


Have you been enjoying all the goodness of portable Firefox, but find updating it to the newest version a problem? Now you can update your portable browser as easily as your regular install of Firefox.

您是否一直在享受便携式Firefox的所有好处,但是发现将其更新到最新版本是一个问题吗? 现在,您可以像常规安装Firefox一样轻松地更新便携式浏览器。

Note: This method is for use with the portable versions available from John T. Haller/portableapps.com.

注意:此方法适用于John T. Haller / portableapps.com提供的便携式版本。

First things first, you will need to download the regular .exe file from Mozilla. Once you have that, it is time to get started.

首先,您需要从Mozilla下载常规的.exe文件。 一旦有了这些,就该开始了。



Double click the .exe file to get the install process started and click “Next”.



Once the second window appears, you will need to select “Custom” and deselect “Use Firefox as my default browser”. Click “Next”.

一旦出现第二个窗口,您将需要选择“自定义”,然后取消选择“使用Firefox作为我的默认浏览器”。 点击下一步”。


The third window will show the default install location for Firefox. Here you will need to click “Browse” and locate the home folder for your portable browser.

第三个窗口将显示Firefox的默认安装位置。 在这里,您需要单击“浏览”并找到便携式浏览器的主文件夹。


Once you locate your portable browser’s home folder, you will need to browse deeper into it to find the location to install to (here the home folder is named Portable Firefox and is located in Program Files). Look for and select the folder named “Firefox” located in the “App” folder. Click “OK”.

找到便携式浏览器的主文件夹后,您将需要对其进行更深入的浏览以找到安装位置(此处的主文件夹名为Portable Firefox,位于“程序文件”中)。 查找并选择位于“ App”文件夹中的名为“ Firefox”的文件夹。 点击“确定”。


Note: As you can see in the expanded folder view, your profile folder is located in the “Data” folder outside of your install location. This will keep your settings, extensions, themes, and other customisation intact while updating.

注意:正如您在展开的文件夹视图中看到的那样,您的配置文件文件夹位于安装位置之外的“数据”文件夹中。 这将使您的设置,扩展名,主题和其他自定义在更新时保持不变。

The final install path is “C:\Program Files\Portable Firefox\App\Firefox\”. Click “Next”.

最终安装路径为“ C:\ Program Files \ Portable Firefox \ App \ Firefox \”。 点击下一步”。


The next window shows the options for shortcuts, deselect all three and click “Next”.



The final window should only display the install location for your portable. Now you are are ready to install and have your portable Firefox updated to the newest version.

最后的窗口应仅显示便携式计算机的安装位置。 现在,您可以开始安装了,并将便携式Firefox更新到最新版本。


Once you have finished installing the update, make certain to deselect “Launch Firefox now”. Click (or double-click) your favourite portable Firefox shortcut and have fun!

完成安装更新后,请确保取消选择“立即启动Firefox”。 单击(或双击)您最喜欢的便携式Firefox快捷方式,尽享乐趣!




This method also allows you to change your portable Firefox to the language version of your choice or if you are feeling adventurous, to try the latest beta and alpha releases of Firefox without affecting your regular install of Firefox.

此方法还允许您将便携式Firefox更改为您选择的语言版本,或者如果您觉得冒险,可以尝试使用最新的Firefox beta和alpha版本,而不会影响常规的Firefox安装。

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition – PortableApps.com

Mozilla Firefox便携式版– PortableApps.com

Mozilla Firefox – All Available Language Versions (Newest Stable Version)

Mozilla Firefox –所有可用的语言版本(最新的稳定版本)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/update-portable-firefox-the-easy-way/
