spring-boot-devtools导致com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONException: write javaBean error, fastjson ver


spring-boot-devtools导致com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONException: write javaBean error, fastjson ver

                                                       图1 fastjson序列化时

spring-boot-devtools导致com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONException: write javaBean error, fastjson ver

                    图2 controller中方法调用时,即调用fastjson.toJSONString()之前



java.lang.ClassCastException: jtl3d.dto.UserDetailsDto cannot be cast to jtl3d.dto.UserDetailsDto









1、序列化失败原因可能有多种,但今天这种情况笔者是第一次见,在spring官网找到了下面的一段话:简单说就是不变的类一般都要appclassloader加载,开发应用中的类由spring-boot-devtools里的restart 类加载器加载,而Fastjson也是第三方jar包,孤儿也使用appclassloader加载


Restart vs Reload

The restart technology provided by Spring Boot works by using two classloaders. Classes that do not change (for example, those from third-party jars) are loaded into a base classloader. Classes that you are actively developing are loaded into a restart classloader. When the application is restarted, the restart classloader is thrown away and a new one is created. This approach means that application restarts are typically much faster than “cold starts”, since the base classloader is already available and populated.

If you find that restarts are not quick enough for your applications or you encounter classloading issues, you could consider reloading technologies such as JRebelfrom ZeroTurnaround. These work by rewriting classes as they are loaded to make them more amenable to reloading.




20.2.6 Customizing the Restart Classloader

As described earlier in the Restart vs Reload section, restart functionality is implemented by using two classloaders. For most applications, this approach works well. However, it can sometimes cause classloading issues.

By default, any open project in your IDE is loaded with the “restart” classloader, and any regular .jar file is loaded with the “base” classloader. If you work on a multi-module project, and not every module is imported into your IDE, you may need to customize things. To do so, you can create a META-INF/spring-devtools.properties file.

The spring-devtools.properties file can contain properties prefixed with restart.exclude and restart.include. The include elements are items that should be pulled up into the “restart” classloader, and the exclude elements are items that should be pushed down into the “base” classloader. The value of the property is a regex pattern that is applied to the classpath, as shown in the following example:
