


The developer of personal dosimeters presented me with an interesting gift at one of Skolovo conferences in early 2011. It was a funny DO-RA gadget made in the form of an Easter egg and packed in a large cardboard box like a smartphone. Apparently, its designers new that their boss Viktor Vekselberg, chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation, was fond of Faberge eggs. They made a plastic copy of the famous Easter gift of the Russian Imperial Court.
个人剂量计的开发者在2011年初的Skolovo会议上向我赠送了一份有趣的礼物。这是一个有趣的DO-RA小工具,以复活节彩蛋的形式制成,并装在像智能手机一样的大纸板箱中。 显然,它的设计师对他们的老板斯科尔科沃基金会主席维克多·维克塞尔伯格(Viktor Vekselberg)情有独钟。 他们用塑料复制了俄罗斯帝国宫廷著名的复活节礼物。
I found a dusty box with the DO-RA gadget just before a business trip to the United Arab Emirates. The device had no battery and was connected to Apple smartphones via a standard audio jack. It is worth noting that, starting with the 7th iPhone model, the Apple Inc. no longer releases smartphones with an audio jack considering it an anachronism. However, the abandonment of the quite utilitarian interface such as audio jack coincided with the release of expensive Airpod earphones. Well, it's their business to earn money on all sorts of restrictions.
在去阿拉伯联合酋长国出差之前,我在DO-RA小工具上发现了一个满是灰尘的盒子。 该设备没有电池,并通过标准音频插Kong连接到Apple智能手机。 值得注意的是,从第7个iPhone机型开始,Apple Inc.不再发布带有音频插Kong的智能手机,因为这是过时的。 但是,放弃了相当实用的接口(例如音频插Kong),同时发布了昂贵的Airpod耳机。 好吧,在各种限制条件下赚钱是他们的事。
Since I was using iPhone-XS without an audio jack, I had find an old iPhone-6 to measure the radiation level with a pocket dosimeter. To my surprise, the Do-RA.Uni mobile application compatible with archaic DO-RA.Fab model was installed in it. By the way, the developers are now releasing DO-RA.Q –a cross-platform solution for iOS and Android.
由于我使用的是不带音频插Kong的iPhone-XS,所以我找到了一台旧的iPhone-6,它使用袖珍剂量计来测量辐射水平。 令我惊讶的是,其中安装了与古老的DO-RA.Fab模型兼容的Do-RA.Uni移动应用程序。 顺便说一下,开发人员现在正在发布DO-RA.Q –一种适用于iOS和Android的跨平台解决方案。
So, I plugged the device into the audio jack of my iPhone, opened the app and heard rhythmic clicks, as in old-fashioned models of military dosimeters. Strangely enough, my device was working despite the fact that it had spent over 7 years somewhere in the wardrobe. At home, the application showed a green color, corresponding to the surrounding radiation level and displayed a figure of 0.12 mkSv/h with a soothing message «Norm». Now I was ready for any radiation emergency!
因此,我将设备插入iPhone的音频插Kong,打开应用程序并听到有节奏的咔嗒声,就像老式的军用剂量计一样。 奇怪的是,尽管我的设备在衣柜中的某个地方花费了7年以上,但它仍能正常工作。 在家里,该应用程序显示为绿色,与周围的辐射水平相对应,并显示0.12 mkSv / h的数字,并带有“正常”消息。 现在我已经准备好应对任何辐射紧急情况!
Later, when I boarded the plane, I was ready to measure the background radiation along the way. While the flight attendants were helping passengers to take their seats, I opened Sky Shop App and scrolled through some pages. I was interested in the Ecovisor developed by SOEKS – a cute device for measuring nitrates in vegetables and fruits, the quality of drinking water and the level of radiation hazard. I thought that this device would be useful in the household or might be a nice gift, and I bought it for 184 Euro without any doubt.
后来,当我登上飞机时,我准备沿途测量背景辐射。 当空姐帮助乘客坐下时,我打开了Sky Shop App并滚动了一些页面。 我对SOEKS开发的Ecovisor感兴趣,这是一种可爱的设备,用于测量蔬菜和水果中的硝酸盐,饮用水的质量以及辐射危害的程度。 我以为这台设备对家庭有用,或者是不错的礼物,我毫无疑问以184欧元的价格买了下来。
The flight attendants began their standard show about safety and accident prevention on board, and I studied Ecovisor manual. It said that the device appeared to have a very simple intuitive interface. The measurement mode is selected with clicking on buttons on the touch screen. Then, for the fun of it, I decided to compare radiation measurements with my pocket DO-RA gadget and with the Ecovisor purchased on board.
空乘人员开始在机上进行有关安全和事故预防的标准表演,我学习了Ecovisor手册。 它说该设备似乎具有非常简单的直观界面。 通过单击触摸屏上的按钮选择测量模式。 然后,为了乐趣,我决定将辐射测量与我的袖珍DO-RA小工具以及随车购买的Ecovisor进行比较。
When the flight altitude reached 7 km, both devices indicated the enhanced radiation level on the board, which was evident from the readings of the Ecovisor and od the DO-RA App. The DO-RA application displayed the orange danger indicator of the radiation level on the board of the aircraft. When I asked the flight attendants what they thought of the radiation on board, one of them said that she was interested in it, but she did not have such a device and asked me where she could purchase it. I said that such gadgets could be easily purchased on some web-sites, such as:
当飞行高度达到7 km时,两个设备均在板上显示出增强的辐射水平,这从Ecovisor的读数和DO-RA App的读数中可以明显看出。 DO-RA应用程序在飞机板上显示了辐射水平的橙色危险指示器。 当我问空乘人员他们对机上辐射的看法时,其中一位说她对此很有兴趣,但她没有这种设备,并问我在哪里可以买到它。 我说过,可以在某些网站上轻松购买此类小工具,例如: do-ra.com, as the price for Ecovisor was rather high in the Sky Shop.do-ra.com ,因为“天空商店”中Ecovisor的价格相当高。
After a while, the aircraft commander informed us that our aircraft reached the standard airlane of 11.5 km above earth. By this time, the Ecovisor display and the DO-RA App. screen shifted from the orange level of danger to the red one. Then I asked another flight attendant of her opinion about the increased radiation on the board.
过了一会儿,飞机指挥官告诉我们,我们的飞机达到了离地面11.5公里的标准航道。 此时,将显示Ecovisor显示屏和DO-RA App。 屏幕从橙色危险等级变为红色危险等级。 然后,我问另一位空姐她对板上辐射增加的看法。
She was offering red and white wine to passengers. The flight attendant replied calmly: — Yes, the radiation level here is slightly higher. We have been informed about it. Still, someone has to work in planes, hasn't he? I told her that mariners on atomic submarines were given 200 ml of red wine for each day of the service. Red wine is not just a remedy from the fear of the deep diving, but, actually, a natural radioprotector. I asked two glasses of red wine as a cosmonaut on a low orbit ;)
她正在为乘客提供红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒。 空姐平静地回答:—是的,这里的辐射水平略高。 我们已被告知。 还是有人必须在飞机上工作,不是吗? 我告诉她,原子潜艇的水手每天服药200毫升红酒。 红酒不仅是避免潜水的良药,而且实际上是天然的辐射防护剂。 我在低轨道上作为宇航员问了两杯红酒;)
The positive effect of the natural red wine is based on the strong oxidizing properties of this product. Red wine inhibits the effect of free radicals and suppresses oxidative processes initiated by the ionizing radiations.
天然红酒的正面作用是基于该产品的强氧化性。 红酒抑制*基的作用,并抑制由电离辐射引发的氧化过程。
It can be concluded from the above that a personal dosimeter is a must-have device in the technogenic age. Take it with you to walk in the woods, to go fishing or on business, to buy real estate and food at the market, because invisible radiation can reach you in any place, such as plane, which you cannot leave quickly.
从以上可以得出结论,个人剂量计是技术时代必不可少的设备。 随身携带它可以在树林里散步,钓鱼或经商,在市场上购买房地产和食物,因为看不见的辐射可以在您无法快速离开的任何地方(例如飞机)到达您身上。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/480712/
