与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

Within a few hours of Windows 7 being released my inbox started filling up with readers asking what Anti-Virus software they should install in Windows 7. Since this seems like such an important topic, I decided to make a list of packages that work.

在Windows 7发布后的几个小时内,我的收件箱开始塞满读者,询问他们应该在Windows 7中安装哪些防病毒软件。由于这似乎是一个重要的话题,我决定列出一个可用的软件包列表。

If this is your first time here, you should check out our list of 175 Windows 7 Tweaks, Tips, and How-To Articles

如果这是您第一次来这里,则应查看我们的175篇Windows 7调整,技巧和操作方法列表。

Our Recommendation


If you want something that’s going to work really well, and is totally free, you should check out the free Microsoft Security Essentials anti-virus solution, which isn’t going to slow down your PC.

如果您希望某些功能能够很好地运行并且完全免费,则应查看免费的Microsoft Security Essentials防病毒解决方案,它不会降低PC的速度。

与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

Note: as a general rule, software that works on Windows Vista should work just fine on Windows 7, with the exception of software that installs low-level system components like an Anti-Virus, firewalls, or similar. These packages often are designed to only run on specific versions of Windows.

注意:通常,在Windows Vista上运行的软件在Windows 7上应该可以正常运行,但安装了低级系统组件(如防病毒,防火墙或类似工具)的软件除外。 这些软件包通常被设计为仅在特定版本的Windows上运行。

Windows AntiVirus Detection

Windows AntiVirus检测

When you first install Windows 7, you’ll get a popup balloon message telling you that you need to find an antivirus program online… notice the wrench on the balloons that will let you turn them off easily.

首次安装Windows 7时,您会收到一条弹出气球消息,提示您需要在线查找防病毒程序……请注意气球上的扳手,可以轻松地将其关闭。

与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

Once you’ve installed a compatible package, the message will go away and you’ll see a message in the Action Center telling you that “Virus protection” is On:


与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

The packages should also hook into the Windows 7 update mechanism and let you know when your virus definitions are out of date.

这些软件包还应该挂接到Windows 7更新机制中,并在病毒定义过期时通知您。

与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

And now, on to the list… I took a screenshot of the Action Center screen proving that each package installs and is recognized properly by Windows 7, but I also ran through a couple of quick tests for each package.

现在,在列表上……我拍了Action Center屏幕的屏幕截图,证明每个软件包都已安装并且可以被Windows 7正确识别,但是我还对每个软件包进行了一些快速测试。

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition

AVG Anti-Virus免费版

AVG Free is the most popular anti-virus software out there, and not only does it work just perfectly under Windows 7, but it’s on the list of a small number of software packages that are officially compatible per Microsoft.

AVG Free是目前最流行的防病毒软件,它不仅可以在Windows 7上完美运行,而且在少数与Microsoft正式兼容的软件包中。

You’ll notice that it also offers Anti-Spyware protection, and Windows recommends that you only run a single Anti-Spyware application:


与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

For more on this package, see Mysticgeek’s review of AVG Free.

有关此软件包的更多信息,请参见Mysticgeek对AVG Free的评论

Avira AntiVir Personal Edition

Avira AntiVir个人版

Avira is a popular freeware antivirus solution that seems to be a hit on our forum, with a number of the regulars in favor of it. This software works without any issues that I could find during my quick testing.

Avira是一种流行的免费软件防病毒解决方案,在我们的论坛上似乎很受欢迎,许多常客对此表示欢迎。 该软件可以正常运行,没有任何问题。

与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

For more on this package, see Mysticgeek’s review of AntiVir Personal Edition.

有关此软件包的更多信息,请参见Mysticgeek对AntiVir Personal Edition的评论

Norton AntiVirus 2009


Hardly needing an introduction, Norton AntiVirus 2009 works just fine. They are also on Microsoft’s list of compatible software for Windows 7.

无需介绍,Norton AntiVirus 2009可以正常工作。 它们也在Microsoft的Windows 7兼容软件列表中。

与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

You’ll notice that this provides anti-spyware protection, so you’d likely want to disable Windows Defender for performance reasons.

您会注意到,这提供了反间谍软件保护,因此出于性能原因,您可能希望禁用Windows Defender。

Avast! AntiVirus Home

阿瓦斯特! 防病毒主页

Another popular Anti-Virus package that we’ve previously reviewed, this one works just fine. You’ll notice that this package provides Anti-Spyware protection as well.

我们之前已经审查过的另一个流行的反病毒程序包,这个程序很好用。 您会注意到该软件包还提供了反间谍软件保护。

与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

Microsoft Windows Live OneCare: FAIL

Microsoft Windows Live OneCare:失败

This one was a bit of a surprise to me, but it turns out the previously reviewed Windows Live OneCare does not even install under Windows 7, just giving you a big fat error message:

这对我来说是一个惊喜,但是事实证明,先前审查过的Windows Live OneCare甚至没有安装在Windows 7下,只是给了您一个大的错误消息:

与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

I guess Microsoft still has some coordination problems. (Screenshot thanks to our forum administrator Scott).

我猜微软仍然存在一些协调问题。 (截图感谢我们的论坛管理员Scott)。

Note: OneCare is going to be discontinued in June 2009, with Microsoft switching to offering a free product instead.


Kapersky Anti-Virus 2009

Kapersky Anti-Virus 2009

This antivirus software package is also on the Microsoft official list of Windows 7 compatible software. We’ve not reviewed it here because we tend to focus on free alternatives, but it’s well-known and preferred by a few of our forum members.

此防病毒软件包也在Windows 7兼容软件的Microsoft官方列表中。 我们此处未进行审查,因为我们倾向于专注于免费替代方案,但是它是一些论坛成员所熟知和首选的方案。

与Windows 7兼容的防病毒软件列表

You’ll note that my virus database is out of date in the screenshot above. The Action Center consolidates all of these messages together into one place – rather useful.

您会注意到上面的屏幕快照中我的病毒数据库已过期。 行动中心将所有这些消息整合到一个地方,这非常有用。

McAfee VirusScan: FAIL

McAfee VirusScan:失败

Reported to be not working by multiple readers including Daniel in the comments.


Also Working Per Reader Comments


These packages are reported to be working by the readers in the comments below:


  • PCGuard Anti-Virus from Virgina Media Broadband

    来自Virgina Media Broadband的PCGuard反病毒
  • ESET Nod32 Anti-Virus

    ESET Nod32 Anti-Virus
  • Microsoft Forefront Client Security (Enterprise)

    Microsoft Forefront客户端安全性(企业)

Thanks, keep them coming!


Important Note


Just because all of these packages install and run doesn’t mean they are necessarily “supported” by the vendors.


Ask the Readers: What Did We Miss?


Obviously if you are looking for an Anti-Virus package this list should help you out… but I would like to complete the list. If you’ve tested out any other packages, or had any issues with the ones on this list, leave a comment and I’ll update the article. (If you are reading through RSS or Email click here to leave a comment)

显然,如果您正在寻找防病毒软件包,则此列表应该可以为您提供帮助……但是我想完成此列表。 如果您已经测试过其他任何软件包,或者对该列表中的软件包有任何问题,请发表评论,我将对此文章进行更新。 (如果您正在阅读RSS或电子邮件,请单击此处发表评论)

Official Microsoft Anti-Virus Partners Page at microsoft.com


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-7/list-of-anti-virus-software-compatible-with-windows-7/