xp好还是vista好_如何直接从Windows 7快速重启到XP,Vista或Ubuntu

xp好还是vista好_如何直接从Windows 7快速重启到XP,Vista或Ubuntu


One of the biggest annoyances with a dual-boot system is having to wait for your PC to reboot to select the operating system you want to switch to, but there’s a simple piece of software that can make this process easier.


This guest article was written by Ryan Dozier from the Doztech tech blog.

这篇客座文章由Doztech技术博客的Ryan Dozier撰写。

xp好还是vista好_如何直接从Windows 7快速重启到XP,Vista或Ubuntu

With a small piece of software called iReboot we can skip the above step all together and instantly reboot into the operating system we want right from Windows. Their description says:

借助一小段名为iReboot的软件,我们可以一起跳过上述步骤,并立即从Windows直接重启到我们想要的操作系统。 他们的描述说:

“Instead of pressing restart, waiting for Windows to shut down, waiting for your BIOS to post, then selecting the operating system you want to boot into (within the bootloader time-limit!); you just select that entry from iReboot and let it do the rest!”

“而不是按下重新启动,而是等待Windows关闭,等待您的BIOS发布,然后选择要引导进入的操作系统(在引导加载程序的时间限制内!); 您只需从iReboot中选择该条目,然后让它完成其余的工作即可!”

Don’t worry about iReboot reconfiguring  your bootloader or any dual boot configuration you have. iReboot will only boot the selected operating system once and go back to your default settings.

不用担心iReboot重新配置您的引导程序或任何双重引导配置。 iReboot仅会引导选定的操作系统一次,并返回到默认设置。

使用iReboot (Using iReboot)

iReboot is quick and easy to install. Just download it, link below, run through the setup and select the default configuration. iReboot will automatically figure out what operating systems you have installed and appear in the taskbar. Go over to the taskbar and right click on the iReboot icon and select which operating system you want to reboot into.

iReboot快速且易于安装。 只需下载它,点击下面的链接,完成设置并选择默认配置即可。 iReboot将自动找出您已经安装了哪些操作系统并出现在任务栏中。 转到任务栏,然后右键单击iReboot图标,然后选择要重新引导到的操作系统。

xp好还是vista好_如何直接从Windows 7快速重启到XP,Vista或Ubuntu

This method will add a check mark on the operating system you want to boot into.


xp好还是vista好_如何直接从Windows 7快速重启到XP,Vista或Ubuntu

On your next reboot the system will automatically load your choice and skip the Windows Boot Manager. If you want to reboot automatically just select “Reboot on Selection” in the iReboot menu.

下次重新引导时,系统将自动加载您的选择并跳过Windows引导管理器。 如果要自动重启,只需在iReboot菜单中选择“选择时重启”。

xp好还是vista好_如何直接从Windows 7快速重启到XP,Vista或Ubuntu

To be even more productive, you can install iReboot into each Windows operating system to quickly access the others with a few simple clicks.


xp好还是vista好_如何直接从Windows 7快速重启到XP,Vista或Ubuntu

iReboot does not work in Linux so you will have to reboot manually.


xp好还是vista好_如何直接从Windows 7快速重启到XP,Vista或Ubuntu

Then wait for the Windows Boot Manager to load and select your operating system.


xp好还是vista好_如何直接从Windows 7快速重启到XP,Vista或Ubuntu

结论 (Conclusion)

iReboot works on  Windows XP, Windows Vista,  and Windows 7 as well as 64 bit versions of these operating systems. Unfortunately iReboot is only available for Windows but you can still use its functionality in Windows to quickly boot up your Linux machine. A simple reboot in Linux will take you back to Windows Boot Manager.

iReboot可在Windows XP,Windows Vista和Windows 7以及这些操作系统的64位版本上运行。 不幸的是,iReboot仅适用于Windows,但是您仍然可以在Windows中使用其功能来快速启动Linux计算机。 在Linux中进行简单的重新引导将使您回到Windows Boot Manager。

Download iReboot from neosmart.net


Editor’s note: We’ve not personally tested this software over at How-To Geek, but Neosmart, the author of the software, generally makes quality stuff. Still, you might want to test it out on a test machine first. If you’ve got any experience with this software, please be sure to let your fellow readers know in the comments.

编者注:我们尚未在How-To Geek上对该软件进行过亲自测试,但是该软件的作者Neosmart通常生产高质量的产品。 不过,您可能要先在测试计算机上对其进行测试。 如果您有使用此软件的任何经验,请确保在评论中告知您的其他读者。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16329/how-to-quickly-reboot-directly-from-windows-7-to-xp-vista-or-ubuntu/
