



Wireless is really convenient until you drop your connection or get really low speeds. Thanks to DD-WRT, it’s easier than ever to extend your home networks range with a few simple tweaks and a spare router.

除非断开连接或降低速度,否则无线确实非常方便。 多亏了DD-WRT,通过一些简单的调整和一个备用路由器,您比以往任何时候都更容易扩展家庭网络范围。

DD-WRT is a fully feature-packed alternative firmware for your router. If you don’t know what it is or how to get it on your device, you should start off with Turn Your Home Router into a Super-Powered Router with DD-WRT.

DD-WRT是路由器的功能齐全的替代固件。 如果您不知道它是什么或如何在设备上获得它,则应从将家用路由器变成具有DD-WRT的超级功率路由器开始

增强信号 (Boosting Your Signal)

Fire up your web browser and direct it to your router’s configuration page. Go to Wireless > Advanced Settings.

启动您的Web浏览器并将其定向到路由器的配置页面。 转到无线>高级设置。


There are three settings of interest, the first being TX Power. This is the broadcasting power of your transmitting antenna. The default is a safe value of 70, but we can kick it up a bit. Most people report that jumping up to a 100 is safe. Pushing it higher can cause excessive heat which can damage your router. I don’t have to worry about that since my “server area” is cold and I’m also a bit reckless, so I kicked mine up to 150. It’s been that way for a few weeks and I haven’t had a problem yet, but your mileage may vary. Use your common sense and discretion.

有三种感兴趣的设置,第一种是TX Power。 这是发射天线的广播功率。 默认值为70,但是我们可以稍加调整。 大多数人报告跳到100是安全的。 将其推高可能会导致过热,从而损坏路由器。 我不必担心,因为我的“服务器区域”很冷,我也很鲁re,所以我把自己的踢到了150。这已经有几个星期了,而且我没有遇到任何问题但是,您的里程可能会有所不同。 使用您的常识和判断力。

Next up is the Afterburner setting. If your wireless router and adapters support Afterburner – also known as SpeedBooster, SuperSpeed, Turbo G, and G Plus (but not Super-G) – you can enable this to get a boost. Things may slow down if they don’t support it, though, so be sure to do your homework. B-only devices won’t see any problems and N-based devices shouldn’t be negatively affected, either.

接下来是Afterburner设置。 如果您的无线路由器和适配器支持Afterburner(也称为SpeedBooster,SuperSpeed,Turbo G和G Plus(但不包括Super-G)),则可以启用此功能以提高性能。 如果他们不支持的话,事情可能会变慢,所以一定要做好功课。 仅B设备不会出现任何问题,基于N的设备也不应受到负面影响。

Finally, we get to Bluetooth Coexistence Mode. If you use bluetooth a lot, then you may have noticed a drop in reliability or speed with both wireless and bluetooth devices. Turning this setting on should keep the two from interfering too badly with one another.

最后,我们进入蓝牙共存模式。 如果您经常使用蓝牙,那么您可能已经注意到无线和蓝牙设备的可靠性或速度下降。 启用此设置应防止两者之间的干扰过大。

使用备用设备作为中继器 (Use a Spare Device as a Repeater)

Most of us have upgraded our networks with new routers over the years. If you have your old one lying around, why not throw DD-WRT on it? I had a spare Linksys wireless access point, but after putting alternate firmware on it, I had a full-blown router on my hands. We can put our spare device to work as a repeater, which can act as a range-extender for a new section of your house or yard.

多年来,我们大多数人都使用新路由器升级了网络。 如果您有旧的,那为什么不把DD-WRT放在上面呢? 我有一个备用的Linksys无线访问点,但是在上面安装了备用固件后,手上有了一个功能齐全的路由器。 我们可以将备用设备用作中继器,它可以充当房屋或院子新部分的范围扩展器。

Under Wireless > Basic Settings, change the mode to Repeater.



You’ll see two sections, Wireless Physical Interface (wl0), and Virtual Interfaces (wl0.1). The physical interface is going to be receiving the signal from your main router. Plug in the SSID, configure the network mode, and decide if you wanted it to be bridged (connected with the old network) or unbridged (isolated from it). Next, come up with a new SSID for your repeater. This way, you can choose which access point to use, depending on where you are.

您将看到两个部分,无线物理接口(wl0)和虚拟接口(wl0.1)。 物理接口将从您的主路由器接收信号。 插入SSID,配置网络模式,然后决定是要桥接(与旧网络连接)还是不桥接(与之隔离)。 接下来,为中继器提出一个新的SSID。 这样,您可以根据自己所在的位置来选择要使用的访问点。

Click on save, then go over to the Wireless Security page.



Enter the wireless security settings for your main router, then enter the details for your new repeater’s signal. Lastly, we need to make sure that your repeater is connected to your main router. To do that, go to Status > Wireless.

输入主路由器的无线安全设置,然后输入新中继器信号的详细信息。 最后,我们需要确保中继器已连接到主路由器。 为此,请转到状态>无线。


At the bottom of the page, you’ll see a button that says Site Survey. Click on it.

在页面底部,您将看到一个名为Site Survey的按钮。 点击它。


Find you main router’s wireless SSID and click Join. That’s it! Place your repeater on the other side of your house, but not so far that it doesn’t get a good signal. Then, you can connect to your new repeater and test it out.

找到您的主路由器的无线SSID,然后单击“加入”。 而已! 将中继器放在房屋的另一侧,但不要太远以至于它不会发出良好的信号。 然后,您可以连接到新的中继器并进行测试。

将中继器用作无线接收器 (Use Your Repeater as a Wireless Receiver)

An added benefit of DD-WRT is that you can configure your repeater to act as a wireless receiver for a computer that doesn’t have one. Return to where you configured the repeating function, under Wireless > Basic Settings.

DD-WRT的另一个好处是,您可以将中继器配置为充当没有中继器的计算机的无线接收器。 返回“无线”>“基本设置”下配置重复功能的位置。


Change the mode to Repeater Bridge. Now, you can plug in a device into the router’s ethernet ports and it’ll act just like it’s wired into your main router. If you’re not using it then you should turn if off, as it can cut your bandwidth otherwise.

将模式更改为Repeater Bridge。 现在,您可以将设备插入路由器的以太网端口,其作用就像连接到主路由器中一样。 如果您不使用它,则应将其关闭,否则会减少带宽。

If you’re looking to speed up browsing, Removing Advertisements with Pixelserv and Find a Faster DNS Server with Namebench can both help your cause – with or without extended ranges – thanks to DD-WRT.

如果您想加快浏览速度,则感谢DD-WRT,无论使用扩展范围还是不使用扩展范围, 使用Pixelserv删除广告和使用Namebench 查找更快的DNS服务器都可以帮助您解决问题。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/56810/how-to-extend-your-wireless-network-with-dd-wrt/
