chromebook刷机_如何在Chromebook的外接键盘上将Caps Lock键设置为搜索按钮

chromebook刷机_如何在Chromebook的外接键盘上将Caps Lock键设置为搜索按钮


chromebook刷机_如何在Chromebook的外接键盘上将Caps Lock键设置为搜索按钮

Google replaced the Caps Lock key with a search button on Chromebooks long ago, but if you plug an external keyboard up to a Chromebook and hit the Caps button, guess what happens? Caps. That’s what happens. Fortunately, you can easily change this.

Google很久以前用Chromebook上的搜索按钮替换了Caps Lock键,但是如果您将外部键盘插入Chromebook并按Caps按钮,您猜会发生什么? 瓶盖。 就是这样 幸运的是,您可以轻松更改此设置。

Personally, the search key on my Chromebooks is an integral part of the way I use the operating system—it’s how I quickly launch apps and Google searches. But when I’m using my Chromebook at my desk, I use an external keyboard and mouse. Since it’s become habitual to tap that search key and start typing, I need the external keyboard to function the same way that the integrated keyboard does.

就个人而言,Chromebook上的搜索键是我使用操作系统的组成部分,这就是我快速启动应用程序和Google搜索的方式。 但是,当我在办公桌上使用Chromebook时,我会使用外接键盘和鼠标。 由于点击搜索键并开始键入已成为一种习惯,因此我需要外接键盘的功能与集成键盘相同。

To do this, first open the Chrome OS settings menu by clicking the system tray, then the gear icon.


chromebook刷机_如何在Chromebook的外接键盘上将Caps Lock键设置为搜索按钮

In the menu, scroll down to the Device section and choose “Keyboard.”


chromebook刷机_如何在Chromebook的外接键盘上将Caps Lock键设置为搜索按钮

A new menu will expand and show several options for button remapping, including Search, Ctrl, Atl, Caps Lock, Escape, and Backspace. To change the Caps key to a Search key, simply select “Search” from the dropdown box next to the “Caps Lock” entry.

新菜单将展开并显示按钮重映射的几个选项,包括“搜索”,“ Ctrl”,“ Atl”,“ Caps Lock”,“ Escape”和“ Backspace”。 要将Caps键更改为Search键,只需从“ Caps Lock”项旁边的下拉框中选择“ Search”。

chromebook刷机_如何在Chromebook的外接键盘上将Caps Lock键设置为搜索按钮

Boom, now your external keyboard will work exactly like the one built into your Chromebook.


