unity接入应用宝sdk_使用新推出的Unity WRLD SDK构建基于位置的游戏或应用

unity接入应用宝sdk_使用新推出的Unity WRLD SDK构建基于位置的游戏或应用


We are excited to announce the launch of WRLD SDK for Unity, so you can build worlds in Unity using streaming, geo-spatially accurate 3D mapping for your next location-based game, project, or virtual or augmented reality application.

我们很高兴地宣布推出WRLD SDK for Unity ,因此您可以为下一个基于位置的游戏,项目,虚拟或增强现实应用程序使用流式,地理空间精确的3D映射在Unity中构建世界。

WRLD provides a fully textured 3D environment using a real-world global coordinate system so it’s ready to use instantly –  no need to build a 3D environment or import any additional GIS data. Create custom styles and use the Unity tool to select the data layers you want – roads, buildings, trees, labels, etc.

WRLD使用现实世界的全局坐标系提供了完全纹理化的3D环境,因此可以立即使用-无需构建3D环境或导入任何其他GIS数据。 创建自定义样式,然后使用Unity工具选择所需的数据层-道路,建筑物,树木,标签等。

We hope this new feature allows developers to create experiences that allow them to explore the world from a total new perspective.


unity接入应用宝sdk_使用新推出的Unity WRLD SDK构建基于位置的游戏或应用

WRLD’s mapping platform will take you from a view of the Earth to a seat at your desk.


Explore the WRLD SDK for Unity API and examples here. Structure of the WRLD Package includes:

探索统一API和示例WRLD SDK 这里 。 WRLD软件包的结构包括:

  • Demo: Contains demo scripts and scenes which are easy to attach / modify

  • API: Includes a base script WrldMap which interacts with and sets up the WRLD plugins for use

  • Editor: Editor scripts to simplify setting and changing values within the Unity Editor

  • Plugins: Includes plugins for all available platforms

  • Resources: A simple set of materials, semantically named and assigned to meshes when resources are streamed

  • Scene: Featured startup scenes showcasing separate behavior in each world space

  • Scripts: Types and Unity MonoBehaviour scripts that help running the app and provide simple abstractions for use

    脚本:类型和Unity MonoBehaviour脚本,可帮助运行应用程序并提供简单的使用抽象
  • Textures: A set of textures utilized by the materials mentioned above and easily modifiable


The limitations are only bound by your imagination. To get started you’ll need to create a WRLD API Key and download the SDK through the Unity Asset Store.

这些限制仅受您的想象力约束。 首先,您需要创建WRLD API**并通过Unity Asset Store下载SDK。

Please reach out to the WRLD team directly at [email protected] or on Twitter @WRLD3D with any questions or a link to share your project.

如有任何问题或链接,请直接通过[email protected]或在Twitter @ WRLD3D上与WRLD团队联系。

The WRLD team is on standby to receive your feedback and looking forward to seeing what experiences they can help you build.


This blog was written in conjunction with John Bell, Senior Software Engineer at WRLD.

该博客是与WRLD的高级软件工程师John Bell共同撰写的。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/07/05/build-location-based-games-or-apps-with-the-newly-launched-wrld-unity-sdk/
