如何暂停动画 @media_在Windows 7 Media Center中增加直播电视暂停缓冲区

如何暂停动画 @media_在Windows 7 Media Center中增加直播电视暂停缓冲区

如何暂停动画 @media

If you’re watching live TV on Media Center and need to pause it while you do something, it’s annoying to come back to see it playing again. Here we show you how to increase the default pause buffer so you don’t miss important show highlights.

如果您正在Media Center上观看直播电视,并且在做某件事时需要暂停播放,那么回来再次观看它会很烦人。 在这里,我们向您展示如何增加默认的暂停缓冲区,以确保您不会错过重要的演出集锦。

Have you ever needed to hit the pause button while watching Live TV in Windows Media Center? Maybe you had to take an important call only to come back and find that your paused show has started playing again on it’s own? Windows Media Center has built in pause buffer of 40 minutes. If that just isn’t enough time for you, let’s take a look at how to edit the registry to increase the Live TV pause buffer so you don’t end up missing those important TV moments.

您是否曾经需要在Windows Media Center中观看直播电视时按下暂停按钮? 也许您只需要打一个重要的电话才能回来,然后发现暂停的节目已经重新开始播放了? Windows Media Center内置了40分钟的暂停缓冲区。 如果这还不够,那么我们来看一下如何编辑注册表以增加Live TV暂停缓冲区,这样您就不会错过那些重要的电视时刻。

To open the Registry Editor, click Start, type “regedit” into the Windows search box, and hit “Enter.” If prompted by the UAC to allow changes, click “Yes.”

要打开注册表编辑器,请单击“开始”,在Windows搜索框中键入“ regedit”,然后单击“ Enter”。 如果UAC提示允许更改,请单击“是”。

如何暂停动画 @media_在Windows 7 Media Center中增加直播电视暂停缓冲区

Browse to the following Registry Key:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\Video\Tuners\DVR

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Media Center \ Service \ Video \ Tuners \ DVR

如何暂停动画 @media_在Windows 7 Media Center中增加直播电视暂停缓冲区

  Click once on the DVR key to display the values on the right panel. Find the BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds value on the right side.

在DVR键上单击一次以在右侧面板上显示值。 在右侧找到BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds值。

如何暂停动画 @media_在Windows 7 Media Center中增加直播电视暂停缓冲区

Double click on BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds to open the Edit DWORD Value window. Make sure to click on the Decimal radio button on the right to ensure you are editing the decimal value instead of the hexadecimal value.

双击BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds打开“ 编辑DWORD值”窗口。 确保单击右侧的“ 十进制”单选按钮,以确保您正在编辑十进制值而不是十六进制值。

如何暂停动画 @media_在Windows 7 Media Center中增加直播电视暂停缓冲区

This is where we need to do a little math to figure out what Value data to set for our preferred buffer length. The default buffer time is 40 minutes, or 2400 seconds. This is calculated by taking the BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds value (300 seconds) and multiplying it by the BackingStoreMaxExistingBackingFiles and BackingStoreMaxNumBackingFiles  value (8) to come to a total of 2400 seconds, or 40 minutes.

这是我们需要做一些数学运算以确定要为我们的首选缓冲区长度设置哪些Value数据的地方。 默认的缓冲时间是40分钟或2400秒。 这是通过将BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds值(300秒)乘以BackingStoreMaxExistingBackingFilesBackingStoreMaxNumBackingFiles值(8)来计算的,总计为2400秒,即40分钟。

Confused yet? Here’s a quick little conversion chart to ease the calculating.

感到困惑了吗? 这是一个快速的小转换表,可以简化计算。

BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds Buffer Time (Minutes)
300 (default) 40 minutes
450 60 minutes
600 80 minutes
750 100 minutes
900 120 minutes
BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds 缓冲时间(分钟)
300(默认) 40分钟
450 60分钟
600 80分钟
750 100分钟
900 120分钟

So, if you want to set your pause buffer to 120 minutes, change the decimal Value Data of BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds  to 900. Click “OK” when finished and exit out of the Registry Editor.

因此,如果要将暂停缓冲区设置为120分钟, 请将BackingStoreEachFileDurationSeconds的十进制值数据更改为900。完成后单击“确定”,然后退出注册表编辑器。

如何暂停动画 @media_在Windows 7 Media Center中增加直播电视暂停缓冲区

You will need to reboot your computer before these changes will take effect.


如何暂停动画 @media_在Windows 7 Media Center中增加直播电视暂停缓冲区

Now you can pause Live TV and have more time to take care of those pressing matters without missing critical moments or important plot points. If you like this tip helpful, you may also want to check out our article on increasing the skip and replay intervals in Windows 7 Media Center.

现在,您可以暂停直播电视,并有更多时间来处理那些紧迫的事情,而不会错过关键时刻或重要情节。 如果您希望本技巧对您有所帮助,则可能还需要查看我们有关增加Windows 7 Media Center中的跳过和重放间隔的文章。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/12256/increase-live-tv-pause-buffer-in-windows-7-media-center/

如何暂停动画 @media