中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步


Thunderbird is a nice email client available on Linux and Windows. With the Lightning plugin, Thunderbird can support calendar functions well. Exchange is a widely used email and calendar/address book service software. Office 365 provide the cloud version of Exchange named Office 365 Exchange Online. Although Exchange Online provide IMAP for synchronizing emails, it provides no methods natively supported by Thunderbird. But Thunderbird has a rick set of plugins through its plugin system to extend its functionalities and there are plugins available to support ActiveSync which is supported by Exchange Online for synchronizing Calendar and Address Books (Contacts). The plugins can extend Thunderbird to support synchronizing Calendar and Address Book (Contacts) between Thunderbird and Exchange Online. In this post, we will go through the steps to make Thunderbird synchronize with Office 365 Exchange Online.

Thunderbird是Linux和Windows上的一个不错的电子邮件客户端。 使用Lightning插件,Thunderbird可以很好地支持日历功能。 Exchange是一种广泛使用的电子邮件和日历/通讯录服务软件 。 Office 365提供名为Office 365 Exchange Online的Exchange的云版本。 尽管Exchange Online提供了用于同步电子邮件的IMAP,但它没有提供Thunderbird本机支持的方法。 但是Thunderbird在其插件系统中有许多插件集来扩展其功能,并且有一些插件可用于支持ActiveSync,而Exchange Online支持该插件来同步日历和通讯录(联系人)。 插件可以扩展Thunderbird,以支持在Thunderbird和Exchange Online之间同步日历和通讯簿(联系人)。 在本文中,我们将逐步完成使Thunderbird与Office 365 Exchange Online同步的步骤。

安装插件:TbSync和Exchange ActiveSync的提供程序 (Install the plugins: TbSync and Provider for Exchange ActiveSync)

The two plugins we use here are TbSync and Provider for Exchange ActiveSync. TbSync manages cloud accounts and synchronize their contact, task and calendar information with Thunderbird and Provider for Exchange ActiveSync Add sync support for Exchange ActiveSync accounts to TbSync.

我们在这里使用的两个插件是TbSyncExchange ActiveSync的提供程序 。 TbSync管理云帐户,并将它们的联系方式,任务和日历信息与Thunderbird和Exchange ActiveSync提供商同步。将对Exchange ActiveSync帐户的同步支持添加到TbSync。

You can search and install the plugins in Thunderbird Extension management tool as follows.


Of course, if you need the Calendar functionalities in Thunderbird, you need to install Lightning too if you haven’t install it.


中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

将TbSync配置为使用提供程序进行Exchange ActiveSync同步 (Configure TbSync to Synchronize using Provider for Exchange ActiveSync)

After the plugins are installed, we can start to configure TbSync for synchronize with Exchange Online.

安装插件后,我们可以开始配置TbSync以与Exchange Online同步。

First, from the menu “Tools” -> “Add-on Preferences” -> “TbSync”, open the TbSync configuration window as follows.

首先,从菜单“工具”->“附加偏好设置”->“ TbSync”,如下所示打开TbSync配置窗口。

中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

The click the “Account actions” -> “Add new account” -> “Exchange ActiveSync” as follows.

单击“帐户操作”->“添加新帐户”->“ Exchange ActiveSync”,如下所示。

中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

The “Adding an Exchange ActiveSync account to TbSync” dialog will show. Input the account info for your Office 365 account.

将显示“将Exchange ActiveSync帐户添加到TbSync”对话框。 输入您的Office 365帐户的帐户信息。

中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

Click the “Autodiscover settings and add account” button. If everything works well, the new Exchange Online account will be added.

单击“自动发现设置并添加帐户”按钮。 如果一切正常,将添加新的Exchange Online帐户。

Last, enable the synchronization status for the account by enabling “Enable and synchronize this account” and choose the “Available resources” for the Contact/Address Book and the calendars. You may also choose to synchronize your To-do lists too.

最后,通过启用“启用并同步此帐户”来启用帐户的同步状态,并为“联系人/通讯簿”和日历选择“可用资源”。 您也可以选择同步待办事项列表。

中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

中海达activesync_如何使用ActiveSync将Thunderbird日历和通讯簿与Office365 Exchange Online同步

Hit the “Synchronize now” button and it will start to synchronize your calendar and contacts from the Exchange Online service. If you would like TbSync to automatically synchronize for every several minutes, input the periodic interval time in the “Periodic synchronization (in minutes)” filed.

点击“立即同步”按钮,它将开始从Exchange Online服务同步您的日历和联系人。 如果希望TbSync每隔几分钟自动同步一次,请在“定期同步(以分钟为单位)”字段中输入定期间隔时间。

Now your Thunderbird should be synchronizing with your Office 365 Exchange Online now. Enjoy!

现在,您的Thunderbird应该现在与Office 365 Exchange Online同步。 请享用!

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/how-to-synchronize-thunderbird-calendar-and-address-book-with-office365-exchange-online-using-activesync/
