vs2017试用延长期已到_将Windows 7试用版从30天延长到120天

vs2017试用延长期已到_将Windows 7试用版从30天延长到120天


Did you know that you can install Windows 7 without any license key and use it for 30 days? What you might not know is that you can also extend that trial mode to 120 days, without requiring a key.

您是否知道无需任何许可证**即可安装Windows 7,并可以使用30天? 您可能不知道的是,您还可以将该试用模式延长至120天,而无需输入**。

The basic way this works is that at the end of the 30 days, you’ll need to run a small command and reboot your computer, at which point you’ll have 30 more days, up to a maximum of 120 days. This trick should work regardless of where you got your copy of Windows 7 from.

这种工作的基本方式是,在30天结束时,您将需要运行一个小命令并重新启动计算机,这时您将还有30天,最多120天。 无论从何处获得Windows 7副本,此技巧都应起作用。

Note: make sure to check out our screenshot walkthrough of the Windows 7 Beta if you haven’t already, because Microsoft is giving away beta keys that don’t expire until August 1st.

注意:请确保查看我们 的Windows 7 Beta屏幕快照, 如果您还没有的话,因为Microsoft提供的Beta**要到8月1日才会到期。

将试用期延长30天 (Extending the Trial By 30 Days)

The first thing you’ll want to do is check how many days are left in your trial period. You can do this by right-clicking Computer and choosing Properties…

您要做的第一件事是检查试用期内还剩下多少天。 您可以通过右键单击“计算机”并选择“属性”来执行此操作。

vs2017试用延长期已到_将Windows 7试用版从30天延长到120天

At the bottom of this window you’ll see how many days are left to activate (29 in my case since I installed this box yesterday).

在此窗口的底部,您将看到还有多少天可以**(在我的情况下为29天, 因为我昨天安装了此框。

vs2017试用延长期已到_将Windows 7试用版从30天延长到120天

Now to actually perform the hack that will extend the trial mode, you’ll want to find Command Prompt in the start menu (or search for it), and then right-click on it and choose Run as administrator. (very important)

现在要实际执行将扩展试用模式的hack,您需要在开始菜单中找到“命令提示符”(或搜索它),然后右键单击它并选择“以管理员身份运行”。 (很重要)

vs2017试用延长期已到_将Windows 7试用版从30天延长到120天

Next you’ll simply type in this command:


slmgr -rearm

slmgr -rearm

vs2017试用延长期已到_将Windows 7试用版从30天延长到120天

Within a few seconds you’ll normally see this dialog show up, saying that the command has completed successfully, at which point you’ll want to reboot.


vs2017试用延长期已到_将Windows 7试用版从30天延长到120天

Checking the system properties again shows that I now have 30 days left to activate.


vs2017试用延长期已到_将Windows 7试用版从30天延长到120天

Of course you’d normally want to do this near the end, probably on the last day before activation. I’m pretty sure that you can even perform this trick after the 30-day trial expires, although I’m not certain yet.

当然,您通常希望在**结束前的最后一天这样做。 我很确定您可以在30天的试用期结束后执行此操作,尽管我不确定。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-7/extend-the-windows-7-trial-from-30-to-120-days/
