



Android apps are coming to Chromebooks, and the ASUS Chromebook Flip is the first device to get a taste of what that’s going to be like. It makes sense, really—it’s an ultra-portable convertible laptop-slash-tablet that makes a lot of works well with and without the keyboard. The real question, however, is how practical is this?

Chromebooks配备了Android应用程序,而ASUS Chromebook Flip是首款体验其外观的设备。 实际上,这是有道理的-它是一种超便携式可转换笔记本电脑斜线平板电脑,无论有没有键盘,它都能很好地工作。 但是,真正的问题是,这有多实用?

Before we get into it, it’s definitely worth mentioning that this is just now hitting the Chrome OS dev channel—that means if you don’t like to live on the bleeding edge, then you won’t be seeing this update on your Flip. Here’s how to enable the dev channel if you aren’t on it already.

在我们进行讨论之前,绝对值得一提的是,这正赶上Chrome OS开发人员频道-这意味着,如果您不喜欢生活在最前沿,那么您就不会在Flip上看到此更新。 如果您尚未启用开发者频道 ,请按以下步骤操作。

With that out of the way, let’s take a closer look.


如何在ASUS Chromebook Flip上启用Android应用 (How to Enable Android Apps on the ASUS Chromebook Flip)

If you want to give this a shot for yourself, you’ll first need to be on the latest Dev Channel release. If you’re already there, then there’s just one little-bitty button you need to tweak first.

如果您想亲自尝试一下,则首先需要使用最新的Dev Channel版本。 如果您已经在那儿,那么只需要一个小按钮即可进行微调。

First, jump into the Settings menu of your Flip by clicking (or tapping!) the status tray in the bottom-right corner. From there, just tap or click “Settings.”

首先,通过单击(或点击!)右下角的状态托盘,跳到“翻转”的“设置”菜单中。 从那里,只需点击或单击“设置”。


Just a little way down the screen, there’s an option for “Android Apps” with a little checkbox. Tap that little guy and you’re on your way.

在屏幕下方,有一个带有小复选框的“ Android应用”选项。 点按那个小家伙,您就在路上。


Google Play will launch and walk you through a setup not unlike the one on Android devices, which will take a few minutes. That’s it, you’re in.

Google Play将启动并引导您完成与Android设备上的设置相同的设置,这需要几分钟。 就这样,您进入了。


从Chrome OS上的Android应用程序可以期待什么 (What to Expect from Android Apps on Chrome OS)

This is really the question, isn’t it? In short, well, you can expect Android apps. Since this is basically just Android running inside of Chrome OS in its own windowed environment, it feels virtually identical to the “real thing.” Because, you know, it is the real thing.

这真的是问题,不是吗? 简而言之,您可以期待使用Android应用程序。 由于这基本上只是在自己的窗口化环境中在Chrome操作系统内部运行的Android,因此感觉与“真实事物”几乎相同。 因为,这真实的。

As soon as you enable Android Apps on your Chromebook, a Play Store icon will be pinned to the shelf. Just like on Android, this is where you’ll get all your Android apps. It feels identical to the Play Store on every other Android device, so if you’re already an Android user, you’ll know exactly what to do here.

在Chromebook上启用Android应用后,Play商店图标就会固定在书架上。 就像在Android上一样,在这里您将获得所有Android应用。 感觉与其他所有Android设备上的Play商店相同,因此,如果您已经是Android用户,那么您将确切知道该怎么做。


Installing apps has been quick and painless in my experience, and transitioning between Android and Chrome apps is surprisingly smooth. Still, there’s a certain disconnect within the OS, like when trying to find Android apps. They all land in the app tray just like Chrome OS apps do, but there’s no way of telling what is Android and what is Chrome, especially if both apps have the same icon. For example, Gmail uses the same icon on Chrome OS and Android, so when you search for it, it’s a guessing game as to which you’re going to open.

根据我的经验,安装应用程序非常快捷,轻松,并且Android和Chrome应用程序之间的过渡非常顺畅。 尽管如此,操作系统中仍存在一定的脱节,例如在尝试查找Android应用时。 它们都像Chrome OS应用程序一样落入应用程序托盘,但是无法分辨出什么是Android,什么是Chrome,尤其是两个应用程序具有相同图标时。 例如,Gmail在Chrome操作系统和Android上使用相同的图标,因此当您搜索它时,它会成为您要打开的猜测游戏。


That being said, there is an easy way to access all of your Android app in one location: a dedicated app tray. I’m using App Swap, and I have it pinned to the shelf. One tap and all my Android apps are front and center. Still, that’s an afterthought solution that I’d like to see Google address internally—even if it’s just by tossing a little Android badge on the icon itself or an Android folder inside of the main app tray. Or both!

话虽这么说,有一种简单的方法可以在一个位置访问所有Android应用程序:专用的应用程序托盘。 我正在使用App Swap ,并将其固定在架子上。 一键式操作,我所有的Android应用程序都位于前端和中间。 不过,这是我想在内部查看Google地址的事后解决方案,即使只是在图标本身或主应用程序托盘中的Android文件夹上丢了一个Android小徽章也是如此。 或两者!


But overall, I’ve been really impressed with how Android apps are working on Chrome OS. I’ve found that apps like Gmail and Slack are actually better than their web counterparts, and I can see myself using them more often than the web at this point. Also, apps that can draw on top of other apps, like LastPass and Facebook Messenger, work perfectly, which actually blew my mind a little bit. Games, benchmarks, and the like all ran surprisingly well. The general experience has been mostly solid.

但总体而言,Android应用程序在Chrome操作系统上的运行方式给我留下了深刻的印象。 我发现Gmail和Slack之类的应用实际上比其Web同类要好 ,并且我可以看到自己比Web更加频繁地使用它们。 此外,可以在其他应用程序之上使用的应用程序(例如LastPass和Facebook Messenger)可以完美运行 ,这实际上使我有些惊讶。 游戏,基准测试等的运行都非常出色。 一般的经验是很扎实的。


Still, it’s not without its bugs. Android apps aren’t yet aware of Chrome OS’ shelf, so they often draw behind it (especially when maximized). Auto-hiding the Chrome shelf will help with this, but it’s still an issue I wish didn’t have to be addressed. Also, on the Flip itself, the whole Android experience will just die when the lid has been closed and opened—a reboot is generally required in order to get everything back in working order again.

尽管如此,它并非没有错误。 Android应用尚不了解Chrome操作系统的功能,因此它们经常落后于它(尤其是在最大化时)。 自动隐藏Chrome架子可以帮助解决此问题,但是我仍然希望不必解决此问题。 同样,在Flip本身上,整个Android体验将仅在盖子被打开和关闭时消失-通常需要重新启动才能使一切恢复正常。

Along those same lines, switching from laptop to tablet mode has also showed its fair share of issues, mostly because when in tablet mode all apps are forced to full screen. Some Android apps act weird when that happens. But it’s hard to be nitpicky when I’m willingly and knowingly testing this stuff in what’s essentially a beta environment since I’m running on the Chrome OS Dev channel. For what it is—an early implementation—it’s pretty damn impressive.

同样,从笔记本电脑模式切换到平板电脑模式也显示出相当多的问题,这主要是因为在平板电脑模式下,所有应用程序都被强制全屏显示。 发生这种情况时,某些Android应用程序行为异常。 但是,由于我在Chrome OS开发人员频道上运行,因此在本质上是beta环境的情况下愿意并有意识地测试这些内容时,很难挑剔。 尽管它是早期实施,但确实令人印象深刻。

So far, I really like what I’m seeing from Android apps on Chrome OS. It makes a lot of sense to me on devices like the Flip, but I do feel like there will be a much larger disconnect with something that can’t be transformed into a tablet, like the Chromebook Pixel. And it’ll likely feel even more awkward on non-touch devices, since most Android apps aren’t really optimized for mouse and keyboard interaction. Either way, this is definitely a step in the right direction for Chrome OS.

到目前为止,我非常喜欢在Chrome OS上的Android应用程序中看到的内容。 在Flip这样的设备上,这对我来说很有意义,但我确实感觉,与无法转换为平板电脑的设备(例如Chromebook Pixel)相比,断开连接会更大。 由于大多数Android应用程序并未针对鼠标和键盘交互进行真正优化,因此在非触摸设备上可能会感到更加尴尬。 无论哪种方式,这绝对是Chrome操作系统朝着正确方向迈出的一步。

