@Override注解报错,The method xxx of type xxx must override a superclass method

@Override注解报错,The method xxx of type xxx must override a superclass method


java1.5中继承接口是不需要@Override的,如果项目的编译器是1.5版本的就可能报错The method xxx of type must override a superclass method.


解决此问题的办法是修改java编译器的版本,方法是:elicpse的Project菜单 –> Properties –> 找到Java Compiler将Compiler Compliance level修改为1.5以上版本
** 备注:查看每个项目的编译设置,修改**
@Override注解报错,The method xxx of type xxx must override a superclass method
@Override注解报错,The method xxx of type xxx must override a superclass method
@Override注解报错,The method xxx of type xxx must override a superclass method