gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小


One of the more advanced options for resizing your Windows Vista partition is to use the GParted Live CD, a bootable linux CD that takes you straight into GParted, the great linux utility for managing partitions. The problem is that if you resize your boot/system partition, you will be completely unable to boot without repairing windows.

调整Windows Vista分区大小的更高级的方法之一是使用GParted Live CD,这是一种可引导Linux CD,可直接带您进入GParted,这是管理分区的出色Linux实用程序。 问题是,如果您调整启动/系统分区的大小,则不修复Windows将完全无法启动。

First make sure that you have a bootable Windows Vista installation DVD, as you will be unable to use your computer if you don’t. Next, download the GParted Live CD and burn it to cd.

首先,请确保您具有可启动的Windows Vista安装DVD,否则将无法使用计算机。 接下来,下载GParted Live CD并将其刻录到cd。

Boot off the GParted cd, and you will see your hard drives in the drop-down list. The first drive is typically your boot drive, but you can check the Flags column to make sure.

从GParted光盘启动,您将在下拉列表中看到硬盘驱动器。 第一个驱动器通常是您的引导驱动器,但是您可以检查“标志”列以确保。

gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

Next you’ll need to right-click on the partition and choose Resize/Move from the menu.


gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

Now you can either use the New Size textbox, or just click and drag the partition to make it smaller (or bigger). When you are done, click the Resize/Move button.

现在,您可以使用“新大小”文本框,也可以单击并拖动分区以使其更小(或更大)。 完成后,单击“调整大小/移动”按钮。

gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

This doesn’t immediately apply the changes, though. You can make other changes to your partitions and then when you are finished click the Apply button.

但是,这不会立即应用更改。 您可以对分区进行其他更改,然后在完成后单击“应用”按钮。

gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

Depending on the amount of data and the speed of your computer, it can take quite a while to resize the partitions. On my computer it took more than 30 minutes.

根据数据量和计算机速度的不同,调整分区的大小可能需要一段时间。 在我的计算机上花费了30多分钟。

gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

Once it’s done, quit, remove the live cd and then reboot your computer. Unless you are very lucky, you’ll be greeted with this horrible error message saying “Windows Failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.”

完成后,退出,取出活动CD,然后重新启动计算机。 除非您非常幸运,否则您将收到一条可怕的错误消息,提示您“ Windows无法启动。 原因可能是最近的硬件或软件更改。”

File: \Windows\system32\winload.exeStatus: 0xc0000225Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

文件:\ Windows \ system32 \ winload.exe状态:0xc0000225信息:由于应用程序丢失或损坏,无法加载所选的条目。

Here’s a screenshot of the error, but don’t worry, we’ll fix it.


gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

Insert your Windows Vista installation dvd and make sure you boot off it. At the welcome screen click the Next button.

插入Windows Vista安装dvd,并确保启动它。 在欢迎屏幕上,单击“下一步”按钮。

gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

On the next screen, click the “Repair your computer” link in the lower left hand corner.


gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

The system recover options dialog will show up, and will ask you if you want to Repair and restart, which we do.


gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

If you happened to click the View details link you’ll see that the error is “Windows Device: Partition=Not found”, which indicates the problem is the partition that we resized.

如果碰巧单击“查看详细信息”链接,您将看到错误是“ Windows设备:分区=未找到”,这表明问题是我们调整了分区的大小。

gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

Your computer will reboot, and you’ll see Windows Vista in the list although it now has a different name indicating that it was recovered.

您的计算机将重新启动,并且列表中将显示Windows Vista,尽管它现在具有其他名称表示已恢复。

gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

When Vista first starts up, it will start running a check of the disk. Whatever you do, don’t hit any keys here because we want the system to check the disk.

Vista首次启动时,它将开始运行磁盘检查。 无论您做什么,都不要在这里敲任何键,因为我们希望系统检查磁盘。

gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

Once it’s done it will reboot, and you’ll have Vista back up and running again!


gparted调整分区大小_使用GParted调整Windows 7或Vista分区的大小

If you want to rename the Windows Vista entry in the list back to normal, you can use VistaBootPro.

如果要将列表中的Windows Vista条目重命名为正常,则可以使用VistaBootPro

