将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Windows 7 Media Center is a great tool for watching live and streaming TV, but what if the included Internet TV isn’t enough? Today we look at the TunnerFree MCE plugin to add more streaming choices.

Windows 7 Media Center是观看直播和流电视的绝佳工具,但是如果附带的互联网电视还不够用怎么办? 今天,我们来看一下TunnerFree MCE插件,以添加更多的流媒体选择。

TunerFree MCE

TunerFree MCE

Note: We are installing this in the US and UK users will have different available channels.


Make sure you’re closed out of Media Center and download and install TunerFree MCE plug in (link below). You can install it using the Typical Setup Type.

确保您已退出Media Center,并下载并安装TunerFree MCE插件(下面的链接)。 您可以使用典型安装类型进行安装。

将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

After the install is complete launch Windows 7 Media Center and browse to MillieSoft TunerFree MCE.

安装完成后,启动Windows 7 Media Center并浏览到MillieSoft TunerFree MCE。

将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

You can also access it from the Extras menu.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

The first time you launch TunerFree MCE, it will take a few minutes to setup.

首次启动TunerFree MCE时,将需要几分钟的时间进行设置。

将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

After setup completes you’ll have access to several new channels like iTV, BBC, MSN Video Player and more.

设置完成后,您将可以访问几个新频道,例如iTV,BBC,MSN Video Player等。

将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Just select the one you want to watch or listen to. Most of the channels can only be viewed if you live in the UK but if in the US all available BBC radio programs are available.

只需选择您要观看或收听的音乐即可。 仅当您居住在英国时,才能观看大多数频道,但如果在美国,则可以使用所有可用的BBC广播节目。

将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Setup for US Usage


To set it up for US use go into Preferences.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

If you’re in the states, you can integrate Hulu programming by going to Preferences, and highlight Get Hulu.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Also continue to scroll down and change your default Country to the US.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Now you can go through and browse through different show categories in Hulu.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Pick a category you like and you will be presented with the different available shows…just click on the one you want to watch.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Hulu will start in a small screen…


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

But, you just need to maximize the screen to watch the programs in a larger view.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center
将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

There are also TunerFree MCE Plugins (link below) you can add to get even more channels like NASA TV, 4oD YouTube, TWIT.TV and more. In this example we’re adding TED Talks. Close out of Media Center and download the Zip file and extract its contents to C:\Program Files\MillieSoft\TunerFreeMCE\Plugins.

您还可以添加TunerFree MCE插件(下面的链接)以获取更多频道,例如NASA TV,4oD YouTube,TWIT.TV等。 在此示例中,我们添加了TED演讲。 关闭Media Center,下载Zip文件并将其内容提取到C:\ Program Files \ MillieSoft \ TunerFreeMCE \ Plugins。

将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Restart Windows 7 Media Center and then click on Update Now…it can take several minutes so you’ll need to be patient.

重新启动Windows 7 Media Center,然后单击“立即更新”,这可能需要几分钟,因此您需要耐心等待。

将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

A command prompt window will open up showing the progress of the Cache Builder.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Then you can scroll through the available channels and you’ll see your new channel.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center

With TED we were able to scroll to different types of talks on various topics.


将额外的流电视服务添加到Windows 7 Media Center



If you are looking to add more free streaming video to Windows 7 Media Center, TunerFree MCE is a good choice. While US users might be a bit disappointed that a lot of the UK channels aren’t available, at least we can add Hulu and listen to all BBC Radio programming. Installing different TunerFree MCE plugins will give you more choices as well. If you live in the UK and have tried TunerFree MCE we are interested in hearing your thoughts in the comments!

如果您希望向Windows 7 Media Center添加更多免费的流式视频,那么TunerFree MCE是一个不错的选择。 尽管美国用户可能对许多英国频道不可用感到有些失望,但至少我们可以添加Hulu并收听所有BBC广播节目。 安装不同的TunerFree MCE插件也将为您提供更多选择。 如果您居住在英国并尝试过TunerFree MCE,我们很想听听您在评论中的想法!

Download TunerFree MCE

下载TunerFree MCE

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24208/add-extra-streaming-television-services-to-windows-7-media-center/