



If you’re a Mac-using professional photographer, you’re probably already paying $10 a month for Adobe Creative Cloud’s Photography plan, which includes Photoshop and Lightroom. But what about the rest of us, who occasionally edit images but not enough to justify a $120 annual bill? Are there any free Mac image editors?

如果您是使用Mac的专业摄影师,则您可能已经为Adobe Creative Cloud的摄影计划每月支付10美元,其中包括Photoshop和Lightroom。 但是我们其他人呢?他们偶尔编辑图像但不足以证明120美元的年度账单合理吗? 有免费的Mac图像编辑器吗?

A few, but none without compromise. Most of the options either don’t offer that much power, or don’t have the best user interfaces. But if you’re willing to put up with limitations, or put in the time to learn something that’s not necessarily intuitive, you can edit your photos for free. Here are the best choices.

少数,但没有妥协。 大多数选项要么没有提供那么多功能,要么没有最好的用户界面。 但是,如果您愿意忍受限制,或者愿意花时间学习不一定直观的知识,则可以免费编辑照片。 这是最好的选择。

GIMP:功能完善,学习曲线陡峭 (GIMP: Feature Complete With a Steep Learning Curve)

In terms of features and flexibility, open source stalwart GIMP is the best free Mac image editor you can find. This layer-based editor supports most file formats, and has all of the tools you need to touch up photos: adjustments for things like color balance and contrast, yes, but also filters and simple drawing tools. You can customize the user interface, putting tools you use regularly front-and-center and burying the tools you don’t.

在功能和灵活性方面,开源的GIMP是您可以找到的最好的免费Mac图像编辑器。 这个基于图层的编辑器支持大多数文件格式,并具有修饰照片所需的所有工具:可以对颜色平衡和对比度进行调整,可以,还可以对滤镜和简单的绘图工具进行调整。 您可以自定义用户界面,将经常使用的工具放在首位,然后将不需要的工具掩埋。


You just need to find those tools, and figure out how they work. Experience with software like Photoshop won’t help much, because GIMP does things its own way, and expects users to figure those ways out on their own. There’s going to be a learning curve, and it’s going to involve a lot of Google searches. If you’re the kind of person who likes thinking about design, you might end up wondering what exactly the creators were thinking. The GTK interface also doesn’t feel 100% at home on in macOS, and that may turn some diehard Mac users off.

您只需要找到那些工具,并弄清楚它们是如何工作的。 使用Photoshop之类的软件的经验不会有多大帮助,因为GIMP以自己的方式做事,并希望用户自行解决这些问题。 这将是一个学习曲线,它将涉及许多Google搜索。 如果您是喜欢设计的人,那么您可能会想知道创作者到底在想什么。 在MacOS上,GTK界面也不是100%处于打开状态,这可能会使某些顽固的Mac用户关闭。

So there are downsides, but they might be worth it, because this is a full-blown photo editor that’s completely free. No ads, no gimmicks: just open source software that you’re free to use as you like.

因此有缺点,但值得一试,因为这是一个完全免费的成熟照片编辑器。 没有广告,没有gi头:只是您可以随意使用的开源软件。

Fotor:通过简单的界面进行快速照片调整 (Fotor: Quick Photo Tweaks From a Simple Interface)

If you’re not concerned with flexibility, and just want to quickly make a few changes to your photos, Fotor might be what you’re looking for. This simple app gives you access to a bunch of one-button adjustments. When you load a photo, you’ll see the “Scenes” toolkit, which allows you to choose from one of several lighting adjustments.

如果您不关心灵活性,只想快速更改照片, Fotor可能就是您想要的。 这个简单的应用程序使您可以进行一键式调整。 加载照片时,您会看到“场景”工具包,该工具包使您可以从多种照明调整中选择一种。


There’s not a lot of fine-tuning: just click a button and decide if it looks better. There are similarly simple tools for adjusting the focus, adding text, and cropping your image.

没有太多的微调:只需单击一个按钮并确定它看起来是否更好。 类似的简单工具也可以用于调整焦点,添加文本和裁剪图像。

Again, if you’re looking for a full-blown photo editor, this isn’t it. But it’s free, with one tiny ad in the bottom-right corner. It’s worth a look.

同样,如果您正在寻找功能完善的照片编辑器,不是吗。 但是它是免费的,在右下角有一个小广告。 值得一看。

预览或照片:内置的基本编辑工具 (Preview or Photos: Built-In Basic Editing Tools)

Not everyone realizes this, but you can use macOS’ built-in Preview app to edit images. Just open any image, then click the toolbox icon. A second toolbar of icons for editing images will show up.

并非所有人都意识到这一点,但是您可以使用macOS的内置预览应用程序编辑图像 。 只需打开任何图像,然后单击工具箱图标。 将会出现第二个用于编辑图像的图标工具栏。


From here, you can add simple shapes and draw. You can also adjust the color and contrast levels by clicking Tools > Adjust Color in the menu bar. It’s not the most complete photo editor on the planet, but it gives you access to the basics without any third party software.

从这里,您可以添加简单的形状并绘制。 您还可以通过单击菜单栏中的“工具”>“调整颜色”来调整颜色和对比度级别。 它不是地球上最完善的照片编辑器,但无需任何第三方软件即可使用它来访问基础知识。

If you organize your photo collection using the built-in Photos tool on your Mac, you can also edit images in Photos. Just open any photo, then click the “Edit” button, which looks like a bunch of sliders.

如果您使用Mac上的内置“照片”工具整理照片集,则还可以在“照片”中编辑图像 。 只需打开任何照片,然后单击“编辑”按钮,它看起来就像一堆滑块。


This will open a variety of editing tools, which let you do things like choose filters, adjust the lighting, or crop the image.



There’s nothing like layer-based editing here, but it’s easy to use and built into software you’re probably already using, so give it a shot.


画笔:基本上是适用于macOS的Microsoft Paint (Paintbrush: Basically Microsoft Paint for macOS)

If every one of these options seemed too complicated for you, and all you want is the ability to doodle with your mouse, check out Paintbrush. This open source application is basically paint.exe for you Mac, and it’s glorious. I used it to supplement my wife’s photo, I think it really highlights the nuance of her art.

如果这些选项中的每一个对您来说似乎都太复杂了,而您想要的只是能够用鼠标进行涂鸦的功能,请查看Paintbrush 。 这个开源应用程序基本上是Mac上的paint.exe,它很漂亮。 我用它来补充妻子的照片,我认为这确实凸显了她艺术的细微差别。


Use this tool to make similar masterpieces, and not a whole lot more.


付费,但值得一看:Pixelmator (Paid, but Worth a Look: Pixelmator)

Pixelmator isn’t free, but it is a great cheaper alternative to Photoshop. It doesn’t offer all the features of Adobe’s premier image editor, but it offers a lot of them, and with a beautiful user interface that won’t hurt your head to use.

Pixelmator不是免费的,但它是Photoshop的一个非常便宜的替代品 。 它没有提供Adobe一流图像编辑器的所有功能,但提供了许多功能,并且具有漂亮的用户界面,不会伤害您的头部。


You’ve got layer-based editing, advanced effects, and a native user interface that even supports newfangled features like the touch bar. Pixelmator costs $30, but there’s a one-month free trial. That should be more than enough time to figure out if it fits into your workflow.

您具有基于图层的编辑,高级效果以及甚至支持触摸栏等新奇功能的本机用户界面。 Pixelmator售价30美元,但是有一个月的免费试用期。 那应该是足够的时间来确定它是否适合您的工作流程。

If none of these tools quite work for you, it might be time to look into some of the other paid, but cheaper photo editors on the Mac. You’d be surprised what you can get for under $100.

如果这些工具都不适合您,那么可能是时候研究一下Mac上其他一些付费但价格便宜的照片编辑器了。 您会惊讶于100美元以下的价格。

