solution. Simply look for shader files with “pi” in the name, like the “crt-pi.glslp” file seen above. These shaders have been optimized for the Raspberry Pi’s less powerful GPU. You can always use other shaders, but don’t be surprised if performance suffers.

着色器列表可能看起来有些令人生畏,但是有一个简单的解决方案。 只需查找名称中带有“ pi”的着色器文件,例如上面显示的“ crt-pi.glslp”文件。 这些着色器已针对Raspberry Pi较弱的GPU进行了优化。 您始终可以使用其他着色器,但是如果性能受到影响,请不要感到惊讶。

If at anytime you no longer wish to play with smoothing or shaders (or wish to change which shader you are using), you can simply return to these menus and set the values to false or change the shader file.


设置保存状态…因为反对真的很难 (Set Up Save States…Because Contra Is Really Hard)

If you’re a purist, you might just want to skip this section altogether. Some games natively support saving your progress, some games do not (you can, for example, save your game in The Legend of Zelda but you cannot in Super Mario Bros.).

如果您是一位纯粹主义者,则可能只想完全跳过本节。 有些游戏本身支持保存进度,有些游戏则不支持(例如,您可以将游戏保存在《塞尔达传说》中,但不能保存在《 超级马里奥兄弟》中 )。

Even those games that support saving require you to save the game in a specific way, often using some in-game mechanism like visiting an inn or checking in at a space station. With emulators, you can save the game anytime and anywhere, just like you might save a file in Microsoft Word as you work on it. It also gives you multiple save slots per game, so you can have as many save files as you want. It might not be the purist way to do it, but man is it a nice way to cut down on your frustration levels while playing insanely difficult games.

即使是那些支持保存的游戏,也要求您以特定的方式保存游戏,经常使用某些游戏内机制,例如访问旅馆或在空间站登机。 有了模拟器,你可以保存游戏随时随地 ,就像你可以将文件保存在Microsoft Word中,你就可以工作。 它还为每个游戏提供了多个保存位置,因此您可以根据需要拥有任意数量的保存文件。 这样做可能不是纯粹的方法,但是在玩疯狂的疯狂游戏时,这是减少沮丧感的好方法。

You can save and load your game as you play by using controller-based hotkeys.  For those of you using a controller with lots of buttons (like the aforementioned Xbox 360 controller), you don’t need to do any fiddly key mapping at all, you can simply use the default RetroPie/RetroArch button maps for your controller. Check out this RetroPie wiki entry to see the default joypad hotkeys.

您可以使用基于控制器的热键在游戏时保存和加载游戏。 对于那些使用带有许多按钮的控制器(例如上述的Xbox 360控制器)的人,您根本不需要做任何巧妙的键映射,您只需为控制器使用默认的RetroPie / RetroArch按钮映射即可。 查看此RetroPie Wiki条目,以查看默认的游戏手柄热键

If you’re using the NES controller, however, the limited number of buttons really imposes a bit of a burden. If you wish to use the save state system, you will need to do some minor keymap editing. The default keymap for saving and loading save states uses the shoulder buttons on a controller, which aren’t present on the NES controller. We’ll need to remap those buttons in order to access those functions. There are two ways to do so: you can either edit the retroarch.cfg file located in \\retropie\configs\all\retroarch.cfg (which is very very tedious) or you can use the RetroArch interface (which is a normal amount of tedious). We’ll walk through the latter.

但是,如果您使用的是NES控制器,那么数量有限的按钮确实会带来一些负担。 如果您想使用保存状态系统,则需要进行一些小的键盘映射编辑。 用于保存和加载保存状态的默认键盘映射使用控制器上的肩膀按钮,这些按钮在NES控制器上不存在。 我们需要重新映射这些按钮才能访问这些功能。 这样做有两种方法:您可以编辑\\retropie\configs\all\retroarch.cfg文件( 非常繁琐 ),也可以使用RetroArch界面(正常数量)乏味)。 我们将逐步介绍后者。

To use the keymap interface, launch the RetroArch menu system again (from the main RetroPie menu, select the RetroPie category and then select “RetroArch”). Within the main menu, select “Settings”. Before we make any changes, we need to toggle on save-on-exit setting to preserve those changes.

要使用键盘映射界面,请再次启动RetroArch菜单系统(从RetroPie主菜单中,选择RetroPie类别,然后选择“ RetroArch”)。 在主菜单中,选择“设置”。 在进行任何更改之前,我们需要启用“退出时保存”设置以保留这些更改。

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Within the Settings menu, select “Configuration”.


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Within that menu, select “Save Configuration On Exit” to toggle saving on. Without this setting, any changes we make will not be preserved when we exit the RetroArch menu system.

在该菜单中,选择“退出时保存配置”以打开保存。 如果没有此设置,则退出RetroArch菜单系统时,我们所做的任何更改都不会保留。

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Press the B button or the Esc key to back out of the menu until you’re at the main RetroArch menu again. Select the Settings menu.

按B按钮或Esc键退出菜单,直到再次进入RetroArch主菜单。 选择设置菜单。

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Select “Input”. Here is where you’ll find all the settings for keybindings and related configurations.

选择“输入”。 在这里,您可以找到按键绑定和相关配置的所有设置。

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Select “Input Hotkey Binds”. Here we can change what the hotkey combinations on your controller do.

选择“输入热键绑定”。 在这里,我们可以更改控制器上的热键组合。

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In order to both unlock access to the RetroArch menu while in-game, as well as give us proper access to save states, there are three button combinations we need to map: save, load, and access the RetroArch menu. You can opt to use whatever button combinations you wish for each of these, but the button combinations we’ve selected for this tutorial are optimal in the sense that they do not interfere with any existing keymaps.

为了在游戏中解锁对RetroArch菜单的访问权限,并为我们提供对保存状态的正确访问权限,我们需要映射三种按钮组合:保存,加载和访问RetroArch菜单。 您可以选择对每种按钮使用任何希望的按钮组合,但是我们在本教程中选择的按钮组合是最佳的,因为它们不会干扰任何现有的按键映射。

Let’s start with “Load state”. Select that entry and press A on your controller. You’ll be prompted with a four second countdown to press the key you wish to map to this function.

让我们从“加载状态”开始。 选择该条目,然后按控制器上的A。 倒数四秒钟将提示您按下要映射到此功能的键。

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You want to map the Down key on the directional pad so that when you press the hotkey activator (the Select button) and Down it will save your game. Select “Save state” and map it to the Up key on the directional pad. Go ahead and leave the “Savestate slot +/-” entries alone as those are fine (it is set so that you can click left or right to change the save slot).

您希望将方向键映射到方向键上,这样,当您按下热键**器(“选择”按钮)并按下方向键时,它将保存您的游戏。 选择“保存状态”并将其映射到方向键上的向上键。 继续并保留“ Savestate slot +/-”条目,因为它们没问题(已设置好,因此您可以单击向左或向右单击以更改保存插槽)。

Finally, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list until you see “Menu toggle”. Select it and then map the A button to it (this will allow you to press Select+A) in the game to access the RetroArch menu.

最后,一直滚动到列表底部,直到看到“菜单切换”。 选择它,然后将A按钮映射到它(这将允许您按Select + A)以访问RetroArch菜单。

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Press the B button to back out of the menus until you are at the main screen and then select “Quit RetroArch” to save your changes.

按下B按钮返回菜单,直到您进入主屏幕,然后选择“ Quit RetroArch”以退出更改。

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At this point you’re all set and can now use the following button combos:


  • Select+Start: Exit the emulator.

  • Select+B: Reset the emulator.

    Select + B:重置仿真器。
  • Select+A: Pause the game and open the RetroArch menu from within the emulator.

    选择+ A:暂停游戏,然后从模拟器中打开RetroArch菜单。
  • Select+Right: Increase the save slot (e.g. move from Save Slot #1 to #2)

  • Select+Left: Decrease the save slot (e.g. move from Save Slot #2 to #1)

    Select + Left:减小保存插槽(例如,从保存插槽2移至1)。
  • Select+Up: Save the game to the currently selected save slot.

  • Select+Down: Load the game from the save in the current save slot.

raspberry pi_如何使用Raspberry Pi和RetroPie构建自己的NES或SNES Classic

Now you can play through even the hardest of games without having to start from scratch every time you get a Game Over.


You’re finally done: we’ve not only recreated the experience of using the NES Classic, but we’ve actually created a superior version, since it can play any NES game ever made, supports more save slots than the NES Classic, more shaders and video options, and (if you wish to do so) you can reach beyond the scope of this tutorial and even use Game Genie-like cheat codes, instant replays, and more. Check out the RetroPie and RetroArch wikis for more information about all the advanced features tucked away in the platform, as well as our guide to RetroArch’s advanced settings.

您终于完成了:我们不仅重新创建了使用NES Classic的体验,而且实际上已经创建了一个高级版本,因为它可以玩任何有史以来的NES游戏,比NES Classic支持更多的保存位置,更多着色器和视频选项,并且(如果您愿意的话)可以超出本教程的范围,甚至可以使用类似Game Genie的作弊代码,即时重播等。 请查看RetroPieRetroArch Wiki,以获取有关平台中包含的所有高级功能的更多信息,以及我们的RetroArch高级设置指南

Image Credits: Fynsya/Etsy and Clive Darra/Flickr.

图片来源: Fynsya / Etsy和Clive Darra / Flickr。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/286842/how-to-build-your-own-nes-classic-with-a-raspberry-pi-and-retropie/

raspberry pi