从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三

Exchange邮件服务器相关的配置完成后,可以着手Microsoft Transporter Suite迁移工具的配置了。
7、邮件迁移准备 Domino基本配置信息
查看下Notes服务器相关的配置信息,配置Microsoft Transporter Suite时用得着。
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
2 运行Notes6.5.1 客户端用户要求以下权限(实际操作中可以使用Notes管理员ID)
· To synchronize Directories   Editor or higher access to the Domino Directory (names.nsf) plus [UserCreator] and [UserModifier] roles in the directory's Access Control List (ACL)
· To perform Free/Busy lookups   Reader or higher access to Freetime application (busytime.nsf)
· To migrate users   Reader or higher access to the Domino Directory (names.nsf)
· To migrate mail   Reader or higher access to the mail databases
· To migrate applications   Reader or higher access to the applications
2 运行Microsoft Transporter Suite用户帐户要求(实际操作中在CAS服务器运行administrator是域管理和Exchange管理员)
· Exchange Server Administrator role and local Administrators group for the target server
· Server account must have Account Operator role for the applicable Active Directory containers
2 Exchange 模拟权限(Exchange Web Services)
Get-ExchangeServer | where {$_.IsClientAccessServer -eq $TRUE} | ForEach-Object {Add-ADPermission -Identity $_.distinguishedname -User (Get-User -Identity administrator | select-object).identity -extendedRight ms-Exch-EPI-Impersonation}
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
Get-MailboxDatabase | ForEach-Object {Add-ADPermission -Identity $_.DistinguishedName -User administrator -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-EPI-May-Impersonate}
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
在DC01上,及Exchange2007上安装Microsoft Transporter Suite和Notes6.5.5
Microsoft Transporter Suite下载地址:
实际安装的为Notes 6.5.5。
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
1. 在DC01安装setup.exe
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2. 在“许可协议”页面,选择“我接受该许可协议中的条款”,点击“下一步”继续。
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
3. 在“用户信息”页面,输入“”,点击“下一步”继续(此处可随意填写)
4. 在“安装路径选择”页面,选择“下一步”继续
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5. 在自定义安装页面,选择将所有功能都安装,点击“下一步”继续
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6. 在“已做好安装程序的准备”页面,点击“安装”
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从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
安装Microsoft Transporter Suite
1. 在DC01安装 Transporter.msi
2. At the Welcome page, click Next.
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3. Review the License Agreement, select I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and then click Next.
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4. When prompted for the Components to install, select Microsoft Transporter Tools to install the Transporter Shell and Console. Select Free Busy Connector Add-In Task for Lotus Domino if you are installing this feature on a Lotus Domino server.
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5. Accept or change the default location for the installation by clicking Browse, and then click Next.
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6. Click Install.
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7. Click Finish.
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配置迁移工具 建立连接器
点击Tools for Lotus Domino下“connect”,在右侧的操作栏依次点击、
1. Enter Domino Credential,(输入Notes管理员ID的密码)
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2. Select Domnio Directory Server(此处输入domino服务器的IP地址)
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3. Select Application Server,(默认为空)
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4. Select Global Catalog,(浏览选择域中的域控制器)
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5. Create Directory Connector
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从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
6. 打开“Exchange Domino Connector 属性”
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在“Sync to Active Directory”页面
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点击“ADD”按钮,在“New Source Domino Directory Entry”输入以下信息,点击“确定”
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在“Target Active Directory”
点击“确定”,关闭Exchange Domino Connector。
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从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三
7. 打开ActiveDirectory 用户和计算机,“domino ”组织单元可以看到同步的数据,以联系人的形式显示Domino目录中用户。(我没有看见…)
在host文件中添加Notes邮件服务器的A记录 xxx
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否则在邮箱迁移中会报错“domino mailbox migration server “xxx”is not found please check the server name”如下图
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Edit your web.config. Look up the section <system.web> and add the line
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\Owa
从Notes迁移到Exchange Server 2010 之三

本文转自 tigerkillu 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/chenyitai/338674,如需转载请自行联系原作者