xp好还是vista好_Windows XP / Vista的另一个桌面多维数据集

xp好还是vista好_Windows XP / Vista的另一个桌面多维数据集


The Desktop Cube effect for Linux is extremely popular because people love eye candy, but the choices for Windows are much less interesting. The latest utility to give this effect for Windows is surprisingly fast, and works on both XP and Vista.

Linux的桌面多维数据集效果非常流行,因为人们喜欢吃糖果,但是Windows的选择却没有那么有趣。 为Windows提供这种效果的最新实用程序出奇地快,并且可以在XP和Vista上使用。

Of course, Keyboard Ninjas prefer keyboard shortcuts to snazzy desktops, but that’s not the point is it?

当然,键盘忍者比时髦的台式机更喜欢键盘快捷键 ,但这不是重点吗?

Here’s the screen in action, which is surprisingly fast on my Vista laptop.


xp好还是vista好_Windows XP / Vista的另一个桌面多维数据集

The system icon in the tray conveniently gives you access to everything, and even tells you what the keyboard shortcuts are.


xp好还是vista好_Windows XP / Vista的另一个桌面多维数据集

The options page gives you a lot of options, and I’d recommend enabling the misspelled “Blendding” option, because it makes the effect look a lot nicer on a faster machine.


xp好还是vista好_Windows XP / Vista的另一个桌面多维数据集

Here’s the coolest part, the Screen Manager, where you can move windows around between screens by just dragging and dropping.


xp好还是vista好_Windows XP / Vista的另一个桌面多维数据集

I’m sure this won’t be the last of these utilities, but at least this one is still free, unlike the Yod’m 3D one we wrote about before.

我敢肯定这将不是这些实用程序中的最后一个,但至少与以前编写的Yod'm 3D不同,它仍然是免费的。

You’ll need to make sure that your system has drivers that support OpenGL.


Download Shock 4Way 3D Desktop Utility

下载Shock 4Way 3D Desktop Utility

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/another-desktop-cube-for-windows-xpvista/
