



While most of what you see on the web is sized correctly, you might come across the occasional site you want to view bigger. You also might be faced with aging eyes and need a size boost for everything. Whatever your situation is, it’s easy to make content bigger on your Chromebook!

虽然您在网络上看到的大多数内容的大小都是正确的,但您可能偶尔会遇到想要放大的网站。 您可能还会面临老化的眼睛,并且需要为所有物品增加尺寸。 无论您遇到什么情况,都可以轻松在Chromebook上扩大内容!

如何在一页上放大和缩小 (How To Zoom In and Out on One Page)

If there’s just one page you want bigger, you can zoom in by placing two fingers together on the trackpad, then moving those fingers apart. You can also press the Ctrl and + (plus) keys at the same time to zoom in

如果只有一页要放大,则可以通过将两个手指放在触控板上一起放大,然后将这些手指分开来进行放大。 您也可以同时按Ctrl和+(加号)键放大


Zoom back out by placing two fingers separated on the trackpad, then bringing them together. You can also press the Ctrl and – (minus) keys at the same time to zoom out.

通过将两个手指分开放在触控板上来缩小,然后将它们放在一起。 您也可以同时按Ctrl和–(减号)键来缩小。


To reset a page to its default size, press Ctrl+0.

要将页面重置为其默认大小,请按Ctrl + 0。

如何使几乎所有事物变得更大 (How To Make Almost Everything Bigger)

You can also make the default size bigger for every website you visit. Clicking the time in the lower-right corner of your Chromebook and then select the “Settings” icon.

您还可以为访问的每个网站增加默认大小。 点击Chromebook右下角的时间,然后选择“设置”图标。


On the Settings page, scroll down to the Appearance section and then click the “Page Zoom” drop-down. Select a percentage larger than 100% to make everything bigger.

在“设置”页面上,向下滚动到“外观”部分,然后单击“页面缩放”下拉菜单。 选择一个大于100%的百分比以使所有内容变大。


This will make every website, the Settings menu, and Android apps zoomed in by default. Unfortunately, this change does not affect Linux and Chrome Web Store apps. As an example, here’s the How-To Geek homepage with the zoom set to 100%: 

默认情况下,这将使每个网站,“设置”菜单和Android应用程序放大。 不幸的是,此更改不会影响Linux和Chrome Web Store应用程序。 例如,这是How-To Geek主页,其缩放比例设置为100%:


And here it is with the zoom at 150%:



If you need to change this back to the default size, head back to the Appearance section in Settings and set page zoom to 100%.


Once you change this setting on one Chromebook, it will remain the same if you ever sign into another Chromebook or Chromebox. Now, you won’t have to strain your eyes to read your favorite websites!

在一台Chromebook上更改此设置后,如果您登录另一台Chromebook或Chromebox,则该设置将保持不变。 现在,您不必费劲就能阅读自己喜欢的网站!

