



While many of us have strived to move into an all digital world, printing is still a necessary evil for most people. If you’re a Chromebook user, printing can be a bit of a pain, but thanks to some recent changes by Google, it just got a little bit more convenient.

尽管我们许多人都努力进入一个全数字化的世界,但打印对于大多数人来说仍然是必不可少的恶魔。 如果您是Chromebook用户,则打印可能会有些痛苦,但是由于Google最近进行了一些更改,因此打印起来更加方便。

Traditionally, Chromebooks have relied exclusively on Google Cloud Print for all printing needs. The biggest problem there is that not all printers are Cloud Print ready, which can cause issues for anyone trying to print from a Chromebook. Fortunately, Google recently added a way to add local printers to Chromebooks—it’s not as simple as it is on other PCs, but at least it’s something. We’ll cover both local and cloud methods in this post, so you’ll be covered either way you go.

传统上,Chromebook仅依靠Google Cloud Print来满足所有打印需求。 最大的问题是,并非所有打印机都支持Cloud Print,这会给尝试从Chromebook打印的任何人造成问题。 幸运的是,Google最近添加了一种将本地打印机添加到Chromebook的方法-它不像在其他PC上那样简单,但至少可以这样。 在本文中,我们将介绍本地方法和云方法,因此无论您采用哪种方式,都将对其进行介绍。

如何在Chromebook上使用Google云打印 (How to Use Google Cloud Print on a Chromebook)

Before we get into how to add your printer to Cloud Print, l want to note that this assumes you’ve already gone through the necessary steps to set your printer up on your network. Each manufacturer is different, so I’ll direct you to their instructions to learn how to get yours set up.

在介绍如何将打印机添加到“云打印”之前,我想指出一下,这是假设您已经完成了在网络上设置打印机的必要步骤。 每个制造商都不相同,因此,我将指导您了解他们的说明,以了解如何进行设置。

如果您的打印机支持云计算 (If Your Printer Is Cloud Ready)

If your printer is cloud ready, you can easily do everything you need to do from your Chromebook. To find out if your printer is cloud ready, jump over to this list and look up your particular model.

如果您的打印机已准备就绪,可以从Chromebook轻松完成所有需要做的事情。 要了解您的打印机是否已准备就绪,请跳至此列表并查找您的特定型号

There are two different generations of cloud ready printers: version 1 and version 2. These versions are noted on the Cloud Ready Printers page—if it doesn’t have a “V2” indicator, then it’s a V1 printer. V2s are easier to set up, so we’ll tackle that first.

有两代不同的可用于云的打印机:版本1和版本2。这些版本在“云就绪打印机”页面上注明-如果它没有“ V2”指示灯,则为V1打印机。 V2易于设置,因此我们将首先解决它。

Once you’ve confirmed that your model is V2 cloud ready, you can add it to your Chromebook by doing the following:


  1. Open the browser, type chrome://devices in the address bar, and press Enter.

    打开浏览器,在地址栏中输入chrome://devices ,然后按Enter。

  2. Find your printer in the New Devices menu and click the “Manage” button next to it.

  3. Click “Register” to confirm your printer.


Back on your printer, it should ask you to confirm that you want to add it to Cloud Print. Click “OK” (or whatever button) to make it happen.

返回打印机,它要求您确认是否要将其添加到“云打印”中。 单击“确定”(或其他按钮)以使其实现。

Jump over to Google Cloud Print on the web to make sure your printer has been added. Done and done.

跳至网络上的Google云打印,以确保已添加打印机。 做完了。

If your printer is V1, things get a little tricker and more proprietary. Unfortunately, you’ll need to find how to add it specifically from the manufacturer. Sorry. You could always just buy a new printer, which honestly might be easier.

如果您的打印机是V1,那么事情会变得有些棘手,而且更加专有。 不幸的是,您将需要找到制造商专门添加的方法。 抱歉。 您始终可以购买一台新打印机,说实话,这可能会更容易。

如果您的打印机尚未准备好云 (If Your Printer Isn’t Cloud Ready)

Technically, you can add any printer with Wi-Fi to Google Cloud Print, regardless of whether it’s “cloud ready” or not. The problem here is that you can’t add a non-cloud ready printer to Google Cloud Print from a Chromebook—it requires Chrome on a Windows PC or Mac. I, too, am confused by this.

从技术上讲,您可以将任何具有Wi-Fi的打印机添加到Google云打印中,而不管其是否为“云就绪”。 这里的问题是您不能从Chromebook向Google Cloud Print添加不支持云的打印机-它需要Windows PC或Mac上的Chrome。 我也对此感到困惑。

So, if you have a PC or Mac handy, you can add that printer to Google Cloud Print by doing the following:

因此,如果您有PC或Mac,那么可以通过以下操作将该打印机添加到Google Cloud Print中:

  1. Add your printer to your computer.

  2. Open Chrome, type chrome://devices in the address bar, and press Enter.

    打开Chrome,在地址栏中输入chrome://devices ,然后按Enter。

  3. Under “Classic Printers,” click Add Printers.

  4. Select the printer you want to add and click “Add Printer”.


From there, you’re ready to print from a network-connected, non-cloud ready printer. Woo!

在这里,您可以从网络连接的非云就绪打印机进行打印。 !

如何在Chromebook上使用本地打印机 (How to Use a Local Printer on a Chromebook)

You know what’s neat? Local printers now work on Chromebooks! This has been a long time coming, and you can finally bypass the Cloud Printer requirement and straight up add a printer to your Chromebook.

你知道什么很好吗? 本地打印机现在可以在Chromebook上使用! 这已经很长时间了,您最终可以绕过Cloud Printer的要求,直接将打印机添加到Chromebook。

In Chrome OS version 59, Google added this feature to the stable channel, so pretty much everyone running Chrome OS on a relatively modern device should be able to access it now. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple adding a printer to a Windows PC or Mac, but at least it’s possible now.

Google在Chrome OS 59版中将此功能添加到了稳定版中,因此几乎每个在相对较新的设备上运行Chrome OS的人都应该可以访问它。 不幸的是,将打印机添加到Windows PC或Mac并不是那么简单,但是至少现在可以

Before you try to add the printer, you’ll need to know its IP address. There are many ways to do this, and we’ve outlined some of them in this guide. So find the IP address of your printer, write it down, and come back here.

在尝试添加打印机之前,您需要知道其IP地址。 有很多方法可以做到这一点, 我们在本指南中概述了其中的一些方法 。 因此,找到打印机的IP地址,写下来,然后返回此处。

Then, jump into your Chromebook’s settings menu by clicking the system tray, then the gear icon.



Scroll down and click “Advanced,” then scroll some more till you see the “Printing” section. You’re almost there.

向下滚动并单击“高级”,然后再滚动一些,直到看到“打印”部分。 你快到了。


Click on “Printers,” then Add Printer.



From here, give the printer a name and input its IP address that you found earlier. All the other settings should be fine left at the default.

从这里为打印机命名,并输入您之前找到的IP地址。 其他所有设置都应保留默认设置。


On the next screen, you may have to enter your printer’s model information if it can be automatically detected. This is where things can get a little hairy—my printer info wasn’t listed here. I assume it’s because mine is cloud-ready, but I can’t be sure.

在下一个屏幕上,如果可以自动检测到打印机的型号信息,则可能必须输入。 在这里,事情可能会变得有些麻烦-我的打印机信息未在此处列出。 我认为这是因为我的云已经准备就绪,但是我不确定。


From there, you can just click “Add” and in theory it should connect. Of course, these are printers we’re talking about, which are also known that “the world’s most difficult tech.” So things can (and probably will) go wrong. If that happens, you’ll just have to troubleshoot your specific model of printer, unfortunately.

从那里,您只需单击“添加”,理论上它应该会连接。 当然,这些我们正在谈论的打印机,也被称为“世界上最困难的技术”。 因此事情可能会(而且可能会)出错。 如果发生这种情况,很遗憾,您只需要对特定型号的打印机进行故障排除。

Once everything does get lined out, however, you should be good to go.


