


The Unity editor is almost infinitely extendable. While we’re always  working on improving all the out of the box functionalities of the editor, anybody can make custom extensions.

Unity编辑器几乎可以无限扩展。 尽管我们一直在努力改善编辑器的所有现成功能,但是任何人都可以进行自定义扩展。

There are thousands of editor extensions out there, some are only used by developers on specific projects, but a lot of them are accessible through the Asset Store. They bring Unity to new heights, enable less experienced programmers to reach higher and save everybody some time.

那里有成千上万的编辑器扩展,其中一些仅供开发人员用于特定项目,但其中许多可以通过Asset Store访问。 它们使Unity达到了新的高度,使经验不足的程序员能够达到更高的水平,并节省了所有人的时间。

It’s easy to get lost among the hundreds of assets in the Editor Extensions category, so we picked a few hidden treasures for your enjoyment. Check them out to make sure you’re not missing out on a good deal that can make your life easier!

在“编辑器扩展”类别的数百个资产中很容易迷失方向,因此我们挑选了一些隐藏的宝藏供您欣赏。 检查他们,确保您不会错过很多可以使您的生活更轻松的交易!

JustLogic Visual Programming by Aqla Solutions

Aqla Solutions的JustLogic可视化编程

Do you have the whole logic of your game in your head? With this tool, you can bring it to life straight in the inspector or even in runtime! Seriously, if you’re looking for an easy to use, non-expensive visual scripting tool, give it a try. The publisher also made a series of tutorialsto help you get going.

您头脑中是否拥有游戏的全部逻辑? 使用此工具,您可以直接在检查器中甚至在运行时将其变为现实! 认真地说,如果您正在寻找一种易于使用且价格便宜的可视脚本工具,请尝试一下。 出版商还制作了一系列教程来帮助您入门。

uDev GUI Framework by Graveck

uDev GUI框架,由Graveck提供

Graveck, one of the first studios to make a bet on Unity, is sharing their internal GUI toolset with the whole community. The asset builds on their long term relationship with the engine and therefore fits the editor like a snug glove. Smooooth!

Graveck是首批押注Unity的工作室之一,正在与整个社区共享其内部GUI工具集。 该素材资源建立在与引擎的长期合作关系上,因此像编辑者一样贴身。 顺滑!

Cruncher by RealWorldUnity.com


Having a Unity Pro, you’re probably serious about having properly designed and optimized models that don’t weigh down your game’s performance. The Cruncher is a big help along the way, especially for mobile devs. It reduces the polygons of your models right inside the editor.

拥有Unity Pro,您可能会认真考虑适当设计和优化的模型,这些模型不会影响游戏的性能。 Cruncher在这方面提供了很大的帮助,特别是对于移动开发人员而言。 它可以在编辑器内部缩小模型的多边形。

Voxeland by Denis Pahunov

Voxeland,丹尼斯·帕胡诺夫(Denis Pahunov)

Step into the wonderful world of Voxeland! It’s basically a landscape creation tool that allows you to modify your both in editor and in-game in realtime. It comes with everything you need to start prototyping right away: land, cliff and grass textures, tree objects, shaders, scripts and even a simple sky. We spent wayyyy too much time just playing around with the demo!

踏入Voxeland的美好世界! 它基本上是一种景观创建工具,可让您在编辑器和游戏中实时修改自己的内容。 它包含您立即开始进行原型制作所需的一切:土地,悬崖和草的纹理,树对象,着色器,脚本,甚至是简单的天空。 我们花了很多时间来玩这个演示!

Or make your own extensions!



翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/04/17/extend-the-editor-to-infinity-and-beyond/
