


This article was written by MysticGeek, a tech blogger at the How-To Geek Blogs.

本文由How-To Geek Blogs的技术博客MysticGeek撰写。

After watching the project manager at work scroll painfully through 10,000 messages in her inbox trying to find one from the right sender, it occurred to me that a lot of people don’t realize how easily you can use the keyboard to find a message in a sorted list.


Almost any list control in Windows will let you type the first couple of letters in order to focus the selection on the item that matches in the current sorted column. It’s not exactly a new technique, but judging from today’s experience I felt it was worth sharing.

Windows中的几乎所有列表控件都将允许您键入前几个字母,以便将选择集中在当前排序列中与之匹配的项目上。 这并不是一种新技术,但是从今天的经验来看,我觉得值得分享。

For instance, in Outlook you can sort by the “From” header by clicking on it…



And now you can start typing the first couple of letters of a name, for instance I wanted to find messages from Amazon.com so I typed in the first three letters quickly: a, m, a…



You’ll see that the selection went down to Amazon.com. Obviously this is a contrived example, but you can see the value in using this technique.

您将看到选择权落入Amazon.com。 显然,这是一个人为的示例,但是您可以看到使用此技术的价值。

Note: This will also work for other columns like Subject, or anything that can be sorted in alphabetical order.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/stupid-geek-tricks-find-messages-quickly-without-searching-in-outlook/
