第一届教指委会议_我们的第一年。 新的网络会议-

第一届教指委会议_我们的第一年。 新的网络会议-


第一届教指委会议_我们的第一年。 新的网络会议-
anglebrackets.org and I hope to see you there. anglebrackets.org ,我希望在那里见到你。

My friends and I miss the old Mix conference and the great fun of web conferences in Vegas generally. So we talked to Richard Campbell and some friends and made our own show. (This is not a Microsoft show, to be clear)

我和我的朋友们都想念旧的Mix会议以及整个拉斯维加斯的网络会议的乐趣。 因此,我们与理查德·坎贝尔和一些朋友进行了交谈,并制作了自己的表演。 (这不是微软的节目,要清楚)

This is the first year of anglebrackets and it's going to be a small conference and we have no money. Because of this, we are co-located with a larger conference* and attendees can move between the two conferences.

今年是尖括号的第一年,这将是一次小型会议,我们没有钱。 因此,我们大型会议位于同一地点* 与会者可以在两个会议之间移动。

You'll be able to enjoy web-focused, back-end non-specific web sessions from amazing web people like:


  • Lea Verou - Developer Relations at the @W3C

    Lea Verou- @ W3C的开发人员关系

  • Christian Heilmann - Mozilla


  • Jonathan Snook - SMACSS.com Author

    乔纳森·斯努克( Jonathan Snook )-SMACSS.com作者

  • Elijah Manor - jQuery expert

    Elijah Manor -jQuery专家

  • Jim Cowart - appendTo()

    吉姆·考阿特( Jim Cowart )-appendTo()

  • Denise Jacobs - Creativity Evangelist

    Denise Jacobs-创意传播者

  • Phil Haack - GitHub

    Phil Haack -GitHub

  • Scott Hanselman (me) - Web guy


  • and more!


We've got killer sessions like:


  • The Vanilla Web Diet

  • Modern JavaScript Development

  • Hands On Responsive Design with Twitter Bootstrap

    使用Twitter Bootstrap进行响应式设计
  • Rich Data HTML Apps with Breeze

  • Getting Started with Require.js

  • TML5 Canvas and Kinetic.js

    TML5 Canvas和Kinetic.js
  • Eventing and Messaging in JavaScript

  • plus talks on SignalR, ASP.NET, PHP, Backbone, CSS, JavaScript Patterns, Gamifying your work, and lots more.

第一届教指委会议_我们的第一年。 新的网络会议-

All this and a special keynote from Mozilla Web Guy Christian Heilmann!

所有这些以及Mozilla网络专家Christian Heilmann的特别主题演讲!

This conference will be a great way for you to get up to date on the modern web but also check out some of the DevIntersection talks on ASP.NET, Architecture, Elastic Scale in the cloud and more.

这次会议将是您了解现代Web的一种好方法,同时也可以查看有关ASP.NET,体系结构,云中的Elastic Sc​​ale等的DevIntersection演讲。

We're lean and mean and independent and we hope you join our first year.


If you register for the show package or complete package you'll also get your choice of a Google Nexus 7 or a Microsoft Surface RT.

如果您注册了显示包或完整包,则还可以选择Google Nexus 7或Microsoft Surface RT

There's also some excellent pre- and post-conference workshops you should consider enrolling in:


  • April 8th


    • Day of Single Page Applications - John Papa, SPA and JavaScript expert

      单页应用日-SPA和JavaScript专家John Papa

    • On the Metal: Essential HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript for All Developers (Bring your laptop!) - Todd Anglin, Telerik

      在金属上:面向所有开发人员的必备HTML5,CSS3和JavaScript(带上笔记本电脑!)- Todd Anglin ,Telerik

    • Hacking the Creative Brain: Work Better, Produce More - Denise Jacobs, a TEDx speaker, Creativity Evangelist, and author of CSS Detective

      发挥创造力:更好地工作,产生更多成果-丹迪·雅各布斯(TED Denise)演讲者,创造力传播者,CSS Detective的作者

    • Nimble and fast web apps for the mobile web - Christian Heilmann, Mozilla

      适用于移动网络的灵活,快速的Web应用-Christian Heilmann ,Mozilla

  • April 12th


    • Building Applications with ASP.NET MVC 4 - K. Scott Allen, Author, Trainer and Consultant

      使用ASP.NET MVC 4构建应用程序-K . Scott Allen ,作者,培训师和顾问

    • User Experience Design for Non-Designers: An Interactive, Immersive Workshop - Billy Hollis, UX and App expert

      非设计师的用户体验设计:一个互动式,身临其境的工作室-Billy Hollis ,用户体验和应用专家

The Complete Package includes TWO workshops plus the tablet, and the Show Package includes one workshop and the tablet, or just come to the main conference itself.


See you there!


* Yes, we took a little artistic license with the <tag/>, or <tag />, or <tag> if you are super pedantic. It is valid syntax although HTML5's opinion is different than XHTML's. The fact that you even noticed and want to argue is proof you should come to this conference. See what I did there?

*是的,如果您是超级书呆子,我们会使用<tag />或<tag />或<tag>取得一些艺术许可。 尽管HTML5的意见与XHTML的意见不同,但它是有效的语法 您甚至注意到并想争论的事实证明您应该参加这次会议。 看看我在那里做什么?

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

第一届教指委会议_我们的第一年。 新的网络会议-
第一届教指委会议_我们的第一年。 新的网络会议-
第一届教指委会议_我们的第一年。 新的网络会议-
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第一届教指委会议_我们的第一年。 新的网络会议-

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/our-first-year-a-new-web-conference-ltanglebracketsgt
