旧笔记本电脑自制nas_将旧笔记本电脑变成Windows 8平板电脑

旧笔记本电脑自制nas_将旧笔记本电脑变成Windows 8平板电脑


Instructables user HackItBuildIt shares his guide to converting an old laptop into a Windows 8 tablet. You’ll need an old laptop with specs high enough to run Windows 8 and that you’re willing to do a little franken-hacking on–you’ll need to remove the screen, rotate it, add a touch screen panel, and reframe it over the laptop body. When you’re done it won’t exactly be a slender iPad, but it will run Windows 8 with a native touch screen.

指导用户HackItBuildIt分享了将旧笔记本电脑转换为Windows 8平板电脑的指南。 您将需要一台规格足以运行Windows 8的旧笔记本电脑,并且愿意进行一些坦率的黑客攻击-您需要卸下屏幕,旋转屏幕,添加触摸屏面板并重新组装将其放在笔记本电脑机身上。 完成后,它不会完全是细长的iPad,但它将运行带有本机触摸屏的Windows 8。

Watch the video above to see it in action then hit up the link below to check out the full guide build at the link below.


Windows 8 Tablet [via Hack A Day]

Windows 8平板电脑[通过Hack A Day ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/104862/turn-an-old-laptop-into-a-windows-8-tablet/
